March 2019 (Week 1)

Generic Furro Climbing Hill Racing Game With Something That Are not Zombies (GFCHRGWSTAZ)




Construct 2, Spriter Pro, Krita


+ First concept of the second level done. Pic related. Subject to change based on feedback and testing
+ Some game logic changed to make the game less cpu hungry
+ Im studying and reading books/tutorials about art and animation in general to help me on artdev
- Still testing the new thruster i made. I removed the thruster from demoday build because it still need some fixes and balance
- I want to do art, but art is hard. Same applies to animation



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Added death zones to planets, as well as effects when starting to enter said planets
+ Added system that tracks how the player dies and can judge them for it
+ Added audio pass on stations
+ Damage effects with trails and such are now able to fully play out before destroying themselves
+ All ships now able to catch fire
+ Added a subeffect category to damage effects. This allows for longer, drawn out explosions for things like larger ships
+ Refined some visual aspects of player flight to be a tiny bit smoother
+ Fixed issue where explosion effects weren’t behaving properly
+ Fixed some more pathfinding issues
+ Fixed issue where laneline and jumpgate effects wouldn’t play
+ Added manual docking, which lets the player manually dock with lanes and jumpgates
+ Fixed issue where NPCs would spawn before a system was fully set up
+ Fixed some field issues where some fields had no cooldown rate for spawning mineable chunks and where some encounter zones had their current and max densities switched
+ Added (finally) content for the Us, that charming race of sapient corpse-infesting fungi
+ Added encounter types for freighter-style ships, and allowed the game’s encounter system to process systems scaling for freighters
- Made me realize I need to redo a bunch of my avoidance code, which will set me back a few hours
+ Added more stations
+ Added some more developer commands
+ Collision pass on jumpgates
+ Fixed issue where duplicate contacts were listed
+ Added some secrets
+ Added activators
+ Worked a bit on dungeons/raids

Card Tower Defense




Unity, Blender, Paint.NET

+ Rewrote Camera for smoother Zooming, Panning ect
+ Changed how card dragging is visualized, it should be clearer now whats being dragged and where
+ Added functionality for upgrading towers by dragging certain amount of cards onto it
+ Added an effect for upgrading
- Got less done than i wanted to, todo list keeps growing and growing

Monospaced Lovers


Scarlet String Studios


Unity, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Audacity


Received idle anims for the various creatures, and updated the DD25 build with a few bugfixes.