Ghost Knight Victis

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Created player respawn/game over (will revise the look later)
- Had to do groceries during dev time
- Been playing too much vidya

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added "flinch resistance" to enemies. This means rapier attacks no longer immediately make enemies flinch. Instead they need to get hit in rapid succession enough to finally flinch. Enemy flinch resistance is naturally restored over time while not being hit (like stamina).
+ Added pooling system to the game. This speeds things up since assets like hit particle effects and healthbar displays in the GUI are recycled as needed.
- Reverted project to using the older version (Unity 5.5.2) because of some bugs in the GUI. (Previously, had to update to Unity 5.6 to be able to build to Mac OS X properly). Finding the cause of the GUI bug took quite some time.
- Had to work on my Asset Store plugin again (fixed bugs) which ate up some time.
- Still no player respawn but I am working on it.

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ Revised the particle effects for Phase Dash: shortened the trails and made it simpler.
- Some compile errors encountered when trying to deploy to Mac OS X, which prevented making a build, and took some time to figure out.
- Not much work done while preparing the demo day build.

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ Started improving the combat AI for the Wooden Mannequin.
+ Changed the look of the Phase Dash particle effects.
+ Added constantly emitting particle effects on Desparo's feet.
- Been working on fixing bugs on my Unity Asset Store plugin, which ate up time.

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Added stamina bars on enemies, below their health bars.
+ Added health and stamina number values on targeted enemy. Will probably add a checkbox in the game settings to turn this off/on.
+ Added more Behaviour Tree nodes to help with building the enemy AI more later on.
+ Fixed bug with enemy AI getting stuck after chasing the player.
- Been playing too much Nier Automata, eating up dev time.

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added new Behaviour Tree decorator nodes, mostly for enemy AI.
+ Fixed a few bugs with Behaviour Tree traversal code.
- Experiments with the enemy AI is buggy right now. Will continue next weekend.
- Attended a wake last weekend.

April 2017 (Week 1)

+ Added healthbars on enemies.
+ Slowed down the camera speed when tracking targets. It’s now also even slower the more that the target is already near the center of the screen. This is to prevent the camera from swinging around too fast when the player rapidly switches from target to target.

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Added brightness adjustment slider in the Graphics Settings screen
+ Added "Revert to saved" and "Reset to defaults" buttons in the Graphics Settings screen for canceling changes
+ Fixed a bug where the dropdown box would show the choices above even if there's enough space below
+ Added weapon "swoosh" trail effects

March 2017 (Week 4)

+ Changed layout of Graphics Settings screen so more of the game can be seen when toggling graphical effects.
+ Added V-sync, framerate cap, and texture quality in the settings.
+ Switched to using Unity's Post-Processing Stack fullscreen effects, which looks better and is faster.
+ Fixed lots of bugs with switching screen resolution.
- The bug with monitor switching was in Unity itself. As a workaround, I switched to using Borderless FullScreen Window instead. Exclusive FullScreen is disabled for now.

March 2017 (Week 3)

+ Created Graphics settings screen which changes screen resolution, toggles fullscreen/window mode, toggles graphical effects, etc.
- Changing screen resolution is still buggy, doesn't move to chosen monitor (on multiple monitor setup)

March 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added back quick thrusts to the rapier attack combo
+ Fixed bugs where damaging couldn't occur if the attack animation's length is too short
+ Updated video card drivers which got rid of this nasty bug that made the whole laptop hang when I'm working in Unity
- Preparing, uploading, and sharing downloadable demo ate up time
- Had a terrible headache

March 2017 (Week 1)

+ Got control settings screen working nicely
- Default Unity UI's Dropdown box was lacking functionality so I had to take time to create a custom dropdown box widget

February 2017 (Week 4)

+ settings now get saved to user's My Documents folder
+ some settings now working, including mouse sensitivity
+ some GUI skins like the slider and checkbox, are now in Unity and working
- spent too much time on the look for the scrollbar
- procrastinating

February 2017 (Week 3)

+ Tweaked Rapier combo attack animations, feels better now
+ Got hit pushback working again
+ Enemies don't hit each other anymore
+ Fixed lots of other small bugs
+ Started working on the GUI skin
- Can't burn my dread

February 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added new Rapier combo attack
+ Fixed colliders on the enemies so the Rapier charged attack now hits them
+ Updated plugins used
- Timing on pressing the attack button for the new Rapier combo attack is not easy to do, will need to tweak the animations
- Enemies are still hitting each other
- Bought and played Nioh
- Had to work on my side project, it's what pays the bills so I had to devote time on that too

February 2017 (Week 1)

+ Created a 3-part combo attack for the Wooden Mannequin enemy.
+ Fixed my targeting shader to show the metallic/roughness map properly.
- Enemies are hitting each other too much.
- Need to balance damage values, attack animation speeds, and stamina costs.
- Because of the way these enemies are shaped, the charged attack doesn't hit them. Will definitely need to add BoxCast as a different hit detection method.

January 2017 (Week 4)

+ Got the "Wooden Mannequin" new enemy 3d model working in-game
+ Got dual-wielding attacks working (attacks where right hand and left hand can both deal damage in a single attack animation)
+ Added multiple damage-dealing locations in the character. This was needed for dual-wielding attacks, but will also allow dealing damage from other body parts later on, especially useful for monsters (bite attacks, tail swipes, etc.)
- Spent majority of the Saturday watching that 3d Berserk TV series
- Got sick with cold and a runny nose

January 2017 (Week 3)

+ Controls Display now swaps between keyboard & mouse, and gamepad, depending on where input was detected. The display can also now be minimized.
+ Continued work on new enemy 3d model.

January 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added complete keyboard & mouse controls
+ Added in-game menu
+ Added nicer looking blur-behind-GUI effect
- can't think of good default keyboard & mouse controls