June 2022 (Week 2)

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum



+ v0.6
+ Added a giant new mission for the closed beta.
+ Added ability to pay off your debt and reach the debt ending + credits if you want
+ Added a new secret class.
+ Improved upgrade system, you can now upgrade your skeletons and grenades
+ Improved shop and armory UI to show full names of each stat
+ Added a new type of hacking enemy
- lots of bug fixes



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ UI work continues
+ Mockup for Game Room menu has been made.
+ Minimap is now also displayed in the Game Room.
+ You can now select a faction from a drop-down menu in the game room.
+ Made a faction browser set of menus for players to browse the units and tech tree of each faction. (see vid)
- Only US faction for now, but we'll begin added a second faction soon enough.
- In future, we might let player customize their factions with specific units if they like.
+ Added a map checker in order to make sure each map matches the game version so that no bugs from a mismatch.
+ Separated out surface level map data so that loading up the map list would take a long time if there were many maps.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: youtube.com/watch?v=P_pcpkLOldI&list=PLiGizc0ysx7h4_E094ete7877eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here: balancedbreakfast.itch.io/bombs-and-bullets
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io








+ Worked on the in-game editor a lot
+ Can create and name star systems
+ Can toggle jumps between systems with right click
+ Can add new planets/stations to star systems
+ Can change landing/docking distance
+ Can save all edits to disk (renames/overwrites ALL relevant assets)
+ Success message after saving, or error message on failure to save
+ Lots of bug fixes and UI QoL improvements
- Can't delete stuff yet
- Renaming things can result in weird bugs if you don't quit and reload the game





Javascript, PIXI.js, Jquery-UI



+ Some planets now have natural ecologies involving plants, predators, and prey
+ Fleshing out and balancing ecosystems towards stability

+ Warp gate keys can be earned in several ways to unlock access to new systems
+ Scanning new planets from orbit allows building a base

+ Can earn favor with the local mafia, intimidate them, or destroy them

+ Research tree partial redo
+ Science accumulation / spending science on research
+ Tutorial mission fixes
+ The disposal doesn't dispose of end-products and natural items anymore
+ Lots of edge-cases where the player can accidentally softlock themselves have been resolved

+ Many other fixes

Monmusu Curse!



+ Milk debuff?
+ Corruptions actually show up on status screen.
+ You can now back out of the escalation/end level screen and go gather more food or a map or whatever.
+ Art updates -- cat-girl's 'More Enemy' art is updated. Currently on some drafts/WIPs of: A vampire-girl, a character who'll appear in the intro, backgrounds for the intro/title screen, backgrounds for in-game. I've been having computer crashing issues I'm trying to resolve, and I was away half this progress week, but I made those shitty trees while I was away on mobile. It's going to take some work to make this into an actual background I'm still trying to work this stuff out.
+ Throwables now much more clearly display where they will go.
+ Wrote some stuff for the intro, plans for a sex scene in the intro to avoid the "why is my first hour of playings seggs game no seggs?" issue, will happen once vampire-girl's design is done



Pastaspace Interactive





+ Code executors can execute children without worry or care, finally.
+ Debugged more quests.
+ Added some more robustness to code execution to prevent errors or things where I misdid em.
+ Fixed issue where missing solar childs were missing linked solars.
+ Exclusive starchasers now forcibly spawn.
+ Fixed some unrelated scripting issues.
+ Added some more script commands to allow for selective alliances.
+ Fixed issue where solar item users wouldn’t disable stuff.
+ Solar box consumers can now have acceleration and can properly consume boxes.
+ Bossfights can simply be music overriders now.
+ Added comm ui controls to station dialogue window
+ Fixed issue where death trackers wouldn’t track all trackers.
+ Added more controls to login screen UI.
+ Fixed issue with Hardturn gate.
+ Restored old graphical effects for trackoring.
+ Player followers can be things that move back and forth.
+ Improved scannable item readability and allowed for overrides.
+ Player can pick items up by running into them if they’re targeted.
+ Players can now individually tractor items.
+ Worked on some stuff for THE CORE.
+ Worked on bits of the last unfinished campaign system.
+ Coded and worked out new boss.
+ Added some new stuff to the harvest dungeon.