
August 2017 (Week 3)

+ Improved star particle textures
+ Researched theoretical astrophysics
- Having serious trouble with star corona brightness
- Spent way too many hours in an awful Java IDE

August 2017 (Week 2)

+ Added some new Saya material that vastly improves her as a character overall
+ Added a few lines based on the same idea in other missions
+ Fucked around with Blender nodes and made some much better planets
+ Did a bunch of reading about star and planet physics
- Got kicked out of the Library of Congress

August 2017 (Week 1)

+ New ships
+ Drafted more missions
+ Chipped away at lore
+ Didn't get hit by any trains

July 2017 (Week 4)

+ Thought of a better ship design technique and it works pretty well so far
- I'll end up throwing out most of my old ships because wow they really suck
- Day job is heating up again

July 2017 (Week 3)

+ Hacked away on editor timeline entity state change representation
- Fucked up refactoring some engine shit, broke the build, haven't figured out where I broke it
- I feel like I'm going in circles, or ellipses I guess
- Space puns

July 2017 (Week 2)

+ Wrote more lore
+ Wrote the wolf mission
+ Named a bunch of characters
+ I don't have tetanus, probably

June 2017 (Week 5)

+ Refactoring
+ Fleshed out some important scenes for a major storyline
- There's a bunch of zero-G sex but I'm implying it instead of describing it so I feel like a heretic

June 2017 (Week 4)

+ Lore
+ Refactoring
+ Pleasantly surprised by accidental performance improvements
+ Devised a workaround for some bullshit while I'm waiting for upstream fixes
- I had to make the same edits dozens of times in every file
- It was a fucking pain in the ass and the next step will be a lot worse

June 2017 (Week 3)

+ Lore
+ Editor UI
- Waiting for a feature to be added to a library so I can fix things
- Need to research Afro-Asiatic languages but they break my brain
- Not gonna finish fun stuff in time for demo day

June 2017 (Week 2)

+ My sanity is recovering
+ Designed some more ships based on a dream I had where people were playing my game
- After making models of them, I realized they suck
- Rewriting all my shit for a new ECS API is a giant pain in the ass

June 2017 (Week 1)

+ Wrote a few example missions to play around with text template bullshit
+ FINALLY updated the asset loader to use a newer/better serialization scheme
+ Started splitting up all the asset stuff into a separate library so the map editor can use the same deserialization code
- Had a nervous breakdown over work stuff that's out of my control
- Told someone how I felt
- I fucked up
- I fucked up
- I fucked up

May 2017 (Week 3)

+ Got some music and 3D art advice from people who know what they're doing
+ Did more esoteric research for lore purposes
+ Refactored the AI ship targeting system so the player will be able to use it
- I'm fucking sick and I had to fly while sick and I feel like death

May 2017 (Week 2)

+ Worked on character backstories
+ Did some weird research to improve lore
+ Started making more detailed character design document things

May 2017 (Week 1)

+ Made a crude AI that tries to kill you
+ Added a lame death screen
- Missed DD14 for dumb reasons

April 2017 (Week 4)

+ Moved a bunch of my bitmap font code into a separate library
+ Did some work on a Truetype to bitmap font conversion tool
+ Improved the logic for when the player ship is spawned
+ NPC ships (with no AI, for now) appear in nearby star systems
+ Ships have health (again) and can therefore take damage and explode
+ Bullets won't collide with the entity that fired them

April 2017 (Week 3)

+ Wrote some more lore and character backstories
+ Worked on music
+ Built a table
- Apparently I don't get how keys work and my music isn't in a key

April 2017 (Week 2)

+ Made numerous minor improvements to the map editor UI
+ Started working on a font atlas layout tool
+ Fleshed out many details about cultures and religions of different planets
+ Threw together placeholder assets to tide me over until I get real character art
+ Modified some of my test scenes to try out sprite and BG support

April 2017 (Week 1)

+ Wrote a galaxy map editor with loading, saving, node/edge addition, node deletion, and node repositioning
+ Designed a logic programming language for building timelines so I don't fuck up again with stupid plot holes in the lore
+ Figured out a passable way to represent voyages and messages in the timeline
+ Wrote a parser that successfully reads my test files and dumps the AST
- Haven't figured out how to perform logical predicate unification on mutable state that changes over time
- My map editor doesn't display text yet or allow renaming of map nodes
- The key bindings I picked are really dumb and the interface sucks
- The file format it uses for saving maps is different from what the engine knows how to load

March 2017 (Week 5)

+ Wrote a fuckhuge timeline that comes out to seven pages JUST for the backstory of one character and some of the planets she visits
+ Named a bunch of planets that didn't have names yet and estimated their relative positions on the galaxy map
+ Came up with what seems like a really solid approach to queueing up one-shot bits of content that will seamlessly extend to all the different kinds of scripts that need to run
- Actually making that work will be a giant pain in the ass
- I left important planets out of the timeline just because there's a bunch and I forgot about some of them

March 2017 (Week 4)

+ Made the render system selectively skip layers based on the current scene, so the ship HUD, stars, etc. will no longer appear in VN mode
+ Fleshed out a bunch of lore for different factions and certain planets
+ Wasted some time storyboarding an overly complicated title screen animation that will take ages to make
+ Added several new leitmotifs to the title music just to make absolutely sure that I'm in way over my head with this bullshit
- Remembered that I have no idea what I'm doing

March 2017 (Week 2)

+ Input for multiple choice menus is now set up
+ Text areas pre-wrap their content and then print it incrementally (no jumping words!)
+ Page breaks are inserted automatically before menus and when the text area overflows
+ You can land on planets/stations if they specify a script to run
+ Rewrote the startup tutorial to be more useful and explain stuff better
+ My DD13 showing was actually halfway decent and got way more attention than I expected and great feedback from a bunch of people
+ VN text areas auto-resize to fit on screen
+ Windowed mode, framerate caps, and custom window sizes are now supported and the user can control these with a config file
+ Implemented a radar/minimap widget with multiple blip sizes for ships, stations, and planets
- There's currently no persistent state across scene invocations, so I can't yet have different content for different visits to the same place
- The interpreter still doesn't know how to specify background images
- I haven't made a page break indicator yet
- Certain kinds of entities are drawn in scenes where they shouldn't appear