December 2021 (Week 5)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ M8 Buford light tank is now in-game
+ M8 Buford asset creation vid here:
+ New music in the asset creation vid is faction-specific music for the US faction
+ Additional areas in front of buildings now check terrain which will affect if the building is placeable
+ For instance, a dockyard will check for water in the additional area, while a vehicle depot will check for land
+ Building collaspe animation fixed
+ Shadows enhanced
+ In the map editor, placing a building will now flatten terrain underneath if the terrain area is all +- 1 for terrain height
- this feature will be horizontally shifted over in-game where dozers will have minor automatic terrain-editing abilities
- this will allow players to build on uneven terrain, which is vital for larger buildings like an airfield
+ fences will be used to mark an area where a building has been placed prior to the arrival of a dozer unit
+ Two pieces of music for the US faction have been made, we will add it to the playlist shortly
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

More environment work
Cave Lighting Volumes
Sounds when using Items from the inventory, equipping Armor or weaponry, or drawing your weapons
Fixed some minor issues with Guards just holding their Hands weirdly in front instead of properly crossing their Arms
Fixed clipping issues with NPC Medium Knight and Druid Armor, aswell as a misaligned part on one of the peasant shirts
Static Sounds for some animations
Reworked Lighting (again)
New Transition curve for day/night cycle, causing days to feel longer and dawn/dusk more impactful
More seperation in Cave Volumes for better transition between caves and outdoors
Footsteps, changing based on which material you walk on
Fixed issues with sound volume not adjusting based on distance
Weapon Trails

NPC Models for missing Knight and Pirate Armors
Fixed issues with Inventory render targets
Fixed wrongly assigned names and descriptions for some weapons
Fixed some wrongly assigned physicsmaterials and added missing ones
Adjusted footstep volumes
Music System, with different playlists for day / night and if you're in a special volume ( caves, forest, ruins, etc.)
Smoother fading between musical areas
Fixed some Soundeffect timings
Fixed Magic system
Torch items
Caves are a tiny bit lighter now so you can actually see at least something without light (its still pretty much useless to go in without a lightsource)
AreaVolumes now can set individual desired GI and Light Intensity, not all caves need to be equally dark anymore
Can't deposit loot in dead people anymore
Can't sell equipped items anymore
Torches now only hold a fixed Time and actually Illuminate the Area once lit
Fixed torch equip animation
Owlwiz Armor and light Landsknecht Armor done
Removed old and unused AttackData and HitActorComponent Code to speed up attack calculations and eliminate performance issue
Fixed ranged weapons not displaying last hit creature
Dead enemies don't ragdoll anymore but play their death animation if they have one (or stand in place weirdly if I haven't made their animation yet)
Fixed Weapons not falling to the ground and being lootable when owner died
Removed lag on Dying creatures
Can no longer try and loot dead bodies without anything in them, in order to make it easier/possible to pickup Items under them
Dropped Weapons can be picked up Again
Reduced project memory size by ~60%

Last Progress Post of 2021, I'm too burned out to fix anymore Bugs today. But I'm happy to have fixed some major once, especially the performance issues

When NPC rotates during interaction, dialog camera now swaps to a different view to still show his face when being talked to
Fixed Footsteps not playing when the Floor angle is too steep
Creatures that get hit during interaction should no longer fall through the floor
Arms no longer move when dying while having a weapon equipped
Creatures that get hit during interaction no longer ignore their attacker in order to try and stand up properly first, instead they immediately get knocked out of it
Jump Sound now only plays once when actually jumping not everytime the jump button is pressed
Creatures will now prefer certain paths over othes ( read humans will rather take the bridge then walk through the river if it isn't too much of a detour )
Torch carrying Animation
Fixed Humans falling backwards when dying having weird artifacts due to animation displacement
Changed Damage Types to sharp and blunt, since enemies never use range attacks and thus armor has more value
Fixed System messages not displaying correctly
Added a simple loading screen image to new game to mask the transition
Fixed Pomaodevs weird obsession with Arrowquivers

Fixed Error message display when equipping weapons while just meeting requirements
Can't open Inventory when knocked out anymore
Can't be knocked out for immensely long times anymore when getting overkilled by huge amounts
Can't be knocked out forever when getting destroyed while in the middle of an attack or otherwise immobilizing action
AI can't dodge anymore while being stunned
Creatures now only try to dodge if you're facing them and are in weapon range
Adjusted Weapon and Creature Attack Radii
Can walk over Corpses again
When a Creature gets too close to another one which it is defensive or agressive towards it will now immediately enter combat instead of threatening the Player to leave first
Equip sounds for all Armor pieces
Equip sounds for sharp weapons
Shooting sound for bows and crossbows
Dead Creatures no longer block the way
Maggots are now stupid and super agressive towards everything, not trying to dodge or intimitate opponents first, just going in and attacking

I know, I'm a failure.

Nilco Virtual Game Machine






+ added twitter button
+ added credits scene
+ v0.32 released at Play Store
+ started porting Ninja Frog
++++ new stone 'prop'
++++ 'prop's now spawn with a random rotation
++++ working on new particles
++++ added a shadow to players can see where they will fall
++++ default shader is now unlit
- i forget the "progress::"

Monmusu Curse!



+ Added debug keys so self-inflict all the debuffs added so far. 8 debuffs associated with 4 enemies have been added, a hit marker for if you get hit with said debuff and 2 "negative number debuffs" (one of which only affects enemies and the other which is just a temporary knockback marker)
+ enemy movesets actually work now I swear they're not all just copies of cat-girl
+ enemies have various "aggression"/"accuracy" stats -- some enemies will naturally tend towards roaming towards the player's location, enemies have different chances of starting chasing the player, how persistent they are and how accurate they are when they fetch the player's location for deciding what attack to do.
+ 'marked' debuff (Shown in image) most notably just spawns even more cat-girls because fuck you. Every 2 stacks with a limit of 10 spawns, only new spawns if you reach a higher stack of debuff than you've had before, spawns alternate between dropping from the top-right and coming from the door.
+ Other debuffs being debugged include hypnosis (move towards inflicting enemy), possession (can't leave a certain area), drowsy (reduced speeds)
+ Fixed player pathfinding for the one billionth time



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Modeled out more bosses
+ Modeled out tilesets for locations.
+ Finished writing some quests now that I’ve got some fucking internet.
+ Implemented tracking tech for whether or not the player has used certain moves in game.
+ Added new dialogue station controls for changing cameras and such.
+ Fixed issue where trigger script commands wouldn’t work under some conditions.
+ Began work on the Us trading system and refining controls for generic dialogue trees.
+ Factions can now define what items they offer for sale.
+ Master Object Table can specify trading price overrides for normally low-vale items.
+ Began work on the ship service system and fixed pricing and dialogue for this system to work.
+ Added additional pricing calculations and requirements for ship repair, service, and trading stuff.
+ Fixed issue where idling ships wouldn’t initially set a point to go to.
+ Fixed issue where you could use your orbital camera while in formation or queued up.
+ Added dialogue requirements based on what you’re in formation with.