Ghost Knight Victis

November 2017 (Week 1)

+ Improved enemy AI so that they recognize spear walls as breakable obstacles and will attack when such things are in their way.
+ Spear walls will now despawn (i.e. disappear) when the player dies and respawns.
+ The GUI for Keyboard & Mouse Controls Help will now react to key/mouse button presses.
- Got sick with runny nose and headache the rest of the weekend.

October 2017 (Week 4)

+ Started working on the game's first spell "Impaler's Sanctuary", a spell of create spear wall in a circular formation.
- Some idiot locked the cat outside at the 2nd floor balcony. The cat ended up stuck at the overhang for the 1st floor. Only found out because of the constant meowing. This was at 2 AM and I was so pissed.
- Spent something like 3+ hours convincing the cat to climb up the goddamn ladder that I put there for him to get back to the 2nd floor by dangling some leftover chicken (he's safe now).

October 2017 (Week 3)

+ Attacks now properly make use of torso-lean-to-target
- Terrible headache so had to take a break for the rest of the weekend

October 2017 (Week 2)

+ fixed some bugs with the animation (position of hand when gripping weapon is off, spastic rotation of elbows on certain attacks, etc.)
+ started working on torso leaning up/down so your attacks are more in line when the targeted enemy is above or below you

October 2017 (Week 1)

+ fully implemented spear impale attack: enemies break free once their stamina is full, but the spear will break earlier if you attack the impaled enemy too much
+ added more particle effects to the spear impale attack

September 2017 (Week 4)

+ Impaled enemies now break free properly when hit with the charged warhammer attack
+ Added particle effects to the spear impale attack
+ Added shattering visual effects when an impaling spear is broken
+ Fixed bug with being unable to hit impaled enemies

September 2017 (Week 3)

+ Started implementing Spear Impale attack.
+ Fixed bug where you get stuck in the charging animation if you dashed while charging.
+ Charging is now forcibly aborted if character was hurt with flinch while charging. In that situation, releasing the attack button would do nothing.
+ Controls are changed for mouse: Simultaneous left + right mouse button is no longer assigned to 3rd weapon by default. Instead, it's now assigned to middle mouse button. Targeting using mouse is now assigned to mouse button 4 by default.
- Internet connection briefly got disconnected yesterday because of late payment

September 2017 (Week 2)

+ Fixed various bugs with the new attack input system.
+ Fixed various bugs where character would get stuck in a charging animation if user button mashed the attack buttons.
+ Fixed bug where the game would accept charging a new weapon even though you were already charging a different weapon (if user held down two or more attack buttons).
+ Fixed bug where after getting hit, player could not move or dash away, even after the hurt animation looks finished.

September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Submitted to Demo Day 16 and gathered feedback
+ Tried out suggestion from DD16 feedback: attack triggering on button press instead of button release, charged attack would blend current attack being done into charging. Still ironing it out.

August 2017 (Week 5)

+ Fully implemented the charged warhammer attack, enemy gets knocked down on hit
+ Implemented Rapier parry. Parry automatically triggers on the first and second attacks of the Rapier's regular combo
+ Added some improvements to the Attack Editor (copy-paste of hit detectors)
- Wasted time looking into git-lfs, ultimately decided not to use it anyway

August 2017 (Week 4)

+ Created particle effects for the impact of the warhammer charged attack
+ Added ability for an attack to spawn prefabs at any point in the attack animation

August 2017 (Week 3)

+ Fixed bad animation transition between Warhammer's 2nd attack back to 1st attack (when repeating the combo)
+ Fixed bug with player's cape getting stuck inside his own colliders if playing an attack animation that makes the cloth simulation move too fast
+ Integrated the Warhammer's charged attack combo animations in-game
+ Started on the Warhammer visual effects for its charged attack

August 2017 (Week 2)

+ got the new Warhammer attack animations working in-game
+ fixed some bugs in the Attack Editor, also it now respects the custom playback speed set in the Mecanim Animator file
- still need to create more appropriate hit/death animations (and visual effects) for enemies when they get hit with the Warhammer
- earthquakes

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ still alive
+ fixed bug with blur-behind-GUI effect not working when near bright light source
- lost momentum with progress

July 2017 (Week 2)

+ worked on the warhammer charged attack animation
- the animations still need work

July 2017 (Week 1)

+ Finally integrated the warhammer into the game.
+ Started working on the warhammer attack combo.
- The blurred background effect in the pause menu fucks up when camera is near a light source, contemplating whether I allot time to fix it or just leave it black.

June 2017 (Week 5)

+ Slightly increased length of Spear.
+ Enemies now only detect the player if their vision isn't obstructed.
+ Made a test level for Demo Day 15.
+ Gathered many good and actionable feedback.

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Finished creating 3d model for the warhammer.
+ Started working on the warhammer animations.
+ Anon was kind enough to provide tips on how a warhammer would be used in real life with a video demonstration. Thanks anon!
- Started trying out level design but quickly realized I need to learn fundamentals & experiment first before going full production mode into it.

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Enemy AI can now dodge the player's attacks
+ Started concept sketches on player's 3rd weapon: a two-handed warhammer

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ Fixed lots of bugs, ranging from problems with attack button inputs, to the placement of enemy healthbars being way off if the screen ratio isn't 16:9
+ Thumbnails in the Attack Editor are now spritesheets (automatically generated) instead of a 3d model being rendered into the GUI. This results in lower CPU usage when viewing the list of attacks when editing. This also got rid of a bug where thumbnails are missing after running the game.
+ Added a fluttering wind effect on the player's cape when he charges the Rapier for a charged attack.

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Attack Editor now allows hit detection for attacks to be either box, sphere, or capsule, in addition to the already existing weapon raycast method. This will be used later on for the player's warhammer attack slamming the ground, which will create a spherical AOE damage.
+ Enemies can now optionally cancel their attacks, letting them execute their combo faster.

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Player can now rotate in-between attacks, provided they are not target-locking
+ Fixed bug with enemy still rotating to face you while they are in an attack animation
+ Fixed various other bugs
- Been playing too much vidya