June 2021 (Week 3)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ Adding a waypoint system that allows the player to manually add intermediate path points should the pathfinding fail. (vid)
- Welp, the new pathing works fine on Mac, but it blows up on windows pretty regularly. Gotta fix that now.
- Starting to fix the multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Down res of all buildings is completed (pic)
- Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new pipeline designed which is being done now.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist: soundcloud.com/user-255042164/sets/b-b-ost
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io





haxe, HTML5, howlerJS



+ Added a preloader so that people with slow internet don't sit in front of a black screen wondering if the game works or not.

rocket sword game


Godot, Aseprite



+ better optimized for many enemies
+ more blood splatters

+ more gore effects
+ now there is a difference between stabbing and slicing - enemies sliced will be cut in half, but stabbed enemy corpses will last longer (this will be meaningful when i implement a "combo" system)

+ implemented offscreen enemy indicators
+ lock-on mechanics virtually finished
+ started design doc sketching out plans for enemies and additional mechanics (yes this is progress if you're yesdev)

Glow Boy

New level
More colors
Implemented Exit button

Cult of Damaskus





+ Revamped AI system to allow for more dynamic behaviour between enemy types
+ Started working on early rotoscope drafts for shotgun sprites/animations
+ Hooked up the HUD UI, is now fully functional programming-wise
+ Added shitty programmer art blood decals
+ Added early version of giant floating cat easter egg boss for some reason
+ Created, finished, and cleaned up numerous sprites for 2 other enemy types








+ Basic pathfinding so the other character can follow the one you control.
+ Changed Chloée's legs bones to make more sense.





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Finished animations for 2 enemies ( spiky pig and giant bunny) brought them into the engine and set them all up, ready for placement
Made 3 new weapons ( cutlass, torches, broken swords) and fixed animations for 1h singlebladed weapons like axes and cutlass
Made more static models and began placing them ( Wooden ramps and catwalks, altars, obelisks, torches and lamps
Made the Ruinroom for the Super armor

Added some Enemies into the world and setup their routine ( still need minor adjustments, some of them refuse to listen)
Added some items into the world
Added a lot of skeleton parts
Finished Interior Layout of the Ruins
Scattered smaller Ruinparts around the Island
Broke Pomaodev

Fixed Spikepigs floating
Fixed Trading not selecting the right inventory
Fixed Inventory not working correctly on different aspect ratios
Fixed Enemies sliding between interaction spots instead of walking
Fixed Potions not rotating correctly
Fixed starting a new game not giving controls back to the player
Fixed weird Hole in the path to the city
Fixed Skeletons unequipping their weapons before attacking
Fixed CityCave UV Unwrap Issues
Added meat and tusks to loot from enemies
Added more Rubble to the Ruins
Textured Walls and Floors of the Ruin

Fixed being able to slide around while eating/drinking when quickly closing the inventory
Fixed dead enemies still being hit-able
Fixed not being able to open the Systems menu when dead
added some farm NPCs, Jürgen and Potionshop girl
placed some skeletons in the ruins
Broke interaction spots (again)

Added TownNPCs
Added remaining rubble, doodads and skeletons to ruins
Added a TitleScreen
Blocked of barely done areas for now to focus on a smaller part for DD
Added Loading screens
Broke loading completely



Pastaspace Interactive





+ Worked on detailing and write-ups for various existing vignettes.
+ Added floating cubes to the bisected asteroid base. Not sure I’ll keep them.
+ Mildly optimized a few vignettes.
+ Made a few misc props.
- Not too much progress this week, doing… things. Things that make my heart swell.