Catgirl Pool Party

April 2020 (Week 5)

+ Squirtguns can be picked up to add to selection
+ Shopping with working menu and item purchase
+ Adversary characters can track and shoot the player
+ Submitted demo to demoday

April 2020 (Week 4)

+ Display text in tiles from string & wordwrap
+ New adversary work in progress

April 2020 (Week 3)

+ Fixed the waterpistol
+ Every squirtgun has a limited watertank
+ Watertank refills & unlimited in refill area
+ Water of sufficient depth is a refill area

April 2020 (Week 2)

+ pressure gauge bar that displays squirtgun pressure
+ squirtgun changer for changing between squirtguns
+ added 3 squirtguns; waterpistol, SS-100 and CPS-2000
+ Tweaked each of the squirtguns to work differently
+ Each squirtgun has its own pressure

April 2020 (Week 1)

+ fixed water physics, catgirl moves slower in water
+ dynamic water surfaces that move in waves on touch

March 2020 (Week 4)

+ added an air meter when underwater
+ air meter counts down, destroys player on time out

March 2020 (Week 3)

+ Waterstream more constant (was a dotted line)
+ Fixed tip sign messages to disappear when left
+ Waterstream runs down when button held
+ Action button pumps to up waterstream pressure
+ Catgirl moves a bit slower
+ Fixed the camera to less follow when jump/turn
+ Catgirl can make smaller jumps
+ Can shoot targets to activate stuff
+ Side door/movable block moving when triggered
+ Exit signs and off screen exiting
+ Keep showing working inventory between scenes

July 2019 (Week 4)

+ Shiny counter can show
more digits than before
+ Extra lives counter &
+ Hitpoints health bar
added, shows player hp

July 2019 (Week 3)

+ Code revamp after dd27
+ Fixed camera edge limit
+ Fixed ground collision
+ Made new graphics and
fixed hold down jump bug

July 2019 (Week 1)

+ Added coindrops
+ Giving points works now
+ Fixed Titlescreen menu
+ Made a score counter
+ One way collision stuff

June 2019 (Week 4)

+ Added speechbubbles
+ Made collectable coins
+ Tested hitpoints and points

June 2019 (Week 3)

+ Revived the game project (Godot)
+ Added Gonkee's water shader and made doors to access other levels
+ Fixed the watershots

September 2017 (Week 1)

- Starting over for PC using C++/SDL
+ Made a game window / screen
+ Got a sprite image displayed on the screen
+ Animated the sprite
+ Made the sprite respond to player input
+ Displayed a background
+ Made dog girl sprite graphics

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Made a simple tileset for beach level
+ Working on better level map & scrolling

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ Made new inflatables graphics
+ Got the title screen updated code working

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Made new squirtgun graphics
+ Rewrote the code so its easier to work with

January 2017 (Week 1)

+ Added bunnygirl character
+ Added 3 moving bubbles that despawn/respawn
+ Watergun shot longer and timed for buttonpress
- Collision for shooting bubbles didn't work properly

December 2016 (Week 4)

+ Added scrolling
+ Fixed camera view frame to center on the catgirl
+ Added a beach boulder rock graphic