
June 2021 (Week 4)

Added Falldamage
Fixed items not unequipping correctly when NPCs finish the respective interaction
Creatures now equip their desired combat weapon when being hit while not having a weapon equipped, instead of trying to hit the enemy with whatever tool they currently have / plain fists
Added Item names and descriptions ( not english for now)
Wrote out Pomaodevs Dialogue and Quest, aswell as parts of the Main Quest ( also not english for now)
Creatures no longer continue their daily routines when being spoken to

Added Base Dialogue to Guard Captain and Potionshop Girl
Added Trade for Potionshop Girl
fixed NPCs continuing their routine while being traded
fixed Player being able to move while trading with NPCs
fixed Camera reseting while Trading
Added Pink Plant for Lovepotion Quest

Added Potato, Corn and Bread to clear the Darkness
Added Wine
Added General Knowledge into Questlog
Added Lovepotion Quest
Added Quest specific Dialogue to Potionshop girl
Added Dialog to Jürgen
Found out Skeletons hate each other, and other AI Bugs
Added Drinking Quest for Farmers
Added CropReport Item
Fixed some minor issues with Dialog Displays

Reworked Magic scrolls into weapons instead of consumable items
Added first animation for magic use
Fixed Guards not rotating correctly
Fixed Creatures not having the correct names
Fixed Dialoguepartners not always looking at each other
Fixed Player continuing to rotate towards his dialog partner even after the dialog has finished
Fixed Creatures always having to stop their interactions when talking
Fixed NPCs teleporting on top of items instead of sitting on chairs

fixed Creatures not avoiding each other when moving around
Moved DD bounds to allow players to visit the bar
Fixed animation when walking to the side and back simultaniously
fixed Creatures not rotating towards their target when standing to close
Prepared Material Instances for texturing
Placed a few Fooditems around the world

Added Rendertargets to replace Inventory Icons
Textured Farmhouses and City Houses
Remove wrongly placed Demowall
Fixed Issue with some items being invisible in the Inventory
Fixed Farmhouse floor not being big enough, and ground clipping through
Added simple Poise system
Added workaround for dead Creatures occasionally clipping into the floor
Textured Hay doodads

June 2021 (Week 3)

Finished animations for 2 enemies ( spiky pig and giant bunny) brought them into the engine and set them all up, ready for placement
Made 3 new weapons ( cutlass, torches, broken swords) and fixed animations for 1h singlebladed weapons like axes and cutlass
Made more static models and began placing them ( Wooden ramps and catwalks, altars, obelisks, torches and lamps
Made the Ruinroom for the Super armor

Added some Enemies into the world and setup their routine ( still need minor adjustments, some of them refuse to listen)
Added some items into the world
Added a lot of skeleton parts
Finished Interior Layout of the Ruins
Scattered smaller Ruinparts around the Island
Broke Pomaodev

Fixed Spikepigs floating
Fixed Trading not selecting the right inventory
Fixed Inventory not working correctly on different aspect ratios
Fixed Enemies sliding between interaction spots instead of walking
Fixed Potions not rotating correctly
Fixed starting a new game not giving controls back to the player
Fixed weird Hole in the path to the city
Fixed Skeletons unequipping their weapons before attacking
Fixed CityCave UV Unwrap Issues
Added meat and tusks to loot from enemies
Added more Rubble to the Ruins
Textured Walls and Floors of the Ruin

Fixed being able to slide around while eating/drinking when quickly closing the inventory
Fixed dead enemies still being hit-able
Fixed not being able to open the Systems menu when dead
added some farm NPCs, Jürgen and Potionshop girl
placed some skeletons in the ruins
Broke interaction spots (again)

Added TownNPCs
Added remaining rubble, doodads and skeletons to ruins
Added a TitleScreen
Blocked of barely done areas for now to focus on a smaller part for DD
Added Loading screens
Broke loading completely

June 2021 (Week 2)

Finished the outside terrain
Finished all but 1 caves insides
Fixed trees having no collision
Fixed some terrain missalignment issues
added a first cloud layer around the island
changed Debug texture to a tomoko pic so nodev gets mad

Am I doing this correctly?

Made first set of Furniture
Filled houses with said furniture
Placed healing plants and manashrooms around the world
Placed 22 Pomaoplushes around for the player to collect
Written out the Outline of the Story
Finished Outside part of the Ruins and began working on inside part

finished basic layout of the ruins - no interior walls yet
added more doodads - books and shelfes, sarcophagi, gravestones and rubble
designed and modelled 3 enemies, not fully rigged/animated yet
changed tomoko debug texture to the more eye-friendly default one in preparation of DD

Made 11 New NPC Animations
Made Skeleton enemy and static skeleton parts to place around
Made kettle for Potionshop girl, and some farmequipment ( shovels, sickles, etc.)
Removed Bedsheets as I made the lying in bed animation the wrong way round accidentally
Found new Bug where enemy AI doesn't stop chasing player even if he's too far away ( they just stow their weapons and walk casually towards you until in range again)

no screenshot of the new stuff, as while its all in Engine, I haven't had time to setup the enemies/NPCs yet

Added 4 more NPC Animations
Added Pans and Saws
Placed Interactionspots for Guards and farmers
Fixed issues with interactables not aligning correctly