Monmusu Curse!

January 2022 (Week 1)

+ When you hover over an enemy or the player (that isn't in the fog of war), it will give you their profile. I'm about to add current stats to it including exact debuff stacks, but right now it's pretty much just the art (which includes any debuff effects).
+ All debuffs have art/effects both on the map and on the bigger version. Two of those have additional changes if the stack of them is greater than 3. They can all be active at once and it looks ridiculous if they are.
+ All the debuffs actually do something now and you have to sit still to increment the debuff counters down. Game is ready for DD but I'll update it just before. no porn this demoday, not that you should want it

December 2021 (Week 5)

+ Added debug keys so self-inflict all the debuffs added so far. 8 debuffs associated with 4 enemies have been added, a hit marker for if you get hit with said debuff and 2 "negative number debuffs" (one of which only affects enemies and the other which is just a temporary knockback marker)
+ enemy movesets actually work now I swear they're not all just copies of cat-girl
+ enemies have various "aggression"/"accuracy" stats -- some enemies will naturally tend towards roaming towards the player's location, enemies have different chances of starting chasing the player, how persistent they are and how accurate they are when they fetch the player's location for deciding what attack to do.
+ 'marked' debuff (Shown in image) most notably just spawns even more cat-girls because fuck you. Every 2 stacks with a limit of 10 spawns, only new spawns if you reach a higher stack of debuff than you've had before, spawns alternate between dropping from the top-right and coming from the door.
+ Other debuffs being debugged include hypnosis (move towards inflicting enemy), possession (can't leave a certain area), drowsy (reduced speeds)
+ Fixed player pathfinding for the one billionth time

December 2021 (Week 4)

+ Four enemy types now spawn naturally in the game each with their own conditions, with 6(one has 7) sprites depending on the action the enemy is taking and unused dialogue art (I'll get around to it).
+ 'Run' mechanic being tested out -- you move 1 space slower if the last thing you did wasn't a ground-based movement and you're not in water (you already get slowed in water). This is just to balance the actual combat once it's in.
+ Nerfed the wolf-girl's (not shown) size to 66%. Too big and too white. I'm going to want to redo her sprites because my early sprites sucked ass.
+ Merry christmas you fucks

Your fortune: Happy Festivus!

December 2021 (Week 1)

+ 12 sprites for MC, color variants, currently 3 debuff art for each sprite, the one set of clothes for each sprite
+ 6 sprites for that one fox-girl that talks shit about you
+ Starting sprites for wolf-girl, after this there's only two enemies left to sprite (and those two enemies need full dialogue/character art too)
+ I kinda miss coding. I really am more of a programmer.

September 2021 (Week 2)

+ Drew some quick tree tiles and butchered some code to make them spawn correctly. When a construct is spawned (shrine) it checks if any trees exist there, and sends them to the back of the z axis if they have so they appear behind the construct. Aside from just making the maps more diverse, the trees only spawn when the corridor-making procdeure digs straight down, and the player can climb trees, so it means that players shouldn't get trapped down pitfalls/can get back up to the surface easier.
+ Player can also gather food from randomly generated foliage now. Food is going to be kept simple so the player doesn't really have to manage it until it's taken away and they have to look for 'alternative sources'. Or otherwise provide effects.
+ Trees are the last thing on my immediate to-do list that isn't working on character designs/sprites so I can stop fucking around now. I can make the trees cooler/more diverse and have fruit trees way later down the line.

+ Fixed stuff I got from feedback which is mostly just making the GUI more obvious or less intrusive for anything but big screens. There's still some work to do such as making the upper GUI scroll out of the way after showing you updates. You can also toggle the move indicators to be more opaque. It's a start.
+ Completely removed all the royalty-free music so your ears can suffer my beginner-tier composing instead.
+ Fixed various bugs, including one that made the game appear as a trojan.
+ Minor bugfixes like fixing eight-direction attacks not doing what the indicators say it'll do.
+ Made main menu buttons light up when you hover over them. Might go and do this for many other buttons.

August 2021 (Week 2)

+ Water now spawns in maps mostly obeying gravity, doesn't do anything yet, needs the new tileset to be completed to clip properly. Wood structure tiles now spawn around the shrine (that has Shika), better roof tiles pending
+ Changed the UI color, the UI still sucks but now it doesn't hurt my head with bright pinkness
+ Added an upper ui that registers events such as taking damage, entering new areas, used up all items, etc. Added damage numbers that appear when stuff gets hit.
+ Added more sound effects, though I hope to make a more consistent and stylized SFX set at some point
+ Added volume controls in the menu
+ Made enemies modular so they're much easier to make for the future, shrine has fight where you can't damage enemy if they're in the shrine area and you're out, beating them gives you an item
+ Shop now works, not that there's anything much to get in there and it just lazily uses the inventory UI
+ Progress on redoing MC's body structure (Trying to get a 'default body' which can then be altered for customization) but still needs some final adjustments before simple shading + options
+ Improving the base tileset, it still needs some slight adjustments and actual coloring but it's more 'stylized' than the old stuff from months back, going to add grass/walls to it now

July 2021 (Week 5)

Character portraits are now built up in layers, which doesn't really do much right now since no character has more than 2 expression presets but will be incredibly important later.
Also improved one of the prototype arts.
Also did some fuckery with ability slots and types, most importantly there being a consumables slot which you can access at any time and scroll through.