Devil Engine

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added powerup rotation (instead of random)
+ Increased versatility of burst
+ Adjusted scaling on weapons to make level 1 weapons stronger
+ Added the third shot type, homing shot
+ Adjusted balance of enemy health and bullet patterns
+ Slightly updated the hud
+ Fixed a bunch of bugs
+ Adressed a bunch of other misc demo feedback
+ Level 2 is in production

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ Tons of feedback from the demo. Thanks everyone!
+ A laundry list of change and tweaks to be done
+ Re-did around half the sound effects (before dd)
+ Homing shot partially programed in
- Need to figure out a way to get players to press buttons that aren't shoot

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ A bunch of polish and bug fixing
+ Some test patterns for level 2
+ All of the placeholders sprites replaced
+ Sound rebalanced to be less shit
- Not much actual new content
- Still nervous about dd14

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ First level completely playable start to finish
+ New/improved background for the first half of stage 1
+ New intro
+ More UI stuff (game over screens, etc)
+ Commence maximum over-polish
- Completely re-doing all the sound mixing (it was pretty shit)
- Nervous about demo day

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ Finally finishing up stage 1 boss
+ Loads of bug fixing
+ Some refactoring too
+ Slightly less eye-killing bg's
+ Once this guy's done the demo content will be basically complete (or is that a -?)
- Fixing bugs is boring

April 2017 (Week 1)

+ Level 1 boss finally starting to get done
+ Added statistic tracking and end level core rank
+ Fixed a bunch of bugs related to score
- Most progress lost due to everyone being sick over the week :/

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Progress on the level 1 boss
+ Balancing to the 2nd miniboss and the preceding level parts
+ Bug fixing
- skeletal animation is the worst
- boss is gonna need a lot of juice
- also kind of a slow week

March 2017 (Week 4)

+ Level 1 non boss sections done
+ 2nd miniboss complete sans a couple bullet sprites
+ New music and sfx
+ Hid a special challenge for pro players in the demo
- Level 1 end boss is more complicated than expected
- overall kind of a slow week

March 2017 (Week 3)

+ New UI stuff, including title screen level title cards and 'Continue?' screen
+ More art and patterns for later level 1
+ Buncha bug fixing
+ Added options for background dimming, screenshake and drawing the hitbox in various colors
+ Added how to play sequence
+ Original music for level 1

March 2017 (Week 2)

+ More level
+ seamless transitions between backgrounds
+ re-worked the laser powerup
+ added context sensitive sound effects
+ miniboss 2 semi complete
+ miscellaneous fixes to enemies
- attempts at uncapping framerate went horribly wrong
- art's still slow

March 2017 (Week 1)

+ Exterior graphics done-ish
+ Pattern for the rest of the level in progress
+ New backing mechanics, like variable respawn and game over/continue
+ Fixed bugs related to scenery and indestructible objects
+ ALL enemies now flash on hit
+ New composer
- Programing still way ahead of the art
- Sitting out of DD13 to get the entire first level done for 14

February 2017 (Week 4)

+ More juice
+ More sound effects
+ Second half of first level started
+ Hud streamlined and boss warning redone
- Code is way ahead of art right now
- lost composer

February 2017 (Week 3)

+ New hud
+ First miniboss mostly complete
+ More enemy patterns
+ Refactored code on regular enemies
+ Start of level transition
+ More music and sfx

February 2017 (Week 2)

+ Found that artist
+ Started showing the game off
+ Made a tumblr
+ Preliminary pattern for the first sub boss
+ new effects for lasers and generic bullets