May 2021 (Week 2)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Optimizing pathfinding to better suite multiplayer
+ Coder says we need to add multi-threading in now in order to increase the efficiency of the path-finding.
- The current system is position-based, with other players periodically checking for each other assets' location.
- In this mode, multiplayer games can not be properly saved, since not all players know where everything is at once, and nor where things are going.
+ We are switching over to a path-based system, where a path for an asset calculated by one player, is then sent to all players. This way, everyone knows where everything is going.
- We can also potentially use this to optimize things further by detecting and reuses parts of commonly calculated paths.
+ Added a small feature to display the height of a round relative to the ground.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles.
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height. Something similar to RA2 or Open TTD.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding hang ups are ironed out.
- Sick as all heck this weekend, just my lungs trying to remove themselves from my body via coughing.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Added instadeath commands to the dev console to help with testing.
+ Fixed issue with manual docking on lanelines.
+ Fixed issue with mission 2’s conversations being weird.
+ Adjusted Agganite Station’s dock radius.
+ Redid some hostility and gate targeting code to make the silospitter more effective.
+ Worked on ghost ship bosses.
+ Added sound to all missile and mine attacks.
+ Delete after playings can now have random activation sounds.
+ The ambient explosion system now has a startup time before it starts fully playing.
+ Added cargoboxes throughout the galaxy.
+ Added some more ambient wreckage to the ancient wrecked whaling ship.
+ Fixed issue where ambient cargoboxes wouldn’t drop meta items.
+ Refactored docking code. Again.
+ Added docking code’s ability to steer you towards a wanted docking point on a jumpgate.
+ Can no longer open targets when dragsteering.
+ Redid freeflight to be able to be used in autopilot situations alongside oribtal camera stuff.
+ Added distant horrible object proper models.
+ Added ambient sound to storm centers.
+ Added unstable jumpholes to all systems that have them.
+ Fixed issue where eerie whispering could be heard all throughout a star system with no discernible source.
+ Fixed issue where leaving a stormed system would still have the effects play out.
+ Allowed for random jumppoints to be *truly* random.





Javascript, PIXI.js, Jquery-UI


Picked up developing the game again after nearly a year gap

Wrote the entire story start to finish using Twine

Planned out much of the game progression

Redesigned much of the game, especially how the overmap works

Overmap fleet control, factions, and battles