September 2021 (Week 3)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Ironed out some issues with the map import function
- Minimap is still fucked, will fix that soon
+ Streamlined asset production workflow, made a universal texture with all required layers.
- Building placement is F'd, as we haven't implemented flat terrain detection for building placement yet. (vid)
- This increases asset production speed a lot, render prep is now just assigning a material for the whole asset.
+ Included unit icon and renders into the workflow which will be used in the UI in future.
+ The long slog for large map path finding begins.
- We will be putting in a higher level of path finding, so that the game can search through large chunks first.
+ Basic pathfinding layers are in. There are now, 10x10, 100x100, and 1000x1000 tile blocks used for pathfinding.
- Huge map pathfinding will take a while do. Hopefully done before the end of the month.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ trying out progress-posting schedule. Mondays for features. Thursdays for units and assets.
+ new unit production workflow near final, probably won't change for a while
+ new unit icons and renders
+ Units include:
- Stryker Ambulance variant
- Stryker APC actually the Stryker Dragoon IRL
- Stryker MGS mobile gun system variant
- Stryker Mortar variant
- Stryker SHORAD variant
- JLTV light troop transport
- JLTV ambulance variant
- Obviously, there's a lot of Strykers. That's the US's highly versatile vehicle, you can switch between variants on the battlefield.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

Girl's Lovecast




Unity, Clip Studio Paint, FL Studio


+ Connect school and city levels
+ Adjust afternoon lighting
+ Set up school spawn positions for player and party members
+ Set up lighting at School level startup depending on the time of day
+ Increase projectile speed and damage output of enemies leading up to the final prologue boss
- Decrease default MasterVolume
- Decrease messagebox transition time
+ Change NPC dialogue in prologue if player is disguised
+ Start working on scene where protag gains her powers
+ Wrote a song for the school level, do you rike it? (It's really just a remake from an old song I wrote)

Snowstorm 2.5D





This is a quick summary of changes made at random times since the first post and before the more structured progress posts that are to follow.

Added gun placeholder, laser pointer and rapid fire of projectiles
Added crosshair
Added crouching
Added spawnpoints for enemies and related logic
Expanded the AI related classes a lot
Added basic visibility checks (enemy vision)
Idea guy bonus:
Spent lots of time contemplating control layouts, weapons, snow rendering, the linear structure of how one level follows another, how boss fights could work and countless other things.

Snow - Check.
Storm - Pending...

Different wind speeds require different turbulence (noise) settings, placement, emitters etc. so I am creating prefabs for them. Much easier to handle. Using triggers to kill particles allows massive increases in the rate and is a very manual process as well so that's another reason.
Screenshot: Snow flakes are now lit. There is a performance impact but it's worth it.

The flat plane is gone, replaced by a grid of ice blocks instantiated with an editor script. So far the functionality is only "fill the whole grid with blocks" (82 blocks, big time saver) and "delete all the blocks" (quality of life feature).
Also added light probes, made the snow flakes brighter, worked out better lighting settings and better skyboxes for night and day.





Godot, Gimp

* Demo day feedback update
* add down press to move camera down
* fix turret sound repeat bug
* change the first save location so it cannot be missed
* fix issue with player unpausing during upgrade pickups
* make currency fly towards the player when he gets close enough
* hungry vines die after a couple hits
* flies die upon damaging the player

rogue planet




ue4, ATBTT, git, metahumans


+ Working on the UI: Added resource counter.
+ Added MG to the pick-up.
+ Cleaned up the code a bit.

+ Replaced pick-up with a more "late-game" vehicle.
+ Changed the default map so the demo is less confusing.
+ AI is charging forward with little regard for their safety. Needs fixing.

I'm sorry to hear that, anon. I hope you're seeing a doctor for treatment. I don't know about your specific circumstances, but maybe you could build a scale of social interaction, from easier for you (4chan) to harder (face-to-face conversation with a total stranger). But if you're seeing a psychologist (please, do if you don't!) I'm sure they'll have better ideas.

Cult of Damaskus




+ Mostly finished the Cherub enemy. Still have some bugs to work out with the new flying movement and need to give them sounds, animations, etc.
+ Started testing 3 & 1/2 new enemy types:
+ Mid-tier enemies who (primarily) rapidly fire slow-moving projectiles
+ Low/mid-tier melee enemies who summon a little familiar when combat starts, or when their familiar is dead. I may also give them a special ability in the form of creating a destructible, 1-way shield for their nearby allies.
+ Familiars, weak fliers that fire slow-moving projectiles at a very slow rate. Spawned by the previous enemy type.
+ High-tier fat tanky melee enemies with mouths in their stomachs, who will occasionally try to grapple the player with their stomachmouth's tongue and reel them in. While attempting to grapple, their stomach becomes a weak point and will take extra damage if shot. If the player is grappled, shooting the stomach will immediately cancel the grapple.
+ Still working on rebalancing the fat diaperbaby tubbos with assault rifles to make them interesting to fight
+ Considering reworking the bulls again as well
+ Vaguely planned out the themes for 8 levels
- My levels still suck ;_;



Broadwood Studio


GameMaker Studio 2, Aseprite

+ Added a boss, the Monger of War
+ Added some polish and small bug fixes
+ Added new enemy, based on both a shark and an eel
+ Added new enemy, based on a shrimp
+ Created exploding pearls, which launch in a random direction with gravity on creation
+ Sprited new boss
+ Sprited new enemy
+ - Created a boss including sprites, but it doesn't feel great to fight, so it will likely be scrapped





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Split Knockdown timings for getting knocked unconscious and falling from to height into seperate values for finer control
Moving during Blocking is no longer possible
Reduced range between EarthLizards observing potential threats and reacting to them
Creatures should no longer just stand on their preferred combat range for an indefinite amount of time waiting for the player to make a move sometimes, but always take some kind of action after a certain time to not cause scared players to potentially stay in combat forever
Creatures should now focus their attention only to potentially dangerous threats, instead of looking confused at their allies when any danger comes close
Apparently you can execute people while already executing them, resulting in double the experience. Still working on replicating the Bug
Creatures getting Struck in combat can now (sometimes correctly) call their friends to help if they have any

Unconscious creatures no longer rotate towards the player when getting looted
Pickup/Interact Highlights should no longer appear while in combat stance
Minor Adjustments to various methods for a better flow
Players can now equip and use melee and ranged weapons simultanously ( still some minor things to be added here )

Player now puts his weapons away if he is accessing his inventory
Player no longer softlocks when opening Inventory exactly while drawing a weapon
Now only hides Weapons held in your hand when consuming items, instead of all weapons
Creatures can no longer draw a ranged weapon if they have none equipped
Inventory now correctly displays all equipped weapons/Armor as equipped
Unequipping a single weapon no longer unequips the other type aswell
Inventory now displays all keys you can press to draw the specific weapon ( based on its type and user settings )
Inventory no longer displays the amount of an item you have in the stack if the stack is only 1 item high ( so weapons i.e. dont always display a small 1 in the bottom left, since they cant stack )

rocket sword game


Godot, Aseprite


+ steam page essentially done, everything except the trailer is ready (and the trailer is nearly done)
+ added a training/testing environment for easier development of new content
+ barely started on a new enemy (you can maybe find him in the video ...) just to feel like i have made *some* progress today
~ did a bunch of sketching out levels and stuff in my journal but im too lazy to actually make them
~ not much actual real progress this week because i suck



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Did more with those beam connectors. You know the ones.
+ Fade out planes can now specify colors.
+ Added an auto-station/system teleporter with some frankly, overengineered aspects.
+ Wrote significant portions of the main campaign, finally finishing its first draft!
+ Rigged and animated Ballden eyes. Also learned how to rig and animate bones.
+ Took the plunge to start learning Substance Painter.
+ Added a generic activator that can activate other activators, which is so generic it ends up having an oddly large amount of uses.
+ Optimized textures and effects in one of the game’s secret raids.







- Made it so you can press right or left against a wall to climb up ledges instead of having to press up. Seems to work pretty well.
- Fixed stuff in menus.
- Fixed (?) seams around tiles that appear on very high resolutions.
- Listed all the things I have to fix (but didn't actually fix a lot yet).