October 2018 (Week 4)
+ debugging
+ additional sounds
- outro,
- deployment
- store settings
- website page
+ debugging
+ additional sounds
- outro,
- deployment
- store settings
- website page
+ language versions
+ website page
+ additional sounds
- outro,
- deployment
- store settings
+ players visibility options
+ menu debugging
+ 3d sounds effects
+ camera debugging
- outro,
- deployment
+ particle debugging
+ weapons debugging
+ text writing
+ fix players' sizes
- testing
- advanced sounds,
- outro,
- controls manual
- deployment
+ navmesh debugging
+ achievements debugging
+ store graphics
- advanced sounds,
- outro,
- controls manual
+ all menu screens
+ missions description
+ navmesh optimisation
- advanced sounds,
- outro,
- fix navmeshes
- fix achievements
- controls manual
+ menu screens
+ key info screen
+ missions description
- advanced sounds,
- outro,
- fix navmeshes
- fix achievements
- final touches on the maps
+ title screen
+ intro screen
+ mission text screen
+ missions description
+ a lot of gui art
- advanced sounds,
- outro, missions description
- fix navmeshes
- fix achievements
+ almost done with the title screen
+ mission choosing screen
- advanced sounds,
- intro, outro, missions description
+ finished third map,
+ missions
- advanced sounds,
- intro, mission screen, title screen
+ almost done third map,
+ finishing missions
- advanced sounds,
- intro, some GUI, title screen
+ final touches on the third map,
+ almost done with system of achievements
- advanced sounds,
- intro, some GUI,
- missions
+ putting togather the last map, the system of achievements
- advanced sounds, some GUI, missions
+ still working on the last map, the system of achievements
- advanced sounds, some GUI
+ working on the last map
- advanced sounds, some GUI
+ started last map, the system of achievements
- advanced sounds
+ finished the second map, some gui polishing, making bots less retarded, rewritten normals shaders
- last map, system of achievements
+ almost finished with the second map, smooth camera controller
- last map, system of achievements, some tweaks for bots
+ offline mode, some progress on the second map
- 2 maps, system of achievements
+ simple bots, started working on the second map
- 2 maps, system of achievements
+ navmesh and pathfinding done, started working on bots
- 2 maps, system of achievements
+ finished all premium characters, started working on navMeshes and the second map
- 2 maps, bots and AI
+ took out nasty networking bugs, all premium characters, UI fonts
- 2 maps, bots and AI
+ networking debugging, 3 premium characters
- sound effects, 2 maps, the rest of premium characters