Fungus Amungus

March 2017 (Week 2)

- Accidentally broke a ton of stuff
+ Fixed a ton of stuff
+ Can now actually load/reload the map to reset everything

March 2017 (Week 1)

+ Fixed my enemy placement system with some placeholder enemies until I finish the last two models
+ Designed the first boss battle
- Still haven't done the enemy rework required to implement the boss battle
- Not gonna make DD13

February 2017 (Week 4)

+ Made a fox model for my basic "chase player" enemy
+ Made a beehive model for my basic "shoot at player" enemy
+ Fiddled with enemy projectile mechanics to make it more thematically appropriate
+ Refactored my enemy placement system in map generation
- Enemy type system is probably going to require a total overhaul

February 2017 (Week 3)

+ Added a ton of camera controls
+ Added block types for the map generator (walls, standalone objects etc.) to give it some life
+ Added a few new temp models for the map
+ Added noise to scale/position/rotation to map objects to make it less grid-like
- Failed to successfully retexture the player model

February 2017 (Week 2)

+ Got some temp assets to make my forest area look like a forest
+ Got to utilise the customisation stuff I built into the map generator to make spacing between objects work better
+ Let the camera rotate for better visibility when near objects
+ Added a health bar
+ Did some backend map generation improvements

February 2017 (Week 1)

+ Fully polished map creator
+ Now deletes dead space on the map to improve performance
+ Game is actually fully playable
- It has balance and difficulty issues

January 2017 (Week 4)

+ Stopped enemies from trying to kill walls
+ Stopped the player from being able to walk through walls if they walk through an enemy first
- Still can't figure out why the map creator sometimes omits boundary walls

January 2017 (Week 3)

+ Made a basic model and walk cycle
+ Changed hitscan attacks to check if an enemy is in range and attack automatically
+ Made a simple map generator
- Map generator has a ton of bugs

January 2017 (Week 1)

+ Added a new enemy type that shoots projectiles
+ Fixed a ton of bugs relating to projectiles
+ Added leveling and a skill tree
+ Created 4 new attack types
+ Started a better UI
+ Made the targeting indicator work with the new attack types
- Still barely any assets to make it actually mushroom-related
- Issues with how targeting indicators should work