September 2021 (Week 4)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Spent some time thinking about how to implement roads efficiently
+ Three-layer pathing added (vid). Pathing pretty quick on medium-sized maps
- Now there's a grid of 1 cell, grid of 10 cells, and grid of 100 cells, and the pathfinding utilizes all three.
- Huge maps now take quite a long time to load, since it needs to pre-load the entire map once
- After loading a map, placing structures and editing the terrain will only require re-initializing a small map chunk. So that's no big deal.
- RAM usage is now the main limiting factor for map size, Luagit can only manage 2 Gs of RAM. We need to make our own memory management system in future.
+ Due to the issues mentioned above, we're limiting map size in version 0.02 to 500x500,
- in future versions we plan on solving these problems and bumping the map size up to 2000 x 2000.
+ Basic structure building now functionally restored.
- There are still graphical issues like floating buildings and clipping into terrain.
+ Restoring minimap functionality and fixing building structures is next.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ M109A7 Paladin Artillery
- Just this one unit this week, was busy IRL
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

Cult of Damaskus




+ Fixed harpoons for the harpoon chainsaw. Enemies will now be pulled much more reliably in tight or obstacle-heavy areas instead of colliding with something and immediately stopping.
+ Added fall damage.



Broadwood Studio


GameMaker Studio 2, Aseprite

+ Fully implemented new boss: the Cyclops
+ New track, the boss theme
+ New track, a second athletic theme
+ Began working on the final boss, have all the outline done up
+ Made a new HUD for the final boss encounter
+ Began working on setpieces for individual levels

Girl's Lovecast




Unity, Clip Studio Paint, FL Studio


+ Decrease SFX volumes on InitialConfig screen that appears when player launches the game for the first time
+ MainMenu now gets the MasterVolume PlayerPref at each scene start
+ Add new sounds for indoor ambience
+ Fix lighting issue
+ Fix bug where player could move after using lovecast when there were no enemies left
+ Create animated dialogue portrait models for one of the main characters
+ Move Full-Screen/Window toggle to the same screen as init resolution selection
+ Detect when user manually changes screen mode and set toggle text appropriately
+ Decrease teleporter transition time
+ Create new song for when one of the main characters gains her powers
+ Fix bug where money UI would not fade out when quitting to the title screen
+ Fix bug where player could become invincible after using lovecast during boss fights
+ More dialogue and direction for the scene where one of the main characters gains her powers



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Added interval activators that activator things at an interval.
+ Added pulse damagers. When they activate, the player takes damage based on different states.
+ Began work on the obligatory annoying collection quest.
+ Worked on meshes for lodestones.
+ Dissolve controllers can now turn on or off during start.
+ Began learning substance painter.
+ Scannable items have activators.
+ Generic group activators can activate at start.
+ Cargo items can now specify if they’re vanity items.
+ Started work on the vanity purchasing… thing. The UI or system, you know.
+ Trader NPCs can now have line clip collections for a variety of things.
+ Created some very small basics of the campaign star systems.
+ Worked on some effects for the campaign.
+ Ship trading rooms can now view without having to do stuff.
+ Worked in some stuff to prevent null references from override sales.
+ Worked a bit with squid variants.
+ Began redoing multiplayer UIs.





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Ranged weapons can now only be used if at least 1 ammo is available, and attacking will consume it
Projectiles will now spawn at the right location instead of in the player
When drawing/stowing Ranged weapons, the crosshair will now enable/disable correctly
Equipped Ranged Weapons will now be saved correctly
Projectile now flies with given speed into Aim direction
Projectiles correctly calculate and damage other Creatures on hit, or break when hitting terrain
Fixed Issue with equipped Weapons not always being added into the Players Inventory after loading
Fixed Issue with Armor not being added to Inventory when being told to be added to Inventory
Still thinking about how to access the Crosshair being blocked by the Player model situation, wether I want to keep it as is, fade out the player model around it, shift the camera to the side when in ranged combat mode or something else

Worked on building up motivation to fix and add missing animations
Thought up some ideas for Ranged / Melee weapon designs to model and add next
Player can now pick up Coinpouches / Ammopouches to add multiple of the same item at once instead of always having to pick everything up individually
Some design work on Map Doodads ( not modelled yet )
Began thinking of a new tutorial area design
Thought up some new more "Fantasy" sounding names for NPCs

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum



+ Hackable computers now kick you out if they're destroyed like bullets do. This applies to turrets, cyborgs, and drones.
+ Piloted enemies can now interact with refill stations and pick up weapons off the ground.
+ Fixed some issues with the minimap, should better track moving computers now and perform better too.
+ Added new 2 new tilesets to BBS missions and Deluge arenas.
+ Constructed a non-violent party mission where you just talk to people and have a nice time and nothing goes wrong :)







To make my stay in content creation hell a little more pleasant I decided to start improving the level building process with a tool that lets me place basic stage elements on a dedicated tileset which can then be converted into the actual objects. Still needs to be improved though.
Whether it actually makes me work on levels is yet to be seen.