November 2021 (Week 4)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Optimization complete
+ Beginning to flesh out movement-related features. Adding unit classes like VTOL / helicopters, amphibious units, and boats (see below)
+ Added AH-1 Cobra, a helipad and a patrol boat (see below)
+ Added the concept of tile cost back into the game. A tile has 4 cells and can have 4 different types of tile cost on a single tile.
+ Tile cost will only affect pathing for now, but in future I would like it to affect top-speed of entities crossing the tiles.
- Would like to add a movement system where a single-click yields path of least cost, and a double-click yields most direct path.
+ Added production timer for vehicles alongside the buildings
+ Infantry name ethnicities will now drawn from multiple different lists instead of just one.
- No more Yumiko Nyugan or Qiang Fujimori. East Asian will now draw from separate Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc, name lists, both male and female.
+ New infantry portraits are being worked on and will be more varied and in-depth in future. (see pic)
- Didn't start on the portraits for the ladies but will soon since the male portraits are nearly finalized.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

Nilco Virtual Game Machine






+ Made the base controller code
+ Joined recap
+ Porting Covid Lives Matter to Nilco VGM

+ added menu with a game list
+ added Farting Dude port
+ added volume slider
- there are bugs everywhere.



kawaii yuki


sublime text, gcc, htop, gdb


+ bug fixes all week.
+ about to work on mouse support
+ about to work on case insensitive search.
+ need testers please!





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Fixed TPose during some attacks
Added final attack to the combos with longer recovery time
Adol no longer turns 180 on his log before talking to you
Increase falling height in Intro Ruin to make it clearer that you're not ment to climb back up
Removed additional lanterns from the gameworld, now players can't equip multiple lanters at once
Can no longer walk through the interior wall of the Pyramid with the Crystal in it
Translated missing key text to english
Players can no longer prematurely cancel interacting with things to cut the animation short
Began Filling out the Areas for Liqs Quest
Simple Credit Screen
Only the 10 newest Sysmessages are displayed instead of all, so no longer endless "not enough Strength"messages when spamclicking in inventory
Ranged Attacks correctly display health loss now.
Murdering people no longer locks controls
Eating/Drinking something from Inventory should no longer lock the player out if they close the Inventory before the animation finishes
No longer able to interact/grab items through walls, now only able if theres a direct LoS between creature Head and target Center
Figured out Issue with Navmesh causing Adol not to be able to go to bed
Began detailing out the City in preperation to finally add some new content







Been busy refactoring stuff and removing old bloat. I decided to go back to the buttons' logic so things don't feel arbitrary and are easier to work with in the future. There are now small variants of buttons.
You can only push big buttons with big objects or the characters themselves, but you can push small buttons with small objects like pebbles. Also they're animated now.
There are also now two types of gates, square ones you can keep open by staying under, and pointy ones that push you out if you try that.
Now I need to rework the levels to reflect these changes.



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Added ships to all stations with shipyards across the star system.
+ Added some missing elements to some stations.
+ Redid some other elements on stations that needed details or shaping to flow better.
+ Rewrote some quests a bit after having shifted their locations.
+ Added billboards to most star systems, particularly ones that needed them.
+ Quest objectives can now parse for various values.
+ Loading up save files will initially sort by dates now.
+ Game now saves after the opening cutscene.
+ Fixed various small bugs relating to public group and grouping in multiplayer.
+ Players can now search for and join public groups.
+ Worked on and got working the time traveling shipwreck in the Chonos system.
+ Added a new ancient container type for certain instances of things.
+ Fixed issue with the best buying price guide. Again.
+ Fixed issue where missions against storyline enemies were offered.
+ Damaging fields can now work through colliders.
+ Added a death cube.