February 2022 (Week 1)





Javascript, PIXI.js, Jquery-UI



+ Movement on the overmap costs fuel
+ Can now send ships to transfer orbits as well as planets
+ Ships unload non-matching cargo before beginning a cargo job
+ Remade the Blueprint manager to be less confusing
+ Select your ship icon when making a blueprint
+ Detail screen for Salvage nodes (WIP)
+ Landed ships show the actual ship instead of an icon

Fix factories outputting stacks of items
Fix singleton code to allow for multiple Shipyards
Fix issue with missing encounters on connections when starting from low orbit
Fix page width issues (CSS)
Particle fixes
Fix a couple crashes



Commander Rad


Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS



+ New icons for the F-15 Eagle, MQ-9 Reaper, Airfield, as well as for the basic rifleman.
+ F-15 Eagle Asset Creation vid done from last week: youtu.be/gmFTsSE0GK0
+ Added a system where certain tiles, like tall_grass, will be converted into another preset tile, grass, when a building is being constructed on top of it.
- Although, with something as big as an airfield, multiple dozers will significantly increase the terrain flattening time.
+ Some path smoothing features have been added for aircraft on the airfield (see vid).
- This feature will be applied to vehicles and likely everything else very soon.
+ Issue where loitering aircraft weren't banking correctly was fixed
+ De-rendering issue for very large structures composed of many assets like the airfield has been fixed.
+ Aircraft are sellable when they are in the hangar.
- Might make vehicles sellable if they're close to the vehicle depot or something, haven't figured out that system yet.
+ Made a huge overarching spreadsheet that generates most unit stats from real-world vehicle data.
+ We're wrapping up on aircraft for now and moving into a weaponry overhaul, mainly going to add missiles. 0.05 launch after that.
+ Six new music tracks have been made. This set of faction-specific music is now done, will be in-game even before factions are added.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here: balancedbreakfast.itch.io/bombs-and-bullets
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen: soundcloud.com/user-255042164/sets/b-b-ost
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: recap.agdg.io








Updated the main characters design.
Now Epsilon:
- has actual hands
- has feet he can stand on
- isn't bald anymore, somehow
- is a manlet
- has cool two colored legs
- is lighter
- was basically already perfect, really
- isn't a potato anymore
- still won't shut up

Working on a new system for puzzle objects so you can't lose them and get stuck like an idiot but it's not quite ready yet.

Monmusu Curse!



+ Fixed an old mechanic that I never noticed disappeared -- some enemies can move a bit before readied attacks.
+ Added retroactive view on enemies. Every move and every square attacked is recorded since your last move so you can check to see where an enemy moved from and what its attacks look like.
+ Reworking shop. Instead of having to talk to a bitch every time, it's a building and you just jump at what you want.
+ Starting redrawing some background features. Redid bedrock and the upper limit clouds.
+ More support for blocking to make the mechanic somehow less obscure. Includes a hover-over of what block values an ability gives, clearerer directions of which way an enemy attacked you and if you blocked/what block values were used. Still needs more work.
+ Refactored enemy detection and I think I've finally removed all the bugs where enemies disable/enable the wrong points on the map.
+ Added "GE" variant enemies. It really is just 2 extra health and they take 2 turns at a time (but only one ready phase). Surprisingly, I still managed to defeat the wolf-girl's variant with starting gear, and she drops a new item which doesn't do too much yet. The reason I added this cheap and lazy palette swap content is so that I can later construct a "you reached the end of the demo, here's a place to get fucked and die horribly to give your life meaning" zone at the end of whatever current content exists in the game.
+ game is still a mess

55 Days





+ Reworked Player aim system
+ Added edge panning for camera
+ Added click-based movement system

Added Boxer fanatic enemy





UE4, Blender, Aseprite, Krita

New Weapon/Enemy/Armor balancing
Player can gain HP/MP per level again
Experience Potions since intended Levelcap got raised from 10 to 20 (mostly for easier testing purposes )
More new Plant textures
More Bushes trees and other vegetation
more Rocks
Moss decals
Setup new Stat enhancing plants
Fixed Moss appearing on worn weapons/armor and on creatures themselves when walking through moss decals
Game now waits between a random amount of time between playing music tracks to not endlessly loop in the background and be less annoying
King's Stonehenge
Fixed new Tree collision
Darkened Nights a bit more
Reduced AI dodge/block chances by half
Fixed AI dodging way too early
Fixed some issues with AI threatening from too far away once you got to close once
new possible NPC variations
Blood Decals ( only statics for now, maybe when getting hit later )
Vases/Amphores/Crates/etc. doodads
Added a bunch of NPCs to the town ( no dialogue yet )
increased falldamage

Shitty Geometry Shooty


Some Weeb


Godot, GIMP

- Made the green squares ~16% slower, thus less of a threat and easier to hit.
- Tweaked enemy generation as a result of greens being less of a menace. They now spawn more frequently. Blues now shoot larger bullets.
- Fiddled a bit with the screenshake

- Made the default shottype full-auto, partially to prevent carpal tunnel but also to make things easier to hit (I have stormtrooper aim).
- Added a new enemy type, purples, which follow you and are small but slow.
- Added some variance to enemy speed so it feels slightly less monotonous. Also mostly prevents the purples from all occupying the same space and blending together.

- Reworking the particle system

- Fully reworked the particle system, also refactored it a bit, now only ~40% of it is tweaked by hand instead of ~80% before.
- Reworked the trail system, giving a clearer indication of which shots hit or missed (I guess they never miss huh?)



Pastaspace Interactive





+ Player level is now capped at 50.
+ Fixed issue where hailing system wasn’t working.
+ Created quest star systems.
+ Stripped out star system variables that are defined in the record file, saving up memory.
+ Generic group activators can play animations now.
+ Added a generic light intensity controller.
+ Death result trackers can also now apply effects to its ship and is an activator.
+ Cargo activators can now have failure messages.
+ Fixed issue where inventory update UI would be updating in inappropriate circumstances.
+ Fixed broken UVs on all shipwrecks.
+ Single missionpoint areas will now work.
+ NPCs now properly avoid avoidance areas during combat.
+ Fixed some doppler audio issues on NPCs.
+ Shifted some demo sidequests over into other systems.
+ Added additional dialogue lines to Between Spaces.
+ Added a system that lets ships be instantly replaced, used in quests.
+ Went over existing vignettes and gave them proper IDs to be hooked up to the vignette scanning system.
+ Went over vignettes with no IDs and gave them IDs.
+ Made some hitchy elements work off coroutines.
+ Ship scanning upgrades can now include comm scanning upgrades and now work off expanding scanning and hailing.
+ Ship scanners can now use their long range abilities to damage other ships via some very rare, very powerful scanners.
+ Added knowledge base and defeated boss requirements to dialogue.
+ Beam cannons can be set to have different behaviors at longer ranges.
+ Quests can be indicated to start and instantly stop.
+ Created several new quests off the list.
- Lost 36 hours to a hospital stay.
- So disoriented I didn't post my fucking image.