
November 2017 (Week 4)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Audio playback is now mostly on its own thread (mixing still done on master)
+ Cleaned up stream buffering to remove ugly sound cuts

November 2017 (Week 2)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Fixed an annoying race condition in file queue
+ Separating audio playback into its own thread
- Doing so has fucked up audio playback

October 2017 (Week 2)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Refactoring texture system to eliminate some race conditions
+ Weapon system, particles, and animation have to be implemented all at once so that's taking a while
- Not helped by new Warframe update, been playing way too much of it

September 2017 (Week 4)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Got horrible banding on screen flashes, had to selectively disable SRGB conversion
- Busy week, not much else to report

September 2017 (Week 3)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Death menu pops up properly again
+ Item system reimplemented
+ Tried making some of my own music, I think it's passable

September 2017 (Week 2)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Death and KillZ reimplmented
+ Item system mostly reimplemented
- Got sidetracked doing some modding

September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Gamma correction (linear color space)
+ Base actor system
+ Actor movement reimplemented
+ Player sounds & camera sway
+ Fixed a persistent race condition during loading
+ Fixed a memory leak involving textures
- Didn't get back to full functionality in time for Demo Day 16
+ C++ rewrite is 60% done, will be ready with new features for DD17

August 2017 (Week 5)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Centralized asset loading
+ Map entity loading
+ Skybox reimplemented
+ Frame limit to 300Hz when not using Vsync (it was running at about 3kHz before)
+ V-Sync for older MESA and SGI cards on linux
- Min OpenGL version raised to 3.3 again (needed for easier attribute layout)

August 2017 (Week 4)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Bullet Physics debug drawing implementation
+ Bullet Physics world model loaded
+ GLSL-style matrix operations
+ World once again rendering correctly
+ Pause menu reimplemented
+ Flying camera movement
+ Currently porting collision system

August 2017 (Week 3)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ New model format getting loaded in-game
+ Alt+Enter now triggers re-save to settings so change persists
+ HUD re-implemented
+ Multi-threaded asset loading (First time I've ever done my own multi-threading!)

August 2017 (Week 2)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ 3D model format is finalized
+ Model exporter written for blender
+ Implementing model format in-engine

August 2017 (Week 1)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Fullscreen toggle with Alt+Enter
+ Loading and saving of settings
+ Streaming playback of ogg-vorbis files (no more mp3's)
+ Making a cut-down format for 3D models to replace g3db

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ The C++ rewrite continues
+ Full key rebinding
+ Sound mixing and playback with ALSA
+ Menus rewritten in new IMGUI style

July 2017 (Week 2)

- Finally got fed up with Java's shit, settled on rewriting the entire game in C++
+ About 20% done already
+ BMFont rendering in batches
+ Image loading with stb_image
+ GUI system refactored into IMGUI style
+ Dynamic asset loader
+ Central loop can now run with unlocked framerate
+ X11 input with rebindable keys

July 2017 (Week 1)

+ Fixed bug whereby you would stay zoomed in if you switched out of the submachinegun
+ You can now configure the field of view using the game settings file
+ Fullscreen settings option is now updated properly when you change mode with Alt-Enter
+ Working on some underlying changes to fix stuttering from the garbage collector

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Plasma Rifle is textured, hands have been animated to hold it
+ New projectiles, ammo pickups, and hit-effects for plasma rifle
+ Plasma Rifle rapid-fires blobs as primary fire, stun wave for secondary
+ Eliminated a seriously annoying bug causing a NaN to sneak into physics calculations
+ Recorded and mixed new barks for the Saw Charger enemies

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Chargers attacks now use the same function as the data-spike so they can actually hit you
+ Chargers sawblades now spin as they attack, spitting out sparks and smoke
+ Enemy faces are now emissive, chargers change screen based on state
+ Modeled up the next weapon: A Plasma Rifle

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Charger chooses between two different attack animations based on range
+ Charger have a stunned animation for when they take enough damage in a short time
+ TVBots now move dramatically slower to match the actual animation speed

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Animations for saw charger: idle, standing attack, leaping attack, run, walk, dead
+ Decreased shotgun buckshot spread
+ Changed player to a cylinder collider to prevent some more unpredictable collision bugs

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Rigged up new enemy type: The Saw Charger
+ Made some new textures and decorative meshes

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Keycards can now open locked doors
+ Pickup items are no longer physics-enabled (it didn't really add anything anyway)
+ New blast and explosion effects for shotgun and rocket launcher
+ Modeled up a new melee-focused enemy

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Finally textured keycard reader
- Binging on another Morrowind playthrough so progress is thin on the ground

March 2017 (Week 4)

+ Modeled up a keycard reader unit
+ Updated blender export script to include doors and card readers