Fantasy Reign

April 2018 (Week 3)

+ Finished remaining demo skills: heal, dash, buff, chain, slam, breath
+ Some dialogue progress: caves1

March 2018 (Week 3)

+ Revised skill tree
+ Stash and Shared stash
+ made 3rd episode of dev vid series

March 2018 (Week 2)

+ Proper hero select mostly done
+ Tons of boss work: Fire, Cold, Bolt, Rock, Impetus
+ Dialogue progress
+ Nightmare level accessible/has a map
- Overdue for a new video

March 2018 (Week 1)

+ Completed the skill upgrade tree for fulminating blast. The final of the core demo skills.
- POE bestiary league started :^]

February 2018 (Week 3)

+ Town hub revamp
+ New townspeople with sprite + portrait: Eden, Pendulus, Stone, Author, Pilot, Old man
+ Started on various dialogues post prologue
+ I drew a horrible tent interior

February 2018 (Week 2)

+ Memory Board (customisation skill tree thingy) list for demo complete.
+ Quests and rewards for demo complete.

February 2018 (Week 1)

+ Binary procs: prolif, c_fire, c_cold, c_bolt, c_dark, c_holy, c_phys
- FF12 came out on PC

January 2018 (Week 4)

+ Fixed bugs (wrong xp rewards, lob skill broken, some misc crashes)
+ Demo quest progression organised

January 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added a ton of enemies. Codenames: sage, bat, volcanic, dragon, drake, salamander, slime, manta, djinn, crab and eyeball (in progress).
+ Fixed issues with the prologue quest (items able to be smuggled out, progress loss if game exited during prologue).

December 2017 (Week 2)

+ Completed first iteration of the Cold Volley skill with its 3 key nodes, 20 node skill tree and 2 unique items to complement the skill.
+ Made an empty tumblr for the project