Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum
Dev: |
nodayshalleraseyou |
+ Added breaker box computer that can shut off lights featured webm related
+ Updated tutorial to be more straight forward.
+ You can now get a pet worm for your apartment named Squirmy
+ Massively optimized time manipulation audio pitch shifting
+ Overhauled the train level
+ Network graph now opens automatically if you opened it once.
+ Lots of fixes.
+ New Chronomancer Ability - rewind to the position you were standing 10 seconds ago
+ You can now put people to sleep with hacking
+ new running """animation""" when using melee
+ 5 new passive perks. You can use two of these to play the game as a mad bomber who bombs the entire screen at once.
+ Added the traveling_salesman NPC and their secret shop
+ Overhauled zombie cabin mission
Thank you everyone who left me feedback for DD :))