April 2018 (Week 4)

+ Made all monster in the first characters necessary for the game to work
+ Alterations in the mutation and card systems
+ Fixed the battle and evolution system
+ Started to implement the new mutation system
+ Will post on demoday
- Final boss not done yet
- the layout of the game is not yet giving the feeling of the game

March 2018 (Week 4)

+ Monsters for the level 2 and 3 decks are done
+ Implementation for the mutation system ongoing
- Mutation implementation was more work than what we assumed it would be
- Art guy away for a week

March 2018 (Week 3)

+ Battle between players system started
+ Mutation cards started
+ Map art finished
+ Cards Information ongoing

March 2018 (Week 2)

+ Implemented another balance system for the cards
+ Battle system now has an escape option avaiable
+ Steady progress for the creation of more monster
- Old balance system gave us problems on a important part

March 2018 (Week 1)

+ new Characters created
+ battle System on
+ event system on
+ started on the item system

February 2018 (Week 4)

+ 2 more decks planned
+ 2 classes characteristics planned
+ map layout 50% done
+ monsters and cards creation going fine
- game broke for some reason last time

January 2018 (Week 3)

+ Functional zoom mechanic
+ More mutant cards
+ Tuning combat system
+ Preparing Item tags
+ Preparing event tags

January 2018 (Week 2)

+ Made map
+ Made like 10 mutants
+ Made like 10 items
+ Made map work propelly
+ Events on the way
+ Main mechanics decided
+ Waypoints working
+ Made basic lore
+ Made lots of concept
+ Learned how to do lots of stuff on unity
+ Learning krita
+ Basic music/sound understanding archived
+ Got the recap right on the first try(I hope)