Space Dementia

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Falling while sliding transitions into spin jump
+ Added subtle ledge grab sway
+ Added juicier enemy damage animation
+ Fixed tunnel boost jumping and trigger
+ Added bounce and kill bonus for Impact
+ Added better visuals for Impact
+ Improved dashing controls
+ Made permanent/semi-permanent entity states like enemy death simpler
+ Brought back damage knockback to spikes
+ Started working on some test tileset assets

May 2017 (Week 4)

+ Mainly worked on plot and design
+ More enemy corpses implemented
+ Fixed several bugs from backlog

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Ledge grabbing has wider detection on jump so climbing is a lot faster
+ Enemies interact with spikes and leave corpses
+ Jumping from ledge will no longer collide with diagonal wall under the ledge
+ Added dynamic fog effect
+ Adjusted controls while moving very fast mid-air

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added gun sprites to aiming
+ Bullets spawn at proper position
+ Made explosions more customizable
+ Added fire and ice grenades
+ Made more player moves scale with gravity
+ Test boss shoots a laser
+ Started spider enemy

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ Changed HUD
+ Fixed sound panning
+ Changed tutorials so you can't skip them without reading
+ Reworked damage animation
+ Added death animation for frozen enemies
+ Added spike breaking

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ Added sprite batching
+ Added shotgun upgrade and buffed pistol
+ Buffed boomerang
+ Improved many particle and projectile effects
+ Added ammo to rocket launcher
+ More enemy improvements
+ Fixed screen shake

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Flamethrowers can leave fire on map
+ Freezer weapon acts as extinguisher
+ Improved tunnel boost controls
+ Updated particle physics
+ Improved impact on weapon hit
+ Improved flying enemy moveset and animation

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ Sliding gains momentum from slopes
+ Added dynamic sounds for hollow walls
+ Added pickup that makes dashing longer
+ Slowdown on landing now depends on falling speed
+ Improved dashing usability
+ Removed limits from wall jumping
+ Parametrized example enemy aggression
+ Added cave tile destruction animation

April 2017 (Week 1)

+ Changed player friction and acceleration
+ Added player brake animation
+ Aiming animations
+ Squat animation
+ Melee spin attack transitions into plunge
+ Improved enemy animation

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Added pvp
+ Animated head
+ Added basic arm animation
+ Better woosh for melee attacks
+ Better controller sensitivity
+ Camera can focus on multiple objects
- Removed pvp

March 2017 (Week 4)

+ Made zoomed minimap screen
+ Added blur and glow effects
+ Jumping now pushes down object under you
+ Added arbitrary constraints to physics movement
+ Lasers now shoot out of your visor and have recoil to work like a jetpack
+ Fixed some bugs

March 2017 (Week 3)

+ Skinned and tweaked boss animation
+ Refactored code to make later changes easier
+ Added interface for easy object management
+ Started making enemies for faster and engaging combat
+ Made a blog

March 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added rocket launcher
+ Added boomerang
+ Buffed flamethrower and freezing
+ You can freeze water to create drift ice
+ Added upgrade for movement on zipline
+ Fixed light rendering

March 2017 (Week 1)

+ Added scan visor
+ Added defensive armor upgrade
+ Added sound cannon
+ Added stasis emitter
+ Added magnetic spear
+ Added laser beam
+ Exoskeleton affects melee damage
+ Changed camera
+ Added health and ammo drops

February 2017 (Week 3)

+ Added relations between enemies for advanced AI
+ Added leeches hanging from ceiling
+ Fixed barrier by sorting contacts
+ Smoothed out jump height control
+ Parametrized filter shader for prototyping
+ Added some bloom

February 2017 (Week 2)

+ Finished some basic melee combo
+ Rewritten player turning animation
+ Optimized tile destroying
+ Added flying and shooting enemy
+ Added charging enemy
+ Added jumping leech enemy
+ Fixed ledge grab after wall run
+ Fixed wall breaking and spike damage while holding something/using a shield
- You can now go fast with a melee attack
- Turns out you can launch your grenades with a drill

February 2017 (Week 1)

+ Improved and balanced wall running
+ Improved sensitivity on controllers
+ Added rendering for tails and hair
+ Started implementing a boss to test skeletal animations
+ Started adding more melee attacks

January 2017 (Week 4)

+ Started implementing wall running
+ Player now has 2 weapon slots
+ Player can no longer jump from slide line
+ Projectiles no longer deal multiple damage in a short time
+ Added melee plunge

December 2016 (Week 3)

+ Impact upgrade is functional, with some shitty visuals
+ Added shockwave after hitting a wall in high speed
+ Prevented from grabbing ledges in some cases
+ Buffed sliding once again
+ Started testing alternative status effect calculations
+ Added option for preventing projectiles from hitting the same foe multiple times

December 2016 (Week 2)

+ Added support for shape overlap checking
+ Added damaging high voltage cables
+ Added slowing down bushes
+ Added rotating gates
+ Minimap shows collected items
+ Improved projectile logic
+ Added menu for toggling upgrades off
+ Started making upgrade dealing damage when moving in high speed

November 2016 (Week 1)

+ Added parasite enemy
+ Fixed bug in detaching collision shapes
+ Added lighting effects for particles
+ Added blood and spark particles
+ Added air streams for object pushing
+ Started implementing lava

October 2016 (Week 2)

+ Added winds
+ Added cool air streams
+ Added boulders
+ Fixed knockbacks again
+ Improved rain particles with speed scaling
+ Buffed flamethrowers