July 2021 (Week 1)



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ Beginning to resolve multiplayer desyncing issues and increasing stability.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Redoing the orders system which will help with the multiplayer stability as well.
+ Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new workflow designed which is complete and working well.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- It's going slowly because the urgency is low. I'm putting my time into other things in the background. The workflow and tools are working fine.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
+ Down res and 9 slant is done for all variants of the Stryker vehicle (see pic)
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist: soundcloud.com/user-255042164/sets/b-b-ost
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io

[Placeholder Title]




Aseprite, Blender, Godot



+ Trying out the recap again (Dang it's been a long time)
+ Player section of the training menu done
+ Mockup of enemy section complete, just need to implement it now
- Get me out of GUI hell
- Apparently the jumps counter is broken and I just now noticed

+ Holding a direction while doing normal ground attacks pushes you forward slightly correctly now. Still messing around with the amount.
+ Implemented enemy breaking. Most enemies when broken will be affected by hitstun/knockback effects. Going to give it an extra effect for pizazz later.
+ Implemented the overhead HP/Break bars for enemies. Plan on making them visible with a pin later.
+ Added the enemy action timer to the training room, which will be toggleable through the menu.
~ Need to make that menu section functional now.

Cult of Damaskus





+ Drafted a few sprites for the last of the bread-and-butter enemy types
+ Implemented an autorifle with drafted art and began working on a rocket launcher
+ Finished first attempt at a level
+ Set up a scaleable UI with placeholder art
+ Created some art and animations for some little miscellaneous doodads

Monospaced Lovers


Scarlet String Studios


Unity, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Audacity



+ Made item throw more precise
+ Fixed bugs with timescale
+ Fixed bugs with boss battles that occur outside the normal flow of the game
+ Changed NPC controls a little bit to make it easier to move them around during cutscenes





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

made textures for books
Added more Vegetation
First balancing pass
Translated Texts
Setup AI friends and enemies
Added Lights to Bar and Farmhouses
Adjusted DayNight Timings
Fixed Spikepigs and Bunnies getting stuck in the Air after ending an interaction
Found even more bugs in the AI
Deleted Global Post Processing that wasn't doing anything useful

Setup Questrewards correctly
adjusted speed of Spikepigs
Fixed NPCs not stopping to rotate towards player when Dialog ends, causing them to sometimes sit in the air
Fixed Quests giving 1 Item to much in rewards (i.e. 2 maps instead of 1)
Fixed Hitboxes not always deactivating after getting struck while swinging, causing weapons to just hit everything they touch
Added Post Process volumes to caves so player can see in them
Removed weird looking fog for now
Added Map Item ( non functional for now )

moved blocking to real blocking instead of parrying to better work with my messed up combat
increased stun duration on poise break for you and enemies
moved camera closer
Textured Spikepigs
Textured Skeletons
Texture a lot of different furniture items and doodads
placed some buckets
adjusted AI to not strike in fixed intervalls but a bit random
Setup AI to sometimes try to block (going into a defensive stance, not reacting to enemies attacks)
Fixed object values resetting on any change in the project
Fixed wrong text appearing during trade/loot window
Fixed Rendertargets for items not rendering in packaged build
Fixed other issues related to building for DD
Increased Player health to account for poor/missing feedback in combat thanks to shit animations and no sound, and missing load function
Uploaded this mess to DD

Adjusted Inventory controls ( Left click now selects items, consumes only if already selected, right click immediately selects and consumes, right click only seems to work with double clicking in trade Inventory for some reason, I'm looking into that)
Changed debug title backdrop to include short control and "intro" text to allow players to more easily find their way while its a WIP
fixed fatal error when trying to sell items
fixed spam messages when trying to buy/sell item
fixed PotionshopGirls missing routine
Quartered Cloud speed
Added another Rock so that one guard doesn't get stuck when trying to reach his post

I'm not gonna upload a new build for DD, but maybe before Stream starts, depending on how much progress I make on bugfixes until then

rocket sword game


Godot, Aseprite



+ fleshed out the enemy infantry to be more lively and move around, many have jetpacks. further plans to give some of them RPG's etc
+ added helicopters that take multiple hits of damage which leads to cool looking and fun combos
+ you may play tennis with the helicopters by swatting their missiles back at them
+ added more juicy hit effects
+ added pseudo wave-based enemy spawning, placeholder but actually works pretty well already
+ checked a single box in the project settings that improved performance 1000x
- i cannot draw helicopters
- i still have not done any level design nor do i even know where to start with this game

+ uploaded for demoday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-39/rate/1110611
+ changed background to nighttime for visual readability
+ added sword trail, also for visual readability
+ helicopter missiles now explode
+ helicopters now explode
+ explosions knock you back
+ enemy explosions can hit other enemies, and you can set up helicopter death/missile explosions to score big
+ small tweaks to the infinite enemy spawning
+ added scoring system stolen from tony hawk's pro skater
+ added proper death screen
- my physical and mental health are deteriorating at an alarming rate & i need to take a break lol

Snowstorm 2.5D





I started on this last week because I realized my long-term project needs fairly complicated AI and I know I will learn faster in a simpler sandbox. so far I've got basic player movement, a simple enemy that can reach the last player position (or closest point on navmesh), placeholder shapes and materials, camera smoothly follows player. no shooting or UI yet.



Pastaspace Interactive





+ Finished all scannable entries.
+ Defense bots now report the bonuses they offer when active.
+ Fixed some pricing issues on items.
+ General kill missions report the system they want you to do your stuff in.
+ Added graphics, juice, and animation to the data center UI.
+ Fixed null reference errors with the scannable data system.
+ Entering any sort of cinematic dock closes the UI now.
+ Equipping armor no longer keeps the player’s health static.
+ Added more UI resets to system transfers to prevent UI bugs.
+ Completing a quest properly clears all waypoint stuff.
+ Fixed issue where armor was making the player several times less maneuverable than they should have been.
+ Scan pulses stop showing up at weird angles.
+ Can no longer rotate the camera outside of freeflight.
+ Fixed issue where Union gates couldn’t be selected in nebulas and belts.
+ Fixed issue where systems wouldn’t load maps based on galactic views.
+ Fixed issue where you could still shoot and open menus in wormholes.
+ Distant system connections no longer show up if the system isn’t visible or mappable.
+ Storm flares now no longer go fucky.
+ Added custom icons for comm relays.
+ Added default loadouts for newly bought ships.
+ Fixed issue where the garage would screw with ship materials.
+ Redid models for ancient scrap wreckage.
+ Added some (more than likely to be unused) materials for ancient stuff.
+ Added additional vignettes.
+ Fixed issue with macromissiles destroying the game.
+ Added overrides to map coloration for nebulas.