November 2021 (Week 1)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS


+ Multiplayer functionality is fully restored
+ Multiplayer functionality for more than 2 players added.
+ Updated "Crete Far West" map, its now a 4 player map and the resources are more balanced.
- You can also play against 3 Swarm AIs, if you want to overwhelmed.
+ Finished all icons for buildings and vehicles
- Honestly, they don't look super great, I wonder if just clean, same-angle renders with very simple backgrounds would be better.
+ Day / night cycle was tweaked and is not 20 minutes long
+ Adding a lot of quality of life improvements, like more information in the pop-up info box on the build menu and a 'type' alongside the 'name' of the entity.
+ Updated various UI elemets, like the tech tree, tool tips, vehicle names.
- VRAM and RAM usage is fairly high at the moment. You need 8Gs of RAM and 3.5 Gs of VRAM to build all units and structures in-game.
- Close Chrome if you want to play the game.
+ Graphics optimization tests are already underway, with some promising results.
- Converting from png to dds yields a 95% reduction in VRAM usage in exchange for a 200% increase in file size.
+ More graphics optimizations to follow, which is the core of the 0.04 update. Hopefully before the end of the year.
+ Various bug fixes
+ Version 0.03 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

Translated Intro Dialog to English
Fixed Fistfighting doing more damage then most weapon ( now does consistently 1 damage only ) ( instead of this it needs to scale on some kind of Strength, so animals do viable damage instead of only doing 1 dmgg ) <- just have it be str only, and weapons do weaponDMG + str, adjust health accordingly
Fixed Wild animals talking to you when threatening you to leave their Area
Adjusted Monster/Item/NPC/Player stats
Adjusted Ambient Threaten/Protection/Thievery messages
Removed Poise from Interfaces, as the stat no longer exists ingame
Adjusted some Interface text
Began Work on Title Screen backdrop
Particle Effect on Ruin Crystal
Finished new Player Texture
Fixed Issue with parts of the Poise System still remaining causing Player to not flinch when getting hit

Now all thats left is some minor adjustments, removing som edebug lines/text, and then building for DD

Can no longer try to equip melee weapon by using the range weapon equipping button when no range weapon is equipped
Can now draw equipped ranged weapons when no melee weapon is equipped
Crossbow bolts are no longer dealing an overpowered 1000 damage, but now 1 damage as intended
NPC names are no longer visible endlessly after knocking them down, but only when in range
NPCs can now punch again and actually deal damage doing so
Stealing works again
StateActors no longer change states randomly during loading
Selling ArrowPouches no longer seems to copy them

There are still Bugs left, but those aren't in the Content that's supposed to be finished by DD, so I can fix them later. Apart from one visual bug that I'm just too lazy to fix right now, so it's gonna be in the DD build

Cyberdome Penelopenxia




Unity, Blender, Fmod, Cinemachine, Audacity, Gimp, Inkscape, VRoid


+ timed blocking (which stuns enemies during certain attacks)
+ stunnable enemies (only gladiator for now)
+ made a system that aligns actors during animations where they need to be in sync (grabs/ throws/etc)
+ Added Takedowns that one-shot stunned enemies (only gladiator for now)
+ lock-on camera
~ melee tweaks (decreased hitstop duration, increasing overall attack speed, increased engagement range from above target)

progress a little slow lately, but Im getting close to the point where I'll focus on content over new systems and getting my scope more strictly defined. (hopefully)





haxe, webGL, knockoutJS


+ Added background effect
+ Added particles
+ Posted devtober postmortem
+ Bug fixes

+ Added a new enemy type
+ Added a new weapon modifier
+ Rebalanced modifiers
+ Fixed some bugs
+ Added a game over screen

+ Added modifier crafting
+ Rebalanced modifiers

+ Rebalanced modifier drop probabilities.
+ Modifiers now have more prominent drawbacks.
+ Added a new enemy type.

Snowstorm 2.5D





Demo Day is a question mark. The AI is making progress, lots of little issues are getting fixed. But I have yet to start on meaningful level design. The player cannot die yet. There is no win state. Oh well, good enough for Early Access and a big marketing campaign.

Based on recommendations supplied by teams supervising the development of Snowstorm 2.5D, we have decided to postpone the release of the demo. The ongoing impact of the pandemic creates added pressure and impedes the coordination between our international teams of passionate developers.
Everyone at Snake Mountain Delivery Inc. and at our partner studios is heart-broken that it had to come to this. We will spend the extra time fine tuning the game, while ensuring the health and safety of our staff. Now more than ever we are focused on delivering the best possible play experience at launch in early 2022 or late 2031 depending on internal testing and the continued success of our crowd-funding scam. Thank you for your understanding.

Orthello, Son of Death





+ Added main menu scene
+ added functionality to play and quit button, which move scenes and close the program respectively
- need to add audio to the scene
- need to make the settings menu in the scene, which should be similar to the settings menu i made ingame already