May 2022 (Week 3)





Unity, Inkscape, LMMS


+ added web gl build to the itch page

+ added 5 new levels

+ have 60 levels now
+ added AGDG reference
+ added pop sound when balls are retrieved
+ made hard level more fair
+ lowered screen shake



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ UI work continues
+ Production progress indicator changed from the classic fan design to a bar design
+ Produciton progress bar can now indicate up to 8 different units or structures under construction
+ Production progress bar is context sensitive, will display only the vehicles being produced if produciton building is selected
+ Build menu Ctrl + RMB cancels entire build stack
+ Build menu Ctrl + LMB will order all units allowed given current amount of cash the player has up to 99 units
+ All tabs in current design works with current data displays and game functions.
+ Different 'driver' texts made for different types of units; 'driver' for vehicles, 'pilot' for aircraft, 'captain' for watercraft, and 'operator' for structures and misc.
+ Continued improvement to translation and tagging csvs
+ Sidebar design is being changed again, 5 of the tabs are being moved to the top of the middle part beneath the minimap, the other 5 tabs will be relocated to a pop-out full-screen window.
- This redesign is actually not as bad as it seems, since the functionality is already set and all that needs to happen is transferring that to another window.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:







+ Fixed biggest UI glitches in novel mode
+ Improved random placement of "stars"
+ Added "skip" function to novel mode
+ Much more robust parsing of novel mode scripts
+ Allow multiple statements in menu choices
+ Successfully tested on a potato

Monmusu Curse!



+ Messed around with the built-in 2D animation systems with the bones and the weights and all that. Actually trying to make idle animations isn't a priority and so this was just a test run but it's good to be aware of it so I know how to layer character art in the future.
+ Right clicking an enemy now puts a ui element over them giving their name and health, and just showing you which enemy it's showing. Put a shader on it so it kinda shimmers.
+ Enemies can now ready conversation IDs with a symbol above them to show that if you right-click them, it'll open the new dialogue system. Which is a bit buggy/experimental and I'm in the middle of doing proper UI art for now, but it doesn't interrupt the player in any way, you can right click out of the conversation again or back in again. No choices are presented but it uses the same conversation .json files and will be used for all sorts of inconsequential talk.
+ Usual list of small things -- Another item pick-up sprite, refactoring the dialogue art scenes, fixed the water shader's reflections not working at all, debug system to make sure enemies are disabling the correct points, enemies can now switch to an 'ignore obstructions' pathfinding, player still attacks big obstructions even if they aim at its far side, eternal bugfixes, reinstalled windows.



Pastaspace Interactive




+ Finalized all remaining vignettes.
+ Added forcefield script tech, for forcefields.
+ Finalized all non-complex vignettes.
+ Added new fighter and weapon types for some vignettes.
+ Fixed issue where some storms would spawn right on top of stations.
+ Fixed issue where player could doge while engines were offline.
+ Added more tutorial things.
+ Added more warnings to tutorials.
+ Rotators can rotate UI elements.
+ Coded out bisected spawners.
+ Coded out a ghost race.
+ Coded out combination lock logic.
+ Missiles now have better tracking when up close.
+ Fixed null reference exception with the developer console.
+ Added a random jumper vignette.
+ Created combination lock for Showboater stuff.
+ Stormeyes can now spawn via loottables.
+ Global setter zones can set a global just once.
+ Beam shooters no longer need an owning solar for longrange stuff.
+ Added more space fauna to places.
+ Fixed some quest issues.
+ Redid some graphics in the Veil.
+ Made some popup one-time messages more one-timey.
+ Fields can override coloring on spawned mineables.
+ All spawned mineables now have proper color based on the field/nebula they’re in.
+ Added dodge effects to all missing dodgable ships.
+ Added missing headlight effects to all flyable ships.





haxe, webGL, knockoutJS


+ Added darkening of particles and player's bullets around player's ship for visibility.
+ Added mine arming after 1 second delay
+ Mine colliders are being removed after mine is triggered
+ Right click now removes modifiers for guns in the inventory
+ Fixed player bullets disappearing when spawning out of bounds
+ Rebalances
+ Misc bugfixes





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Quest and monster kill XP adjustments (halfed creature xp since quests now give xp)
Missing dialogue animations added
Save button
written lastius and denzel faction dialogue
merged options and keybind menu into one
Audio sliders
Final Dialogue system adjustments
Fixed issue with alternate dialogue areas
Character screen now shows joined campname correctly
Once again all attacks should register
Multihit shouldn't work anymore
Setup missing Allies
Loading screen now displays additional information about the save, instead of only a debug number
Fixed Pirate Smitty not having a texture assigned
Added an extremely shitty door 'puzzle' to the castle
Traders only pay half what an items worth now
Fixed Adol having a few issues with his life again
theoretically enemies will loose interest if you run away far enough, but seems to not really work right now
NPCs will equip correct weapons again
Dead enemies should now definetly be unable to hit you