
September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Released a build for DD16!
- I too, was expecting me to get more done over the past week than just that.

August 2017 (Week 5)

- My soul was being sapped out of me by jury duty this past week and I didn't really get anything done...

August 2017 (Week 4)

+ Numerous tweaks to enemy guard-swapping behavior
+ Many small bugfixes, most involving animations and hitreg
+ Redid enemy rising special attack. Tweaked parameters that cause it to occur, and made the enemy vulnerable during part of its windup.
+ Began proper work on the second enemy fighter. Bare-bones work on their states have begun and the game doesn't crash when you go to their room I guess?
+ Began the most basic of basic work on sound effects.
+ Actually a pretty productive week and weekend, all things considered.

August 2017 (Week 3)

+ More progress and tweaks on enemy stunbreaking code. It now behaves properly for all player attacks and enemy reactions.
+ Modified how super attacks interact with enemy stun to smooth out the amount of damage the player can deal in a single counterattack
+ Modified enemy dodge behavior so he's now vulnerable at the tail end of it.
+ Rewrote enemy guard-swapping behavior so he now takes longer to swap where he's guarding after being attacked.
+ The enemy AI is now almost to the point where I feel confident using it as a base to make other enemies with

August 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added a couple of small touches, like random boxing ring movements to make the fight seem more animated.
+ Reworked the enemy stunbreaking code so that it fires in the correct order and no longer turns the enemy green.

August 2017 (Week 1)

+ Player/enemy intro states done!
+ Finally got proper placeholders for the enemy's super attack and I'm pretty proud of it.
+ None of the enemy's states have white-box placeholders anymore!

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ Fixed some bugs with the enemy dodge mechanic
+ Layed groundwork for the player intro and enemy intro states. Once implemented, this means that basic state and frame data work for more or less every player state is done.

July 2017 (Week 3)

+ Finally got off my ass and decided to replace the old enemy counterattack behavior with a new dodging behavior that will hopefully be less frustrating.
+ Began planning out second eneemy fight encounter mechanics
+ ? finally working on getting out of my funk I think?
- Still haven't gotten that much done over the past couple of weeks...
- I messed up the format my recount post again this week like I haven't been posting it for the past 18 weeks or anything

July 2017 (Week 1)

+ Began implementing more feedback from DD15. Several player ability attributes altered.
+ Implemented framework for the round timer. When it hits 0, you lose the match.

June 2017 (Week 5)

+ Participated in DD15! A playable demo is downloadable there.
+ Many missing behaviors implemented and primary game loop closed.
+ Player now has limited lives and it is harder to get back up on successive knockdowns.
+ Victory states mostly done. Unintentionally made the enemy have a decent one because of how attack queuing works, but it looks cool so I'm keeping it for now.
+ Going to begin work on gamemodes next, implementing the basics of Championchip, Single Fighter, and Endless modes. Also going to need to implement more menus and an enemy fighter select screen as a result.
- -Something something art

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Completed making an optional tutorial for those that need some hand-holding.
+ Almost all player states are functional! Just need to work on polish. Tonight I'll be working on the player's failure states and victory states.
- At this point it's beginning to look like my art from here on out is all going to just be placeholders...

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Third enemy super implemented: Rapid Hooks!
+ First rapid attack super means rapid jabs will be much faster to implment.
+ Implemented the first half of an optional hand-holdy tutorial.
- What even IS art?

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ Small amounts of progress this week, but nothing substantial.
- I can't stop forgetting the image for these.

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Got the vast majority of the coding and frame data done for the first enemy's super attack.
+ Potential end to artist woes in sight for the end of this month?
- forgot to include a picture for the recap like an idiot, again.

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Feelin' more back in the game. More debug mode upgrades, working on coding new attacks for the enemy
- Same setbacks as usual. Art woes, etc. etc.
- I hope I didn't miss the recap window

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Augmented my debug interface.
+ Added the right bodyblow's counterattack AI behavior to the enemy's other attacks, but temporarily disabled it because it's not clear with the current art for those attacks WHY you're getting cross countered.
- Still demotivated after what happened the other week...
- Still need a new artist.

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ I made a new enemy special attack. At over 80 animation frames long, it's the longest animation I've made in my engine so far and I'm super proud of it.
- OR THAT'S WHAT I WOULD BE SAYING if I hadn't lost all of it to my antivirus deciding to kill gamemaker studio and steam in the middle of compiling the game.
- Hours and hours of time and effort, gone
- Infinite despair
- I wanna die
- Don't make me do it again please
- ? At least I didn't lose EVERYTHING...

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ Demo day build went fantastically!
+ Many small tweaks and balance changes as a result of DD14 feedback.
+ Most feedback on the game was positive, which is very encouraging!
- Art continues to be a major stumbling block. I've been without an artist for over a month now...
- Still no sound, so I've gotta learn how to do that now...

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ The ability to create a custom control scheme has been fully implemented, so players are no longer limited to the control schemes i came up with.
+ Pause menu implemented! You can now pause the game and quit back to the main menu at any point.
+ ESC now brings you back to the main menu from the enemy intro screen, too.
+ Baseline functionality for player KO state implemented.
- Right now if you've fallen, you can't get up. Still needa implement that part.
- Options menu within the pause menu is currently not functional.
- STILL NO PROGRESS ON THE ART FRONT and it's making me a very sad dev.

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Implemented main menu and options menu!
+ Options menu allows for you to choose from (currently 5, soon to be 6) control schemes. I hope to enable sixth control scheme, custom controls, working shortly.
+ I even bothered adding Dvorak keyboard support for the 2 people in the world that use those.
+ I also learned how save files work in gamemaker, although they're currently not yet implemented because there's nothing really to save. I'll probably implement it when I get custom controls working.
- Still no new game art since last week, so I've had to make do with what I've got until them. If nothing else, it's giving me an opportunity to work on the more boring systems that I would probably be putting off otherwise.

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ New artist, although no new sprites to replace the old ones done yet.
+ Enemy now has rudimentary AI so it no longer needs its attacks to be manually triggered. The AI's actions are also semi-randomized.
+ The floor of the fighting arena is now rendered in a mode-7 like psuedo-3D effect to make it easy to change or modify. I plan on also rendering the arena's ropes and cornerposts in a similar way when I get a chance.
+ As a result of the above, it no longer looks like the furries are fighting in a Red Robin diner.
- Old artist had too much stress in their life and needed to leave the project.
- I wanna die and deserve to be mocked because of what I had to do to get the floor effect to work.

April 2017 (Week 1)

+ Enemy now reacts to successfully blocking a player attack
+ Player now reacts to successfully blocking an enemy attack...if it's aimed at the face.
+ Speaking of which, player now has a more fitting animation that indicates when they're guarding their face.
+ Enemy now has a second attack!
+ New enemy hurtbox types added. Timings of many enemy and player attacks adjusted.
+ More behind-the-scenes groundwork laid for enemy AI.
+ Player now has a 10 frame delay after throwing a punch before they can throw another punch from the same side of their body.
- image_speed keeps finding ways back into my animation code and it's annoying.
- People keep expecting the game to be lewd but I honestly don't know if my current artist is willing to make a porn game or not.

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Background scroll fully implemented.
+ Enemy now has a KO state.
+ Health and power bars scroll smoothly now and boxers steal small amounts of stamina from each other on hit.
+ Placeholders created for a number of enemy states.
+ Many bugs quashed. Animation system now fully liberated from the tyranny of image_speed. Can now work on implementing things like hitstun!
- Next on the list: making the enemy actually be able to get up after being KO'd, give it logic, and to make the player stand idle and wait for the animations to play out. Then I get to work out doing it all again for when the player's KO'd.
- Still waiting on lots of art to work on some enemy states. Still gotta clean up a lotta art too...
- Gotta port over the rest of the player movekit to new animation system.No less than 8 states that I have to re-time and re-hitbox.
- I forgot to include an image for this the first time around this week FFFFFF