June 2017 (Week 2)
+ Added combat between monsters, and monster factions. Villagers will now gang up on stray enemies or, if you attack them, on you
+ Added some spells
+ Added a combat system that takes armor and other stats into account
+ Added combat between monsters, and monster factions. Villagers will now gang up on stray enemies or, if you attack them, on you
+ Added some spells
+ Added a combat system that takes armor and other stats into account
+ Added a new modular interface system and made a new interface for the game.
+ Implemented a good dialogue system
+ First quest, in which you rescue a blacksmith from a bandits' hideout is almost finished
+ Added a minimap and a crude overworld map, plus ability to travel between locations
+ Some improvements to combat (enemies will try to surround you, wounded enemies will flee from combat)
+ Added inventory and equipment systems
+ Added interactive objects like doors and levers