April 2022 (Week 2)

(more like non-progress)

rewrote everything in typescript (to compile with typescripttolua) because not having types was making things harder than they should be.

i'm basically back at where i was (progress wise) 2 weeks ago, but with a clean code base.

good night bros and sisters

March 2022 (Week 5)

+ multiple arenas/rooms per game/level + camera adjustments to accommodate this
+ collision detection improvements
+ itch.io page (draft) and initial deployment of "web" edition there. will publish once i have some playable thing
+ sad trombone on hero's death

slow progress better than no progress. good night frens

March 2022 (Week 4)

+ added friction to hero movement so it doesn't feel as abrupt to move anymore
+ animations & sound effects: pellet eating, death (wip)
+ play/die loop, proper cleanup
+ basic perf/load testing w/ zero optimizations so far. looks like i can get by a bit more without worrying there

CTI will be a pacman x VS roguelite (or maybe a roguelike, not sure right now)

+ hero health bar
+ better gamepad leftstick control (slow movement is nice now)
+ better menus ("returning" from options for example is easier now)
+ WIP large arenas made up of smaller sections instead of one giant map per level

March 2022 (Week 3)

- added menus (start/options).
- better physics and collisions
- procgen stuff WIP

CTI is now on the way to become a pacman and vampire survivors inspired roguelite.

+ added procgen enemies (WIP)
+ physics: enemy sprites can't touch/disturb the pellets anymore (thank you box2d categories & masks)
+ camera locks to the window if the viewport dimensions are larger than the world dimensions in either of the axes

CTI will be a pacman x VS roguelite (or maybe a roguelike, not sure right now)

February 2022 (Week 3)

in progress

+ Added auto-aim
+ Reduces screenshake based on a comment here
+ New chars (still shitty)