September 2021 (Week 2)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Added heightmap import function
+ You can drag and drop a heightmap in. Limited to total area of 4 mil pixels, or 2000 by 2000
+ Basic features, like default tile type, sea tile type, sea height, etc.
+ Map size is large and comfy
- Minimap is still fucked, will fix that soon
- Due to the addition of terrain, the game can't extract the per-tile color for the minimap anymore
- Need to set the per-tile color manually, which could be useful for future features
+ Side bar UI broke but was fixed
+ Mouse and selection box needed to be fixed as it only operated on height of 0. It was offset at other heights
+ multi-level pathfinding seems to work rather well, which is a huge relief
+ Technically, the pathfinding shouldn't work on huge maps yet, but it does in a limited fashion
- The pathfinding works with any path that is within 100 x 100 tiles, anything above and it won't pathfind
- Huge map pathfinding will take a while do. Such is life.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

Cult of Damaskus




+ Started working on a new enemy, the Cherub. A fast, low-tier flier who will try to strafe around the player between firing cycles.
+ Working on a new movement script for flying enemies, such as Arms and the new Cherub. Being able to properly fly will make Arms much more interesting to fight, I'm hoping, when combined with the following change:
+ Added residual hazard puddles to Arms' projectiles - not pictured because they look godawful as of writing this. When their fireballs land, they will leave a temporary puddle of fire/lava/whatever it winds up being that damages you if you step in it. I'm hoping to make certain combat encounters more about fighting for space/territory with these additions and changes.
+ Started drafting up a rework for Enforcers (the big fat shirtless diaperbabies with assault rifles) since they do nothing interesting, offer no challenge, and aren't particularly fun to fight.

Monmusu Curse!



+ Drew some quick tree tiles and butchered some code to make them spawn correctly. When a construct is spawned (shrine) it checks if any trees exist there, and sends them to the back of the z axis if they have so they appear behind the construct. Aside from just making the maps more diverse, the trees only spawn when the corridor-making procdeure digs straight down, and the player can climb trees, so it means that players shouldn't get trapped down pitfalls/can get back up to the surface easier.
+ Player can also gather food from randomly generated foliage now. Food is going to be kept simple so the player doesn't really have to manage it until it's taken away and they have to look for 'alternative sources'. Or otherwise provide effects.
+ Trees are the last thing on my immediate to-do list that isn't working on character designs/sprites so I can stop fucking around now. I can make the trees cooler/more diverse and have fruit trees way later down the line.

+ Fixed stuff I got from feedback which is mostly just making the GUI more obvious or less intrusive for anything but big screens. There's still some work to do such as making the upper GUI scroll out of the way after showing you updates. You can also toggle the move indicators to be more opaque. It's a start.
+ Completely removed all the royalty-free music so your ears can suffer my beginner-tier composing instead.
+ Fixed various bugs, including one that made the game appear as a trojan.
+ Minor bugfixes like fixing eight-direction attacks not doing what the indicators say it'll do.
+ Made main menu buttons light up when you hover over them. Might go and do this for many other buttons.

Girl's Lovecast




Unity, Clip Studio Paint, FL Studio


+ Finish redoing all of the school assets (for the time being)
+ Add and adjust lighting for each area of the school
+ Set up teleporters for all of the rooms
+ Fix bug where audio clips would not be shared across scenes
- Remove dev commentary from intro scene
+ Fix soft-locking bug with counterDodge attack
+ Fix SaveData UI bug that caused Save Menu UI elements to remain on screen if player exited menu too fast
+ Adjust colliders in prologue office area
+ Decrease teleporter wait time
+ Add NPC node collision triggers to lock players out of areas for now and display a message stating that they can't go in
+ Init script to prepare the school level upon loading

TDFren's Tower Defense Game




Unity, Gimp, Aseprite, Krita, Tilesetter


Prevented path from getting completely blocked

Build error messages inform user of the rules

Foundations can be built on water/sand that allow structures to be built over them

Cyberdome Penelopenxia




Unity, Blender, Fmod, Cinemachine, Audacity, Gimp, Inkscape, VRoid


++ New player model
+ New wristblades

+ improved bullet blocking angle detection
+ fixed: player getting physics'd by enemy bullets
+ block while moving full speed and sliding
~ Melee boosting sprint is now a slower slide (probably bring it back later as an optional upgrade)

+ added assorted sound fx
+ more menu tooltips
+ minor adjustments to lighting, materials, and menu format
++ Shop menu (functionality and visuals)

+ fixed: pressing esc while holding a module in internal editing deleting the module
+ fixed: not getting items after a battle (due to misspelled item keys, whoops)

currently working on melee improvements, experimenting with arcs on swings so I can make hitboxes a bit bigger without it being visually weird







Hotfix for the demo to get rid of the most important bugs:
- Corrigé lignes en français
- Fixed being able to climb some spiky rock walls
- Fixed incorrect number of collectibles in library level
- Fixed Windows exe icon
- Fixed crash in Sandbox level
- Added ball in Sandbox level

Fixes for the demo:
- Save files from old demos should now correctly have the first 4 levels unlocked
- Test level shouldn't show on the world map anymore (you couldn't actually enter it so you didn't miss anything in case you're wondering)
- Worded some dialog lines better
- Controller's left stick should now work for navigating menus
- Moved the red round button in Rocks and Boxes level to fix a cheese. You could also get softlocked if you threw the rock behind the door but missed the button. The pebble now respawns if you don't pick it up for a while so you can't lose it and get yourself stuck.
- Added another ball in sandbox level





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

More Work on New Map
Finished Layout of the Intro Dungeon
Added small Falldamage trap to Intro Dungeon for Unaware people to fall into
Added attachable Belt lanterns to clear the darkness ( aren't marked as equipped yet when opening the Inventory, AttachAnimation needs to be mirrored, as socket is on the other side of the pelvis )
Creatures now check for overlapping actors on beginPlay
Added Keyholes ( switches that require a certain Item in Inventories to work )
Doors now Slide open when their switch is activated instead of teleporting open
Fixed Issue with Switches not Rotating Actors correctly
Fixed Keyholes displaying the wrong Interaction Headline
Dialog Choices can now also require QuestHints to be not known and/or items to be not owned in order to be displayed
Modelled, Unwrapped and Weighted new EarthLizard Enemy
Textured EarthLizard Enemy
Animated EarthLizard Enemy
setup EarthLizard Enemy in Engine
Fixed AI not working on non-human Creatures
Fixed Attacking not working when target is already overlapping the attack hitbox
Fixed Interaction not working when target is already overlapping the interact hitbox
Removed Captain, added back Pomaodev
Added Parts of Pomaodevs new Hut
Added Intro Dialog for Pomaodev
Made Key Model and Added Key into the Game properly, instead of Placeholder Bread
Made Door Model and Added into the Game properly
Pomaodev Tutorial Character now gets removed correctly once Player moves far enough into the ruins
Written First Part of MainQuest that walks through the Tutorial
Fix EarthLizard corpses not displaying name/highlight when dead
Fixed falldown animation sometimes playing multiple times
Fix InteractionAnimation playing if the player is missing the correct item
Fixed Fallmontage playing when ending animations

Fixed One Dialog Line focusing the wrong person
Dialog now can display some ending Text before closing if you select a choice without follow-up choices
Changed Ancient Stonewalls from Greyish to a more brownish tone ( might change back again )
Fixed Player "name" appearing in textboxes spoken by the player instead of not displaying a name
Fixed some Bugs with Material Highlighting
Increased Falldamage Lethality height drastically ( might reduce a bit later )
"Fixed" EarthLizard Eating Spots not working correctly (Just redid it exactly the same, now it works )
Fixed Issue with Navmesh not having correct MaxSlope Angle causing NPCs to be unable to walk over certain Stairs
Adjusted Agressiveness and Sensing-Radius of Tutorial Enemy, so you can't just ignore him as easily
Fixed Player getting Softlocked when moving during pressing Switches

rocket sword game


Godot, Aseprite


+ resizing the viewport and selecting different pixel-size options implemented, now every aspect ratio and resolution within reason is supported
+ added new grappling hook enemies for level 2
~ really need to make a trailer so i can make a steam page i think
- making videogames is hard

rogue planet




ue4, ATBTT, git, metahumans


+ Can spawn settlements automatically, which will be handy later on.
+ Medkit now takes into account medical skill
+ Multi-tile obstacles that provide cover now properly block pathfinding.
+ I was unable to make a Linux build for DD40. Need to troubleshoot a bit more.
+ Left for later the "Defuse trap ability"
+ The combat level had too much stuff, so I replaced it with a smaller one.
+ I will eventually need to find a name for the project since "rogue planet" has huge namespace collisions.



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Coded up some parallax shaders.
+ Created a space mirror.
+ Added tracking sensor tech to hazards, and generally anything.
+ Scanners can now have and report different kinds of hazards or revelations.
+ Added a ship-to-ship resolver that gets the NPC equivalent of existing player ships.
+ Progress tracking items no longer appear offscreen when they shouldn’t.
+ Line connectors can now connect directly to the player, instead of another connector.
+ Added proximity activators, which are overengineered to hell but can execute code on players who meet their requirements.
+ Switching between UI windows is far faster.
+ UI windows now highlight which one is open.
+ Can toggle UI window on and off by pressing the button, bringing it line mechanically with the rest of the UI.
+ Moved best prices window over to the description window.
+ Stations can now display best prices.
+ Best price displays now clamp their prices.
+ Line connectors can be dragged by the player and connected to other stuff, as well as gradually reach out.
+ Checked up on some beam lasers.