+ Added all remaining fighters for players to fly
+ Sound passes on jumpgates, cargo collection, thrusters, wormhole tunnels, and blackholes
+ Added screenshake under certain conditions: taking heavy hull hits, large explosions, using thrusters
+ Fixed longstanding issues with the music and sound system, allowing them to properly override or change volumes
+ Game now saves options across session
+ Redid UI to be glowy and partially animated, still a WIP
+ Added support to UI for different resolutions
- Resolutions having a weird issue where setting it seems to scale off the previous resolution (IE setting it to 1920x1080 when you started it at 1600x900 sets it to 1600x900, setting it to 1600x900 sets it to 1280 x 720)
+ Added running news stories and UI to stations
+ Synchronized docking states across player sessions: players can now see each other docking with things like jumpgates and such
+ Synchronized headlights across player sessions: other players wanted to be able to shine lights on one another
+ Added improved formation mechanics: NPC ships have taken flying lessons and stay in formation much smoother, and players in formation will jump with each other if close enough
+ Space trains now honk at you