June 2021 (Week 4)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ Thanks to kind words last week (and lack of visual progress), I'm posting more faction secretaries today.
- These gals are in the tier two factions, so they probably wouldn't see the light of day till way way later.
+ Fuckn' retarded bug that makes it crash on windows guarenteed but only on normal plebian computers. No bug report either.
- Doesn't affect the coder's Windows patrician monolithic space station of a computer. So he can't replicate the error.
- Reconfigure the game so that we can have the game spit out a crash dump.
- Somewhere in the code, a divide by zero is occuring.
+ Stupid divide by zero bug is fixed.
+ Two other game-breaking bugs are fixed.
+ Beginning to resolve multiplayer desyncing issues and increasing stability.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new pipeline designed which is basically complete.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist: soundcloud.com/user-255042164/sets/b-b-ost
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io








+ New collectible that you lose one of when you take damage
+ Fancy UI animations
+ Egg UI for your egg collecting needs

Cult of Damaskus





+ Began working on a level theme. Very much a WIP: soundcloud.com/kistol/throwing-down-excerpt/s-C1cvwhvw2Va
+ Drafted almost all sprites & animations for basic "Mask" and not-basic "Shotgun Mask" enemy types
+ Implemented the last bread-and-butter enemy type with placeholder art.
+ Began cleaning up + working on new Bully sprites & animations (he's a bull with a mask. :3)
+ Cleaned up Shotgun sprites and animations a bit more.
+ Further adjusted AI system. Enemies can respond to the player in fun and dynamic ways without being too intelligent.
+ Began working on babby's first level, which will probably never see the light of day.
+ Tons of other small updates and fixes. Demo soon (TM)





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Added Falldamage
Fixed items not unequipping correctly when NPCs finish the respective interaction
Creatures now equip their desired combat weapon when being hit while not having a weapon equipped, instead of trying to hit the enemy with whatever tool they currently have / plain fists
Added Item names and descriptions ( not english for now)
Wrote out Pomaodevs Dialogue and Quest, aswell as parts of the Main Quest ( also not english for now)
Creatures no longer continue their daily routines when being spoken to

Added Base Dialogue to Guard Captain and Potionshop Girl
Added Trade for Potionshop Girl
fixed NPCs continuing their routine while being traded
fixed Player being able to move while trading with NPCs
fixed Camera reseting while Trading
Added Pink Plant for Lovepotion Quest

Added Potato, Corn and Bread to clear the Darkness
Added Wine
Added General Knowledge into Questlog
Added Lovepotion Quest
Added Quest specific Dialogue to Potionshop girl
Added Dialog to Jürgen
Found out Skeletons hate each other, and other AI Bugs
Added Drinking Quest for Farmers
Added CropReport Item
Fixed some minor issues with Dialog Displays

Reworked Magic scrolls into weapons instead of consumable items
Added first animation for magic use
Fixed Guards not rotating correctly
Fixed Creatures not having the correct names
Fixed Dialoguepartners not always looking at each other
Fixed Player continuing to rotate towards his dialog partner even after the dialog has finished
Fixed Creatures always having to stop their interactions when talking
Fixed NPCs teleporting on top of items instead of sitting on chairs

fixed Creatures not avoiding each other when moving around
Moved DD bounds to allow players to visit the bar
Fixed animation when walking to the side and back simultaniously
fixed Creatures not rotating towards their target when standing to close
Prepared Material Instances for texturing
Placed a few Fooditems around the world

Added Rendertargets to replace Inventory Icons
Textured Farmhouses and City Houses
Remove wrongly placed Demowall
Fixed Issue with some items being invisible in the Inventory
Fixed Farmhouse floor not being big enough, and ground clipping through
Added simple Poise system
Added workaround for dead Creatures occasionally clipping into the floor
Textured Hay doodads

Monospaced Lovers


Scarlet String Studios


Unity, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Audacity



+ Sheepish Slime now reacts if you try to bomb her house
+ Replaced most OnCollision events with something that works cleanly with the new kinematic controller
+ Improved random tile so that it doesn't place identical tiles as neighbors
+ Improved NPC AI that was causing trouble in a specific sidequest

rocket sword game


Godot, Aseprite



+ even more blood particles
+ never-ending tweaks to game-feel and manoeuvring the sword
+ enemies shoot at you now, but it doesn't do anything yet
+ remade some assets for the ground/background, improved the jet flame sprites for readability/distinguishing them from blood sprites (webm zoomed in for better preview)
+ began work on mockup for HUD elements and a health mechanic (so that this may actually be a game someday)
+ set up very basic object pooling to optimize certain nodes that need a lot of instances at once
- had plans to go out and record foley for sound effects/death screams with my friends, but they pussied out because the weather is apparently "too hot"

+ slightly increased gore
+ implemented basic health system (no death/gameover yet)
+ drew health bar and wrote a simple shader to make it look more like blood
+ experimenting with a super chunky hitstop effect, probably will tone it down a bit
+ created more background assets
+ refactoring and cutting out obsolete systems/scenes

Flappy Angels

+ wrote out a project document
+ started a project
+ got all the shaders and prototype assets
+ basic prototype gameplay scripts started
+ basic juice scripts started

Horse Game 2



Fixed a ton of various bugs. Added functionality to give horses items with a task. Currently you can give a horse a handaxe and they will go cut down trees, then bring you all the logs.








+ Map Selection menu with corresponding online rooms for 35 maps
+ Local Play option in menu
+ Minigame Selection menu
+ Seven New Minigames






A top-down wave-based survival shooter, inspired by the SAS Zombie Assault, but with more lasers. Been a few months in the making slapping everything together, but moving towards steadily towards release, with a build being premiered on Demo Day. Includes multiplayer and single player modes.