Bullet Hell Lane Shooter

October 2018 (Week 2)

+ Options menu added.
+ Audio mixers added and linked up to options menu.
+ Controllers can be used with menus, mostly.
- Sub menus don't work with controllers.
- Still have gameplay bugs to fix.
- Need to find some suitable and royalty free fonts.

October 2018 (Week 1)

+ Main menu stuff added.
+ Boss for demo added with behaviours (Nothing much, just a bit of animation).
+ Changes to HUD.
+ Other fixes and changes.
+ Can use a controller on menus.
- Need to do a few other art things.

September 2018 (Week 4)

+ New HUD for active modifiers.
+ Changes to HUD elements and positions.
+ Added new shaders to existing models.
+ Various colour changes.
- Still need to do art stuff for the boss.

September 2018 (Week 3)

+ Made sprites for pickup items
+ Two new enemy types based on currently existing enemies but with slightly different behaviour.
+ Doing designs for the first boss (Will be present in the upcoming demo).
- So much art work to do.
- I should make a proper cover image.

September 2018 (Week 2)

+ Doing design stuff on the first boss that will appear in the next demo.
+ Going back to adding more enemies and gameplay stuff.
- Gave up on the custom inspector stuff, refused to display data correctly.
- Generally behind on a lot of aspects.

September 2018 (Week 1)

+ Made more progress in the custom inspector side of things.
- I wish this was better documented.
- This is eating way too much of my time.

August 2018 (Week 5)

+ Unfucked Unity after that new Input manager fucked everything.
+ Set up my repo.
- Trying to make Custom Inspectors and Property Drawers when using nested arrays of custom objects is making my head spin.

August 2018 (Week 4)

+ Looking at setting up a repo for my work.
+ Downloaded a new input manager.
- Said input manager broke Unity and reset all my inputs.
- Other problems.
- Gonna take a while to fix, so Demo Day ain't happening for me.

August 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added some launch arguments so people can change their FPS and Vsync settings. I don't have a way of doing it in-game yet.
+ Reorganised my notes and set out priorities on stuff I want to do.
- Still working on custom inspectors.
- Doubt I'll make Demo Day.

August 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added a couple of custom inspector scripts so I don't have to make hard-coded arrays of stuff
+ Updated Unity and all of my code worked
- MonoDevelop is no longer supported natively, but I can still use it by manually adding the scripts to the project
- One of my custom inspectors isn't working the way I want because I want to display nested arrays of custom object types. And if anyone knows a way to get that to work please let me know.
- I got sick again later in the week.

August 2018 (Week 1)

+ Did some research into custom inspectors so I can improve my workflow.
- Took more days off than I intended because I got sick.

July 2018 (Week 4)

+ DualShock 4 supported added fully
+ Made some sprites for lives
+ Added additional text letting the player know when they've hit a checkpoint
+ Other tweaks
- Some bugs when using a controller
- Need to refactor some stuff
- Not sure if I should update to the most recent version of Unity, I'm currently using 5.6.1
- Gonna take a few days off

July 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added DualShock 4 support.
+ Additional tweaks and changes.
- 360 pad support doesn't work.
- I have to change some stuff in my movement code which I'm not entirely happy about.
- I need to update Unity so I can get a half decent input manager.
- Need to do art and font stuff

July 2018 (Week 2)

+ Fixed an issue I was having last week with some sound stuff not triggering.
+ Explosion particle effect added when an enemy is destroyed.
- Not sure what to work on next. Art stuff, or adding controller support.
- Need to do proper design work for the rest of the game.

July 2018 (Week 1)

+ Added more sound effects.
+ Made a new special weapon, Quake.
+ Re-organised my tags which makes some of my code a bit cleaner.
+ Couple of other tweaks.
- Unity is becoming the bane of my existence because there's a lot of shit that should be there that isn't.

June 2018 (Week 3)

+ Can pause the game now.
+ Put in some stuff that lets you control the framerate. There's a comment about it on the most recent Dev Log on the itch.io page.
+ Started putting down some stuff for the pause menu.
- Pause menu is gonna be a lot of work.
- Still need to fix the stuff I added last week.

June 2018 (Week 2)

+ Fixed a bug that caused an issue during boss rounds.
+ On-screen text that displays during checkpoints displays, with an added in fading effect.
- The text exists in world space, so moving too far left or right might make it unreadable.
- Slow progress.
- Need to do design and art work.

June 2018 (Week 1)

+ Bosses spawn in along with some extra changes and script to manage it.
- Gotta do some tweaking on game balance.
- Gotta do more art stuff

May 2018 (Week 5)

+ Continuing to work on bosses
- Problems with design, not sure how to handle some boss encounters.

May 2018 (Week 4)

+ Various tweaks.
+ Visual feedback script works for all objects now.
+ Started working on bosses.
- Light week.
- I still don't know if I'm gonna get what I want done in-time for the next Demo Day. Might skip it in favour for the next one.

May 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added new UI stuff.
+ Weapon pickups added.
+ Changed some hitbox stuff
+ Altered my movement script to make moving between the top and bottom faster, you also can't spam the jump to make yourself stay in the middle of the screen.
+ Changed that script that gives some visual feedback when hitting objects or getting hit.
- PC fucked up, but I backed-up my shit and fixed the issue.
- That visual feedback script doesn't work for one of my objects.
- I don't think I'll be able to release a demo for the next Demo Day, but I'll try my best.

May 2018 (Week 2)

+ Checkpoints added, so dying actually does something now.
+ Additional array made that stores per wave specific information that toggles weapons and modifiers on.
- Need to make a weapon pickup object
- Various art and effects stuff
- Controller support

May 2018 (Week 1)

+ Demo Day Demo released (Go check it out and give me some feedback).
+ Shooting now switched to a hold instead of a press.
+ General tweaks to game speed and balance.
+ Sound effects added.
- Need to do some art stuff in regards to pick up.
- Weapon pickups and additional arguments to the wave array to determine which ones drop to be added.
- Additional effects for objects getting hit and destroying.
- Checkpoint system needs to be implemented.