
June 2017 (Week 5)

+ Released v0.0.5
+ Intro animation
+ Help screen with the controls
+ Changed joystick controls to something better
+ Removed the buggy crashy level transition and replaced it with the good old black swipe
+ Lots of bugfixes
+ Buncha secret stuff
+ With Demo Day and hopefully all bad bugs out of the way, I can focus my efforts on redoing EVERYTHING in the next 2 months not only to port it to Godot 3.0 but also banish the horrible core code I made, this game started as a 3-day jam project so tidiness wasn't in my mind at the time
+ We will find out if the Demo Day bot supports gifs

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Finished last two levels for the first chapter
+ Fixed a bunch of bugs
+ Goals now show a preview of the next level and the position the player will be in when entering it
- There's nothing left to do until Demo Day other than fixing some tiny bugs and maybe adding a splash screen with the controls since people don't like to read readmes

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Finished another level, it's my favorite one so far
+ Fixed a shader tween bug that would cause a memory leak and slowdown on older PCs

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ New jitter shader effect for bridges and rewinding
+ Finally finished The Big Level
+ Added a handy debug function for creating and destroying bridges

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ More level design stuff that shouldn't be spoiled, I'm focusing on finishing the first chapter for the next demo day which will be in 25 days
+ Minor bugfixes here and there

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Several additions to the first four levels
+ Secret stuff
- Barely worked on it

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ New second level which will hopefully make the difficulty curve less steep
+ The level transition effect is now randomized
+ The transition can be skipped by pressing any key
+ Fixed all known gameplay bugs and tightened up the code a bit
+ A lot of work on TOP SECRET stuff that is best left undocumented

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Overhauled input system, the code is tidier and echo timings are now consistent between both keyboard and joystick controls. The analog stick now works too
+ New save file format which should make it more stable between game versions
+ New main menu, it's akin to classic overworld level hubs and can show possible connections between levels
+ Replaced black swipe transition with "reshape" transition, which also keeps the player's position between levels
- Lots of bugs related to the new transition
- I will probably have to overhaul the collision detection to fix some bugs with rewinding boxes into walls and other corner cases

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ New joystick controls
- Demo Day confirmed that my level design sucks ass, luckily I will be revamping everything anyway thanks to the next Big Idea I had which will break most levels
- Nothing done since I released the latest version, I have been busy playing games

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ Added a map so the player can see areas that have been visited
+ New sound effects for rewinding and toggling the map
+ Tweaked the main menu to hopefully stop players from pushing the quit button by mistake so often
+ Resizeable window and fullscreen toggle
+ Worked on Level 07
- Not happy with Level 07

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Several improvements to most levels
+ Rewind key
+ Spaghetti cleanup and minor tweaks everywhere
- Tried refundable bridge mechanic but it was bad
- Deleted a whole level

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ Started project
+ Got lots of good feedback, mostly related to how difficult the early levels are, I'm redesigning them and will probably add a map showing areas you've already visited to make things less confusing