December 2022 (Week 2)

+ Added a quicker map-creation mode that skips going into the game-world and just generates and saves out the map directly
- This is a precursor to batch map generation, but that will come later
+ Put all the map related functions in their own menu
+ Hitting the 'back' button in the game lobby will either return the player to the map list, or the world map in the correct position depending on where the player originated
+ prerequisites and building info switched to a dedicated tag system
+ now all entities have a 'nation' tag which is linked to the 'nation' the player selects in the game lobby. Additional nations can now be added
+ The option to have buildings clear a tile of props has been added
+ Placing buildings in-game, in the editor, or via generation will now clear tiles (vid)
+ Units can now switch between different loadouts in the field. The M113, M-ATV and Stryker vehicle can switch between MGs and Grenade launchers
+ Updated all icons again so that the color tinting no longer causes small white dots
+ Added a bunker defense with fireport nodes, laying the groundwork for infantry using fireports next week
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2022 (Week 1)

+ World map now loops east-to-west (vid)
+ Added navigation arrows to the edge of the world map. These retract when the cursor is not near the edge.
+ World map grid shifted slightly so that generated maps can have nice base '0.5' or '0.25' longitude latitude increments
+ World map now has cursor pop-up menus to show the description of the maps
+ Maps with less than 2 starting positions can now be saved from the map maker
+ Maps with less than 2 starting positions can be displayed on the world map but can not be selected
+ csv splitter tool created to help world map generation
+ Music playback functionality with loopable tracks completed
+ Icon tinting to faction and camo colors added
+ Options menu selections are now saved between sessions
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2022 (Week 4)

+ Seamless world map had custom-sized multi-grid square maps restored
+ World map images reduced from retardedly large 3200x1600 to quite small 800x400, lag while scrolling eliminated
+ Terrain smoothing for building placement has been expanded (see vid)
+ Terrain smoothing now properly deletes water, although the opposite is not true
- This is not really a problem, since water tiles by default at level zero. Might be something we need to fix in future though
+ Building force place and force smooth options added to the entity import function
- Force place ignores terrain and clips buildings into terrain
- Force smooth forces the building to be placed and smooths the terrain without limits
+ This will improve map generation efficiency a lot since most of my map-making work is placing buildings that failed to get placed
+ Tweaks to tile prop and water cleaning rulesets
+ UI problems from font adjustment fixed.
+ Map generation macro for QGIS streamlined, is now at least x3 faster
+ Map generaiton rulseset and accuraacy improved
+ Added M1064 Mortar Carrier
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2022 (Week 3)

+ Flow map work is done moving on to bug fixing phase
+ Options and credits screens added.
+ Options currently has volume and full screen controls
+ Temp fix for text being too small by upping the size of all four standard fonts.
- This will create some UI glitches, we'll fix em' later.
+ Decals can now override a tile's terrain stat
- means a road decal placed on a dirt tile can be overridden to have asphalt terrain instead of dirt
+ Tiles now have a 'cleared' feature, where a tile's props, usually vegitation, can be cleared.
+ Added a music playlist function. Different environments can play from specific playlists.
+ All songs changed from wav to mp3s to save space.
+ Added M113 Medivac unit
+ Completely overhauled vehicular pricing, health, armor type, chassis type, and tags.
+ World map can now be browsed seamlessly at each level. (see vid)
- Next week, we'll be adding some features that is going to make map creation very fast and automatable.
- Every little square in that vid could be a map.
+ Just gonna keep hammering out these units and buildings
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2022 (Week 2)

+ Flow map work continues
+ Mainly working on optimizing redirecting units when the formation at the destination overlaps with other objects
+ Fixed helicopter movement
+ Fixed so that infantry can not board a helicopter in flight
+ Fixed so that infantry can not disembark from a helicopter in flight
+ Added M113 unit, with MG and grenade launcher variants
+ Added Stryker APC, with MG and grenade launcher variants
+ Added M-ATV grenade launcher variant
+ Changed older Stryker name to Stryker Dragoon, this is classified as a wheeled IFV
+ Units needed for the new loadout switching system is complete (see pic, renders and icons)
+ Just gonna keep hammering out these units and buildings
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2022 (Week 1)

+ Flow map work continues (gif)
+ Map creations continues, now with a smaller default map size
+ With the various optimizations, loading time on my comp goes from 40s to around 10s
+ Tracked and Wheeled vehicles now have different terrain cost stats
- This means that while wheeled vehicles generally have higher top speeds on roads, tracked vehicles have much better off-road performance
+ At the destination, if some units in a formation is blocked, those units will be ordered to move nearby
+ new faction tags added to all units and structures in preparation for the faction split
+ new conversion and loadout tags added to some vehicles for the conversion and loadout switching functions
+ All icons switch to more readable and easier-to-make icons. Last week was all vehicles, this week is structures. (pic)
+ More music tracks added, 30 in total, and now all converted to mp3s from the original wavs
+ These icons will be colored according to the faction and camo colors in-game.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2022 (Week 4)

+ Flow map work continues
+ A system that slows down units that are making sharp turns. (gif)
- With flow fields, units do not have a direction, that concept is tacked on. So without a system in place, units will be instant 180 degree turns.
+ Bug with unit navigation having a tough time getting to the build point and resource collection points fixed.
+ For flow field pathing, each map is broken up into 5x5 blocks. Blocks have been optimized, where passibility and terrain cost are identical.
+ All icons switch to more readable and easier-to-make icons (pic)
+ These icons will be colored according to the faction and camo colors in-game.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2022 (Week 3)

+ Flow map work continues
+ Slower units, like infantry, are now moved to the rear of the unit formations
+ Fixed speed and acceleration system so that vehicles don't overshoot their path nodes
+ Unit repulsion and interpenetration further tweaked, even when two large groups of units go through a tight space in opposite directions, none get stuck and all reach their destinations
- The trade-off is that it looks bad and there's heavy unit interpenetration when this happens. Also a vulnerability since they can more easily be destroyed in the bottleneck.
+ Faction tags added to prep for future faction split
+ New Vehicle Depot model to replace the old one (see vid)
+ Large shake-up of the focus of the game and tech tree. Vehicles are being split into three types, fixed-wing aircraft and boats will be removed for now.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2022 (Week 2)

+ Flow map work continues.
+ Repath functions restored
+ Tweaked the amount of interpenetration and repulsion so that units will never get stuck and always get to their destination. (see vid)
+ Modeling of new structures and vehicles continues.
+ Work on generating maps of the new size continues, the data for a couple thousand have been prepared. (smaller maps at same scale means way more of them)
+ World map scale changed to fit the smaller maps.
+ Because there are so many potential maps, we're going to only have 1 map per province, then a few for entry points, as well as important towns, infrastructure, installations.
+ The full set of maps will be stupendously numerous, will be available in future once we make batch map generation tools.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2022 (Week 1)

+ Flow map work continues, doing a lot of tests with flow maps.
+ Modeling of new structures and vehicles continues.
+ Due to constraints with path finding and player complaints of the maps being too big, gonna shrink map size down a bit.
+ Due to maps being shrunk, size of airfields being too big, and difficulty of getting fixed-wing aircraft to work right, we're going to ditch fixed-wing aircraft for now.
+ We might have aircraft as summonable powers like in CnC Generals.
+ Ships and naval forces will be put aside for a while, but will return later once we get things right.
+ Helicopters will remain, they vibe with the new map sizes and gameplay pretty well.
+ Generic faction secretaries designs completed. We can now mix-and-match hats, uniforms, hairstyles and colors for a huge amount of variety. (pic)
+ The goal is to have little campaigns available for all nations, and potentially some large armed groups as well.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2022 (Week 5)

+ Flow map work continues
+ Added a repulsive force and basic physics for all units that prevent units from overlapping
- This physics based system seems to be a far easier form of object avoidance than something that is actually dynamic
+ Destination formations are back in (vid)
- There's some jittering that we need to solve, probably by adding some rotational dampening
+ Formations can be made from a mix of entitles of different sizes and they will adjust automatically according to size
- Flow maps and movement are quite the pickle, we're trying to get it to run well with a hundred plus units, but it's a struggle
- Will likely have to limit selection sizes or reduce unit count to achieve smooth gamefeel.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2022 (Week 4)

+ Flow map work continues
+ Basic group movement function added
- This prevents clumping of units moving to the same destination
- This is different from flocking, not even sure we're going to add that right now
+ Looking into new object avoidance and physics library, might add that in to increase pathing speed and object avoidance quality
- Encountering some problems with the current system, so we're probably gonna ditch it in favor of this one where the units all have circular hitboxes instead of rectangles
+ Started character design for generic faction secretaries
+ Started doing concepts for some new buildings
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2022 (Week 3)

+ Check it out here:">
+ Flow map work continues
+ Adding flocking with flow fields to fix clumping of groups of units
+ Fully restored pathfinding with flow fields to work with bridges and tunnels (vid)
+ We now have pathing object avoidance in-game in its simplest form
+ Concept art for generic faction secretaries for all other nations started
+ Started sketching out some concepts for newer building designs.
- The current vehicle depot's function will be split into three separate buildings in future
- I'm heckn' sick so not much progress from me
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2022 (Week 2)

+ Check it out here:">
+ Flow map work continues
+ We now have pathing object avoidance in-game in its simplest form
+ Fixed a bug with automatic LoD generation
+ Gonna restart asset production soon, including vegetation for different biomes
+ Work with switching pathfinding over to flowmaps continues. Progress is good, but might need another month or so
+ 0.075, which will just be bug fixes and more maps, may or may not happen
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2022 (Week 1)

+ Remade the 6 maps of Crete using the new workflow but with roads. Looks cool, but the roads are still a bit weird.
+ map count: 109
+ Made significant progress with road decal generation. Redid all the road decals too. (pic)
- Gonna improve the road decal design and better normals at a later date.
+ Added a really cool debugger for road tiles and other decal work.
+ Work with switching pathfinding over to flowmaps continues. Progress is good, but might need another 2 months or so.
+ Outputted version 0.07 for release, but there's a bug with the release build, so we need to iron that out first.
+ With luck, release of 0.07 this week.
+ 0.075, which will just be bug fixes and more maps, may or may not happen.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2022 (Week 4)

+ map count: 103
+ workflow for generation of wilderness maps finalized for now
+ added support for folders in the maps/world folder to help with organization
+ Fixed bugs and problems in workflow to properly import node / town names and their populations
+ Added another functions that forces generation of entities regardless if tiles are slanted or not
+ Work switching pathfinding over to flowmaps has begun. This might take 2 months to do. Yikes. (pictured)
- This should significantly improve the pathfinding speed, especially for more complicated maps.
+ Added a system for flowmaps that blocks some or all units for traversing if there is an overpass that is too low. (pictured)
+ Fixed some minor bugs and tweaked UI a bit.
+ Resuming decal work for roads.
+ All core features for version 0.07 and 0.075 have been completed. Just need to hunt bugs, grind maps, and finish decals.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2022 (Week 3)

+ Streamlining map generation workflow. Created about 37 maps in 2 hours, but they're all wilderness.
- Per-map creation efficient will rise greatly as we move into the North American and Eurasian mainland. Coastal maps take more work.
- The Ultimate goal is to create maps covering the entire world.
+ Gonna finish up this round of map creation and go fix the decals next.
+ Two biomes created, Tundra and Polar. 0.07 will only have these two on top of the default one.
+ Map entities import function can now have conditions like 'don't place when tile is water'.
+ Per map map tinting function added. Adds a little bit of visual variety.
+ Bugged the Love2D devs to fix a problem with the .dds file format. They finally said they'd fix it in the next version.
+ All core features for version 0.07 and 0.075 have been completed. Just needs to fix bugs and grind out some maps.
+ Work on version 0.08, which revolves around changing the whole navigation system to flow maps, has begun.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2022 (Week 2)

+ New tool that allows customization of UVs for tiles within the editor. This helps making the tile decals easier
- Gonna leave decal and road work to the side while I finish working on biomes and world map generation
+ Expanded the csv import functions to add some map data for the map generator.
+ With the import functions, the csvs, plus the heightmap, tilemap and roadmap, the task of generating world maps is very fast per map.
+ The ultimate goal is to create enough maps to cover the ENTIRE world.
- Should amount to less than 75k maps. Most of these are wilderness, and will be included in a separate map pack.
+ Open map folder feature has been added to support future map pack implementation.
+ Bug with height-based tile tinting has been fixed.
+ World map can now accommodate maps that are multiple long-lat grid squares. (vid)
- This is needed for the arctic, but also for maps with thin shorelines that need to be combined with an adjacent map.
+ Named map nodes (towns, military outposts, etc.) can be displayed in-game and edited in the map editor
+ A generated map_info.csv file will insure that all maps have a unique name and unique map description.
+ All core features for version 0.07 and 0.075 have been completed. Just needs to fix bugs and grind out some maps.
+ Work on version 0.08, which revolves around changing the whole navigation system to flow maps, has begun.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2022 (Week 1)

+ Make maker decal import is implemented.
+ Roadmaps can now be resolved and imported as decals has been implemented.
- The implementation of the roadmap resolution means that the road decal tiles will likely need to remade.
- There's a method that literally yields all possible arrangements of the road, so we'll just make all possible variants.
+ Map node import csv now has text portion separated out as a i18n file. This will help with adding languages in future, and mirrors our UI work.
+ Map importer can now read text and data attached to specific nodes.
- Some nodes on maps will have town names and population attached to them, which will affect AI behavior and gameplay in future.
+ Conditions can be set in map node csv so that standard sets of map nodes can be generated for maps.
+ Biomes introduced, a biome is just a standard set of instructions for the heightmap to tilemap generation process.
+ Arctic biome created
+ 316 maps, mostly in the Greenland, Nunavut, Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya.
- These maps are all desolate arctic maps, so is a good set for a test of map creation nodes, biomes, and batch processing.
+ The massive volume of future maps will require a separate map pack.
+ The core game in future will mainly contain maps with towns and such and less complete wilderness.
+ Most core functions for 0.07 and even 0.075 have been implemented. Which is 1 month ahead of schedule.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2022 (Week 4)

+ Road tile decal set approaches finalization, normals are done as well
+ Road tileset rejigged to be rotated by 45 degrees instead of only 90 degrees. Reducing the tile count a bit. (pic)
+ Tile decal UVs shrunk so that the textures could be rotated 45 degrees
+ Tile transitions improved
+ Node csv importer completed, which also functions for any entities
+ Node csv import functions added to both the map creation and map editor interfaces
+ Node csv import condition functions added. When placing nodes, it can detect what type of tile its on and place the correct node accordingly.
+ Map creation issue where tile types are limited to 4 in each chunk fixed
+ Tile and tile decal roughness and metalness values added. This takes place of roughness and metalness texture maps.
+ Exploring what types of tiles are needed for certain biomes for map generation.
+ Gonna start pumping out maps like crazy soon.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2022 (Week 3)

+ Water height-based rendering added, shallow water, nearer to the shore, is more transparent, while deeper water, is more opaque. (pic)
+ Multiple types of water can exist on a single map (pic)
- however, due to rendering issues, two different types of water textures can not be adjacent because there can't be transition.
+ Props (which are 2D) can now rest in water (a 3d plane) and be correctly obscured by each other (pic)
+ Tiles and water will have metalness and smoothness values (not textures) added. They have color and normal textures.
+ Tile props, which is grass at the moment, has been fixed and can co-exist with water. (pic)
- Yes, the current grass is ugly, that will be fixed once the workload tapers off a bit.
+ Tile height-based tinting added. (pic)
+ Basic functionality for tile decals added. This will be used for roads, blood, craters and other things (pic)
+ Map nodes, which players and AI will fight over and interact with, have been created.
+ Map node batch import function added.
+ Stat editor updated to accommodate these various editions.
+ Road tile generation workflow has been completed.
+ Road tile decal work has begun.
+ Hammered out how tile decals work, which will be helpful for road generation.
+ Exploring what types of tiles are needed for certain biomes for map generation.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2022 (Week 2)

+ 3D tiles with seamless textures are in
+ Textures transition seamlessly
+ Texture LoD is in
+ Water is in, can be animated and can also transition seamlessly between different types of water
- Looks weird and is way too bright, will tweak later.
+ New grass and tile-linked objects are in.
- Grass is too dark and blurred for some reason will tweak later.
+ Lots of changes to the tile data structure to support the new texture, water, and grass systems.
+ Hammered out how tile decals work, which will be helpful for road generation.
+ Exploring what types of tiles are needed for certain biomes for map generation.
+ Really trying to solve road generation using raster maps extracted from QGIS and Open Street Maps.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2022 (Week 1)

+ Next version is tile and map focused
+ 3D tiles more or less finalized, more tile textures for more tile types continues
+ Seamless tile textures are implemented
+ Seamless tile texture transitions are also in (pic)
- Some restrictions in how many different types of tiles can exist in a single chunk of the map, which is 15x15 tiles
- If there are too many types of tile textures in a chunk, a checker marks it out with red boxes in the map editor
+ Map genration now uses QGIS, which can output heightmaps and roadmaps at the correct scale. This reduces many processing steps
+ Roadmaps from QGIS are pixel-perfect but still require some processing and additional functions in map generation before they can be used
- Map generation using tangram heightmapper and literal screen grabs of Google maps roads has been binned
+ With batch processing, generation of base maps for all landmasses on Earth is achievable
- Currently have 316 maps in the docket, ready for further processing and testing
+ Now that tiles are a little more fleshed out, work for specific biomes can begin
+ Automatic node generation is in the works. These will help the AI navigate as well as automatically set start positions, resources, and map exit points
+ Lots of changes to the data editor with regards to the tile data
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.06 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2022 (Week 5)

+ Sidebar redesigned to be much more comprehensive and display much more information
+ New ledger menu added to display information that can't fit into the sidebar, like the tech tree.
+ World map map selection in order to select real-world maps. (Only 6 maps from Crete for now)
+ Added more hotkeys and functions like control groups.
+ Check out the full 0.06 release post here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: