
June 2022 (Week 4)

+ Overhauled the way identifiers are assigned to assets
+ Rewrote and debugged all editor code that modifies assets
+ Replaced some hard-coded stuff with config fields
+ Selecting a ship class lets you edit more details
+ New "cohort" asset type for managing spawn tables
+ Cohort editor allows adding/removing base classes, changing spawn frequencies, and adding weapons
- Scene cleanup code is broken so if you warp around a couple times you get zillions of stars and the game CHUGS

June 2022 (Week 3)

+ Added in-game ship stat editing
+ Salvaged and reworked some old ship designs (pic related)
+ Worked on procedural shaders for planet models
+ Got some amazing advice on cleaning up orchestral arrangements
- Ships need retopo/baking and I don't know what I'm doing
- Editing ship stats doesn't yet update ships that are already spawned

June 2022 (Week 2)

+ Worked on the in-game editor a lot
+ Can create and name star systems
+ Can toggle jumps between systems with right click
+ Can add new planets/stations to star systems
+ Can change landing/docking distance
+ Can save all edits to disk (renames/overwrites ALL relevant assets)
+ Success message after saving, or error message on failure to save
+ Lots of bug fixes and UI QoL improvements
- Can't delete stuff yet
- Renaming things can result in weird bugs if you don't quit and reload the game

June 2022 (Week 1)

+ Star system layouts are now stored in files and loaded on demand
+ While in flight, pressing J warps to other nearby star systems
+ Camera zoom level persists across scene transitions
+ Pressing backtick pauses gameplay and opens the in-game editor
+ Positions of star systems on galaxy map can be edited live
- Can't yet rename things or save changes
- Sometimes the editor fucks up the ship camera

May 2022 (Week 4)

+ Star systems now have ecliptic planes and all planets, asteroids, etc. are placed on them
+ Ships spawn far away from the player, instead of like ten feet away
+ Replaced lots of hard-coded stuff with runtime-loadable assets
+ Faster and more accurate math for lots of things
+ Improved debugging and logging infrastructure
- Most of my old Blender stuff (pic related) won't load properly in 3.x
- Almost none of it is directly usable as assets anyway

May 2022 (Week 3)

+ Fixed biggest UI glitches in novel mode
+ Improved random placement of "stars"
+ Added "skip" function to novel mode
+ Much more robust parsing of novel mode scripts
+ Allow multiple statements in menu choices
+ Successfully tested on a potato

May 2022 (Week 2)

+ Survived demo day
+ Continuous collision detection
+ Flight mode chat log
+ In-game tutorial
+ Scene transitions
+ Novel mode
+ Typewriter text
+ Dynamic script assets
+ Different music for different scenes
+ Made the "sky" look vaguely more like stars
- Collision detection just doesn't work sometimes
- Flight mode desperately needs better visual cues
- Novel mode has serious UI layout bugs

May 2022 (Week 1)

+ Made it 3D
+ The sphere thing actually works
+ AI doesn't know it's in a 3D game
+ Alarm sounds play when AI ships target the player
- AI needs a lot of tuning for combat
- Visual novel stuff doesn't work right now
- Integrated map editor doesn't work right now
- I need to remake basically every mesh

December 2018 (Week 3)

+ Started rewriting my map editor from the ground up as a web app
+ Object placement with live green dot preview (press A, then click)
+ Object selection (click) and deletion (press X)
+ Object renaming (select, then use the inspector on the right)
+ Object movement (select, press G, click in the new location)
+ Hyperspace route creation/removal (select source, shift-click destination)
+ Planet/station resizing (press R, move the mouse, click to stop)
+ Scrolling (press S, move the mouse, click to stop or press S to reset)
+ Save map data to a local file (click the filing cabinet icon)
+ Load existing data (drag a file into the browser window)
- Drag-and-drop breaks the entire page in some browsers
- Dynamic SVG resizing is broken in some browsers and it looks weird

November 2017 (Week 5)

+ Music
+ NPC dialogue
- Lost a few days trying to fix compiler toolchain bullshit
- New renderer is not gonna work when building for WebAssembly

November 2017 (Week 4)

+ Music that isn't the main menu bullshit for once
+ Added a phonetic representation mode to the lexicon deserializer

November 2017 (Week 3)

+ Resumable message delivery works again
+ Stack root initializers work again
+ Process spawning works again
+ The new interpreter is 20 times easier to maintain and add features to
- Serializing/deserializing opcodes is gonna be a pain in the ass
- I still have to retarget the compiler...

November 2017 (Week 2)

+ Messed around with AOT native code generation at basic block granularity
+ Music
- What the fuck is a 5/8 time signature

November 2017 (Week 1)

+ Message sending now actually works (and borrow checks)
+ Lore
+ So much lore
- My breakfast making skills are criminally underappreciated

October 2017 (Week 4)

+ Bytecode interpreter now evaluates blocks in parallel (FEARLESS CONCURRENCY)
+ Message sending is now massively simplified (but doesn't borrow check...)
- I'm so fucking bad at music

October 2017 (Week 3)

+ Wrote a bunch of dialogue for a new recurring NPC for masochists to enjoy
+ Learned math to make my spinny habitat designs physically accurate
- Got exactly zero engine code written and feel kind of bad about it

October 2017 (Week 2)

+ Replaced garbage collection with reference counting in the bytecode interpreter
- Tried to do weird things with sphere topology and my brain exploded
- Still stumped by widget event handling
- It's pissing me off

October 2017 (Week 1)

+ Got the new renderer working
+ Replaced my custom GUI shit with an existing library
+ Made the renderer play nice with the new GUI toolkit
+ Rewrote the core runloop to use an explicit scene stack
+ Refactored some stuff into separate libraries
+ Refactored the map view into a reusable GUI widget
- Mouse clicks are being handled by the wrong widget and I don't know why

September 2017 (Week 4)

+ Did very very boring space research
+ Might be collaborating with other devs on star and planet generation
- Fucked around with song lyrics and that was a total waste of time
- Renderer is still trashed

September 2017 (Week 3)

+ Wrote a dynamic dialogue engine so chatty NPCs can shitpost in space
- Tried to rewrite the entire renderer and just broke everything again

September 2017 (Week 2)

+ Wrote my own geometry library because fuck it
+ Changed all my data formats and wrote tools to convert them
+ Integrated the map editor into the engine
- Broke EVERYTHING else

September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Sorted out some shaky parts of the music
+ Refactored prefab stuff into separate libraries
- Gambled with time, and lost

August 2017 (Week 5)

+ Map editor accounts for relativistic time dilation when simulating history
+ Day job has gotten a little less hectic and I can dev more often
- Main menu music has a lot of instruments and it's getting out of hand
- Gonna miss another demo day

August 2017 (Week 4)

+ Moved some font/GUI stuff to a separate library
+ Working on rewriting the renderer with a different backend
- Started making another programming language