Bullet Hell Lane Shooter

April 2018 (Week 4)

+ Fixed the issue I was having last week, and can now spawn stuff based on weighted percentages. It's not super in-depth, but it works well enough for what I need.

April 2018 (Week 3)

+ The way I'm storing information about what happens on each wave is working as intended.
- The way I'm trying to get additional items to spawn based on weighted percentages isn't working, and I probably need to redo it.

April 2018 (Week 2)

+ Fixed a bug that was screwing up my spawning system.
+ Can finally move forward with putting a semi-playable demo out.

March 2018 (Week 5)

+ Still fixing stuff, getting there.
- Couple of issues fixed probably wouldn't of been as bad if I thought them out better when I originally wrote some of this code.
- Still tempted to scrap the whole thing and start again, which I will do if the demo I'm working on is poorly received.

March 2018 (Week 3)

+ Did some work towards making a demo.
- I have several scripts that more or less do the same thing or don't have any meaningful code in them.

March 2018 (Week 2)

+ Fixed some outstanding bugs
+ Working on a very early demo
- I want to scrap a lot of this game and start from scratch

March 2018 (Week 1)

+ Two more models done
+ Only one major one left
- UI stuff to do
- Various other things to do

February 2018 (Week 4)

+ Fixed some issues with the new models
- Still have a couple more models to make
- Still have to finish my level creator
- Need to start designing making bosses

February 2018 (Week 3)

+ Made some more models
- New model broke some visual stuff and now I need to re-do the code for it
- Didn't do much last week
- I need someone to do music

February 2018 (Week 1)

+ Made a model for the player character
+ Designed some stuff for other models
- 3D modelling can be a pain

January 2018 (Week 4)

+ Fixed a handful of bugs
+ Starting 3D modelling stuff
- It's been so long since I did 3D modelling that I have to re-learn everything.

January 2018 (Week 3)

+ Implemented a bomb item type that explodes and destroys items surrounding it when shot.
+ Implemented lives.
+ All the enemies and items I wanted to make are implemented now.
- Need to do the reset to checkpoint stuff, which requires me to actually make levels. Which means I need to finish that content creator.
- Need to do 3D modelling stuff.

January 2018 (Week 2)

+ Working on a bomb item type. Might make things more interesting.
- Taking a break from the content creator system because it was giving me a fucking headache because Unity's hierarchy is a massive pain in the arse.

December 2017 (Week 3)

+ I'm getting close to being done with the content creator stuff from a UI standpoint
- It's the holidays, so I'm not doing much.

December 2017 (Week 2)

+ Fixed those UI issues I was having problems with.
+ Came up with a name for the game, but I'm probably gonna think on it a bit more.
- This is taking a lot longer than I would like.
- PC problems.

December 2017 (Week 1)

+ Fixed a bug that would cause Unity to go through an infinite loop when selecting a file to load.
- Still need to fix the issue of the background of layered UI elements being interactive when foreground elements are active. Any suggestions would be nice.

November 2017 (Week 5)

+ Got a file loader partly working.
- Still lots more to do in regards to saving and loading.
- Bug with the UI where background stuff is being interacted with even though I'm clicking foreground stuff.

November 2017 (Week 4)

- I'm still working on saving and loading stuff for the content creator, but it was a light week. Probably gonna be light this week too.

November 2017 (Week 3)

+ Most of the UI for the content creator is done and working
- Need to do saving and loading stuff