Autumn Vale

August 2017 (Week 3)

+ Moved to Unity from Unreal. Taking advantage of the move to be more rigorous with defensive coding techniques and unit/integration testing.
+ Item system greatly simplified with proper Interface types from C#.
+ Unit tests revealed some previously unknown bugs with an edge case in my inventory system. Fixed.
- Moved to Unity from Unreal.
- Most things being pass-by-reference in C# surprises me in bad ways.

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ Context-aware usage on items implemented
+ Crop seedling placeholders made.
- Dickin around with materials and rendering settings in ue4

July 2017 (Week 3)

+ Refactored item code. Now easier to add/edit new items and behaviors without a billion blueprints cluttering my project.
+ Item spawning now driven by data from a table rather than entered by hand in the console.
- Gutted majority of blueprints which used to make up the items and inventory.
- Mysterious crashes and Item data table wiped. Attempts to force delete only saw it re-appear in the project for unknown reasons. Replacing references to the table with another table pissed ue4 off even more. A couple editor restarts later, the old table is restored (albeit missing a few rows but OK). A few, but not all, uses of the table in my blueprints broke without notification but compiled fine; some fuckery was afoot.

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Made some placeholder models for gardening tools (hoe and pick mattock)
+ Fixed socket error with models so they both line up with the player's hand when attached. The transform of one of the models in blender was crazy numbers instead of 0 on export.

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Items can be swapped around in inventory and be swapped with empty slots as well.
+ Fixed bug with stack size display when item is dragged in inventory.
+ Fixed bug with inventory slot style after an item is dragged from or over said slot.

February 2017 (Week 1)

- Fixed some ridiculous collision behavior issues which boiled down to "restart UE4 50 times"
+ Improved camera behavior to not be so jarring while moving suddenly to the left or right of it
- Some placeholders created in Blender for boulders and stumps for the player to destroy. They look like ass. This was the furthest thing away from progress possible.

January 2017 (Week 4)

+ Spawning new actors on surface of clicked mesh
+ Snapping spawned actors to invisible grid on creation
+ Items can be "collected" by walking near them