May 2021 (Week 1)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Optimizing pathfinding to better suite multiplayer
- The current system is position-based, with other players periodically checking for each other assets' location.
- In this mode, multiplayer games can not be properly saved, since not all players know where everything is at once, and nor where things are going.
+ We are switching over to a path-based system, where a path for an asset calculated by one player, is then sent to all players. This way, everyone knows where everything is going.
- We can also potentially use this to optimize things further by detecting and reuses parts of commonly calculated paths.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles. (see gif)
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding hang ups are ironed out.
- Sick as all heck this weekend, just my lungs trying to remove themselves from my body via coughing.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Fixed issue where finished fights would cause NPCs to teleport.
+ Added some (not currently changeable) graphics options based on user feedback.
+ Fixed issue where GOTO with autopilot wouldn’t stop.
+ Changed some UI coloring based on user feedback.
+ Fixed issue where sprites on the navmap were sticking around.
+ Fixed some issues where quests wouldn’t advance.
+ Fixed some effects that were ending too early.
+ Fixed issue where the music system wouldn’t resume from asteroid fields.
+ Fixed issue with best buying price UI.
+ Fixed issue where you couldn’t unequip items in your inventory when docked.
+ Trying to manually dock no longer keeps you at high speeds, just in case.
+ Fixed some weirdness with some characters flying everywhere.
+ Made some models for the great illusion boss.
+ Made some models for plates and bottles and shit.
+ Added a basic progress tracker UI element.