June 2021 (Week 2)





Javascript, PIXI.js, Jquery-UI



Worked on the story using Twine, nearly finished with it. I basically wrote the story minus the game, including all options and branches.

No other progress

C-Dogs SDL




C, SDL2, Blender, Gimp, Audacity



Working on adlib music player
Add deafness option for enemies
Add glass break sound for molotovs
Draw text particles above everything
Fix player not getting poisoned
Fix sliding against objects and getting stuck
Fix objects placed on top of each other

Hack the F.B.I.







Bought a desktop simulator on the asset store for its nice UI
Ripped it apart so it can be controlled by my existing code





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Finished the outside terrain
Finished all but 1 caves insides
Fixed trees having no collision
Fixed some terrain missalignment issues
added a first cloud layer around the island
changed Debug texture to a tomoko pic so nodev gets mad

Am I doing this correctly?

Made first set of Furniture
Filled houses with said furniture
Placed healing plants and manashrooms around the world
Placed 22 Pomaoplushes around for the player to collect
Written out the Outline of the Story
Finished Outside part of the Ruins and began working on inside part

finished basic layout of the ruins - no interior walls yet
added more doodads - books and shelfes, sarcophagi, gravestones and rubble
designed and modelled 3 enemies, not fully rigged/animated yet
changed tomoko debug texture to the more eye-friendly default one in preparation of DD

Made 11 New NPC Animations
Made Skeleton enemy and static skeleton parts to place around
Made kettle for Potionshop girl, and some farmequipment ( shovels, sickles, etc.)
Removed Bedsheets as I made the lying in bed animation the wrong way round accidentally
Found new Bug where enemy AI doesn't stop chasing player even if he's too far away ( they just stow their weapons and walk casually towards you until in range again)

no screenshot of the new stuff, as while its all in Engine, I haven't had time to setup the enemies/NPCs yet

Added 4 more NPC Animations
Added Pans and Saws
Placed Interactionspots for Guards and farmers
Fixed issues with interactables not aligning correctly

[Project Rubedo]


Some loser


UE4, Blender, Krita



Blocked out most of the game map.

Modeled a corner store, some props.

Came up with a project codename on the spot.

Made an enemy model. It's fully modular, with exchangeable body parts.



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ Implemented a system that divides the pathing tasks into different groups depending on the search time.
+ Adding a waypoint system that allows the player to manually add intermediate path points should the pathfinding fail.
- Welp, the new pathing works fine on Mac, but it blows up on windows pretty regularly. Gotta fix that now.
- Starting to fix the multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time. (vid)
+ Down res of all buildings is completed (pic)
- Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future, this needs an entirely new pipeline designed so will take time.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. Was gonna be June, but likely July now.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist: soundcloud.com/user-255042164/sets/b-b-ost
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io



Pastaspace Interactive





+ Worked more on the final regional boss for the Ijuni.
+ Missiles can now have a specified daddy that if they die that daddy takes a big hit.
+ Reworked some station UI stuff to remove some features that were repurposed elsewhere.
+ Fixed some system descriptions that didn’t match the actual system.
+ Optimized the Ijuni systems.
+ Optimized the Ballden systems.
+ Optimized the Macrovari systems.
+ Adjusted lighting and coloring in nebulas in various star systems.
+ Adjusted various exterior graphics for scrapfields.
+ Adjusted scrapfield sizes in the Union capitals.
+ Did a study of all vignettes and realized that most of them are actually in a pretty complete state, like 80% done.