Cash Sample

February 2018 (Week 2)

+ Sorting Plugin finished and working!!
+ Map Item loot (Database) proto
+ Map Item loot (Items) proto
+ Upgrading Battle HuD
+ Starting Apps Upgrades proto
+ Icons and New Character
+ Will try releasing for Demo Day 19

February 2018 (Week 1)

+ New Loading Screen proto (+perf)
+ I may have found a guy for a plugin
- Slows my workflow while I wait for it

January 2018 (Week 4)

+ Database plugin prospection
- Feels like nobody gonna respond
+ 3D rendering prospection
+ Dev doc about color usage
+ Started a map of unlockable skills
+ HUD Clock Design
+ Finished Medicine Art

January 2018 (Week 3)

+ Reworked the looted items system
+ Interface work
+ Prototyped Loading Screen
+ Some items art
+ New item category dev tool w/Magnus
+ Progressed on the Website w/Magnus

January 2018 (Week 2)

+ Reworked the looted items system
+ Drew some Furnitures
+ Tweaked database (more space)
+ Progress on the Website w/ Magnus
+ Recap Guy is back

November 2017 (Week 5)

+ Implementing Procedural System to furnish houses
+ Friend built me a Dialog Tool
+ Some cool guy made me a Region plugin
- Been 3 weeks for miserable progression
- Almost done with audiowork backlog

November 2017 (Week 4)

+ Made a quick system for dialogs
- Need to continue Procedural System
- Huge audio composition backlog I'm on

November 2017 (Week 2)

+ Reworked GRID Looting implementation
+ Implemented a Medicine Cabinet Loot
+ Some few assets
+ Some reworks on global eventing
+ Loot Animation Bypass system
- Ears still fucked can't work on sound

November 2017 (Week 1)

+ JAM finished, learned very good things on the way
- Was busy and released a piece of shit
- Still have work to do before deving
+ Will finally get back to Cash Sample this week

October 2017 (Week 4)

+ Working GFX/scripts via a Jam Game until nov 9th
+ Bridge Mini-Game for the Jam Game
+ HuD for the Jam Game
- Did not work enough

October 2017 (Week 3)

+ Working GFX/scripts via a Jam Game until nov 9th
+ Turn Order mini game
+ Little Music I made for the game
+ There's now a skeleton for the Recap
- I gotta go fast

October 2017 (Week 2)

+ Working GFX/scripts via a Jam Game until nov 9th
+ Map Board
+ Player numbers selection screen
+ Dice script
- There's no skeleton theme for the recap

October 2017 (Week 1)

+ Working on GFX via a Jam Game until nov 9
+ Working on eventing via a Jam Game until nov 9
- There's no skeleton theme for the recap

September 2017 (Week 3)

+ Logics for the Looting sequences
+ Alarm System and Breakable Doors draft
+ Some Art polish for Looting sequences
+ Lot of new Lore defining future gameplay
+ Leaning towards definitve Art Style
+ Starting work around a website

September 2017 (Week 2)

+ Leaning towards definitve Art Style
+ Grid Looting soon done after a background system
+ Gathered lot of ideas™ for my
+ Got more positive feedback
+ Starting work around a website

September 2017 (Week 1)

+ Grid Looting in progress
+ Started Medicine category
+ Next is Furnitures Range
- I'm losing a huge ton of time doing the art of items
- May have to show what my game looks like if people ask