October 2017 (Week 3)
+ worked on assets
- had to focus on uni assignments and I don't understand aws
+ worked on assets
- had to focus on uni assignments and I don't understand aws
+ worked on assets
- uni assignments due this and next week will halt progress
+ planning better enemy ai
+ slowly make art assets
- slowly
+ reworked old sprites
+ working on new npc art
+ added hitspark effect
+ started new npc sprites
- motivation low
+ fixed player controller bug
+ worked on dialogue system
+ started on melee combat prototype
- procrastinated a lot
+ finished new revised npc portrait
+ finished new ground attack combo
+ made new level props
+ added second floor to the tavern
+ fixed pause menu highlighting bug
+ made a demo for demo day
- don't know how to approach transition animations
+ edited some sprites
+ finished new main character portrait
- uni assignments are due this week
- demon day is close
+ replaced melee attack animation 1
+ fiddled with magic attack animation
+ worked on char portraits
- procrastinated and uni assignments will slow progress over the next weeks
- only made an incomplete character portrait
+ reworked player controls
+ fixed platform bug
+ finished reworked ground attack1
- could have done more if wasn't procrastinating
+ dialogue system updates
+ started changing melee combo sprites
- slow progress this week
+ made npc sprite
+ made character portrait for npc and updated mc character portrait
- character portraits still need more work
+ made art assets and new tile set
+ implemented a checkpoint system
- from player testing combat needs to be altered
+ finalized character sprite sheet
+ finished village houses especially the roofs
+ polished the dialogue system and UI controls
- still need internal house tile set
- still need to implement a checkpoint and healing system
- need villager npc assets