Devil Engine

November 2017 (Week 1)

+ Blocked out a bunch of level 4
+ Bullets aimed at the player are now spinny, spin speed determined by projectile speed
+ Recoded bursting, should now activate on frame 1 and eat all bullets properly (thanks anon)
+ reworked all the text to draw from a big huge script for easy translation like I should've done in the first place
+ big buisnessdev gains

October 2017 (Week 4)

+ Level 4 starting
+ Slight rebalncing of level 1 and 2
+ Reworked hit flash: Now increases saturation and brightness instead of full white, uses a proper shader
+ refactored some stuff here and there

October 2017 (Week 3)

+ Level 3 mostly done, just needs sfx
+ Rudimentary prototypes for level 4
- The robot missed my post last week or something, rip streak
- still not at home, still can't dev, going outside was a mistake

October 2017 (Week 1)

+ Stage 3 patterns mostly done
+ Boss animation done
+ Boss pattern around half done
+ Fixed the laser doing either way to much damage or not enough depending on how the button was fanned
- Bits of the pattern were repetitive/not so they're gone
- overall slow week

September 2017 (Week 4)

+ Game now detects invalid run conditions and will stop logging statistics (if you game over, if you use a code, etc)
+ Added an intro to the stage 3 miniboss
+ Rebalanced level 3 some
+ Nerfed homing shot a little, further tweaked homing missile behavior
+ Got Kanji support working without all sorts of crashes
+ Animating the stage 3 boss
- animation is suffering
- slow week

September 2017 (Week 3)

+ Most of level 3 arted
+ Most of level 3's pattern done
+ ゲームを日本語に翻訳
+ Reworked JP Font rendering, added prompt for language select for upon save initialization and menu option to change language
+ The boss warning now fades if the player or a powerup is behind it
+ Expanded statics tracking to keep track of individual runs instead of just lifetime
- Art design of boss 3 undecided
- JP demo release at the mercy of Doujin site

September 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added keyboard and controller rebinding, changed default controller layout (pic related)
+ Added lifetime stat tracking for points,kills,deaths, etc
+ Fixed a bunch of bugs reported from demo day
+ Some balance adjustments from demo day feedback (Level 2 has less safe spots, stage 1 boss's debree is more visible etc)
+ More patterns for level 3
- Art for level 3's gonna take a bit
+ Featured on itchio, oh god how do I handle all these views

September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Demo's out!
+ Lots of positive reception so far, main problems seem to be visibility and lack of control rebinds
+ Fixed some early demo bug reports, including sound inconsistency, level resting being broke, and homing shot's bomb lock being too random
- Was stuck away from home for extra long due to west coast being on fire, didn't get to make last minuet fixes before demo went live
- WINE shits the bed with inconsistent crash errors
- I guess I have to finally do rebindable controls now

August 2017 (Week 5)

+ Demo mostly done
+ Passed around privately for feedback, improving on it asap
+ Misc media for dd16 complete
- Away until Tuesday, can't dev till then

August 2017 (Week 4)

+ Stage 3 miniboss mostly done
+ More sound effects
+ Lots of miscellaneous issues fixed
+ Updated tutorial and game over tips for new mechanics
+ Added a new death animation
+ Going into full pre-demoday polish mode
- Going to be gone next monday, might miss recap :/

August 2017 (Week 3)

+ More level 3
+ Most stage 3 placeholders replaced
+ Added some additional effects for bullets
+ Sound pass is mostly complete
- Retooling the stage 3 miniboss somewhat
- Slowish week

August 2017 (Week 2)

+ More level 3
+ Added customization options for appearance of enemy bullets, reduced strobe on default settings
+ Replaced the big dumb jellyfish with a bigger dumber snake
+ Worked out IK for a future boss
+ More SFX work on level 2
+ Got mentioned on a game news website
- Sonic Mania will likely stall progress

August 2017 (Week 1)

+ More graphics and patterns for level 3
+ Doing a sound pass on level 2
+ Re-worked player input to be key rebind friendly (coming eventually)
- Sounds are hard

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ Parts of level 3 blocked out
+ Sweet 3d effects
+ Some more balancing for level 2
- Art's going at a glacial pace

July 2017 (Week 3)

+ Added the tutorial, replacing the how to play sequence
+ Further rebalanced level 1, including finally nerfing the laser dudes
+ (mostly) Fixed and improved the laser powerup
+ Added music to the level 2 boss
+ Level 3 in prototyping
- slow week

July 2017 (Week 2)

+ Level 2 almost done, needs sfx and conditionals
+ Started a more extensive rebalancing of level 1
+ Added support for Japanese text and some translation
+ Added a proper level select screen
+ Fixed bugs involving pacifist runs
+ Back-end additions for controller types and additional customization
- Distracted by EVO over the weekend
- progress is about to get real boring

July 2017 (Week 1)

+ Level 2 boss getting done
+ Some rebalancing level 2
+ Additions to the score system
+ Added stage based grading instead of entire runs
+ Bug fixes all around
+ Lots of buzz on Japanese twitter
- Almost forgot the recap

June 2017 (Week 5)

+ Finally changed the name
+ More work on the stage 2 boss
- Skeleton animation continues to be the worst
- A little slow this week

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Level 2 part 2 nearing completion
+ Level 2 boss being prototyped out
+ Optimized the game and compile times somewhat
+ Fixed a bunch of crashes on level 1
- Won't be in DD15 due to not having enough new content, a more through rebalancing of level 1 or a non-shit tutorial

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Level 2 miniboss finished up
+ 2nd half of level 2 in progress
+ Music for level 2 done
- Forever messing with the background

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ Level 2 miniboss mostly done
+ adjusted burst mechanics and added combo restore
+ a little more weapon balancing
- mysterious bugs are driving me nuts
- semi-slow week

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ More of level 2
+ Working on the stage 2 miniboss
+ Settings now save/load from a file
+ More video options, like starting in fullscreen and borderless window
+ Player now does a sweet spin while bursting
- art for miniboss might take a bit

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Level 2 background redrawn
+ WIP for level 2 music
+ Some additional effects for bursting
+ Psudo-3d effects for roads and such
+ Some fixes and reworking to restarting a level voluntarily
+ Some shadow/highlight shenanigans for later
- Sickness ate up most of the week :/

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Level 2 about a quarter done (up to the mini boss)
+ Options can finally be changed mid game
+ Added options to make the player as ugly as possible
+ A bunch of bug fixes
+ The level 2 background is being redrawn from scratch
- It probably won't be ready for a bit, and showing off and showing off unfinished stuff is lame