
August 2018 (Week 5)

+ Added in three new jumpgate types for ancient hidden civilizations
+ Added in alien scrap, large scrap, and large alien scrap field types
+ Fixed issue where nebula texture would sometimes be cut off early
+ Added additional controls when jumping in and out of asteroid fields
+ Fixed issues where nebulas wouldn't clear while jumping in one
+ Fixed issue where vanity mode wouldn't fully disable all UI elements
+ Redid avoidance code slightly to specifically check for things that actually do collision damage
+ Added initial steps of the NPC job system, which lets NPCs select a more specific list of tasks they want to do
+ Added initial reactions of factions to players.
+ Added some ambient lighting to certain systems that didn't have it
+ Fixed issue where cancelling docking in multiplayer wouldn't reset effects
+ Added a queuing system to dockable objects: if a ship tries to dock with a dock that has another ship docking at that dock, they'll wait their turn like a British person.
+ Added ambient light to jumpgate particles, which grows and fades with the jumpgate's state.
+ Fixed issue where server browser wouldn't refresh properly
+ Server browser now displays accurate player count
+ Started on tech for volumetric lighting and godrays for suns
- Still a WIP on that front

August 2018 (Week 4)

+ Fully finished up service UI, diagnoses and repairs specific stuff now
+ Wrote up additional descriptions for ships, only 100 to go now.
+ Redid asteroid generation code for exteriors. No longer just a dumb ring model with a texture slapped on but an actual field of stuff
+ Redid asteroid generation code for deterministic asteroids. Can move much faster and have little to no lag spikes, especially when transition to new grid sectors
+ Added in distant impostors for asteroid fields, which are non-deterministic models designed to make the fields seem thicker than they are
+ Gave it multiple varieties of generation: bubble, ring, and cube
+ Redid nebula graphics. Textures are now all original, and exterior billboards are much thicker to give it the cloud the illusion of more depth
+ Fixed issues where ships would still try and talk to you to tell you about their day even if they no longer existed
+ Fixed issue where selling equipment wouldn't pay the player

August 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added redone dialogue system which allows for branching dialogue and control in the actual conversation (like starting quests, affecting faction reputation, adding items)
- Still needs camera controls
+ More progress on the saving system, also fixing some issues when teleporting between systems with it. Feel like it needs a transition but a fake loading screen doesn't seem right.
+ Fully implemented new quest accept UI
+ Added additional controls to encounter fields, which also fixes ships overspawning
+ Fixed issue where ships would stop attacking each other in the middle of a fight
+ Added repair/restock UI. Gives you a basic readout of available services (restock, rearming, repairing), then can charge you to quickly do all three.
- Not too much progress done this week, was meeting with potential publishers

August 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added a server browser and master server list, while separating out code to allow for better hosting and server control
+ Redid saving system to take advantage of the lovely binaryformatter, saves now save additional states like cargo, loadout, factions, etc.
+ Fixed a bunch of code with the navUI, which can now properly set waypoints, a function that was cut a while back
+ Improved navigational code, ships have 6dof avoidance against asteroids and will make attempts to turn and better navigate their environment when docking
- Still a bit awkward
+ Restored functionality of contextual color UI.
+ Fixed some longstanding UI issues relating to input
+ Fixed issues where screenshake would last forever if hit while thrusting
+ Added in a player and group list UI, not sure what I want them to have so they're still a WIP.
+ Added more conversation options between NPCs
+ Added mission sharing: in multiplayer players in the same group will be able to share missions together
+ Redid mission code somewhat to be more efficient and allow for better variation
+ Implemented more asteroid types; ancient mines, old mines, Kaon's mines, donut asteroids, and glowing crystals
+ Also added in space mushrooms and space barnacles, but those aren't really asteroids
+ Added in laser beam weapons, for traps, bosses, and big ships
+ Added in new music
+ Redid object table code to better track IDs, mostly a background thing for the saving system
+ Redid quest accept UI, still a WIP but it's animated and much juicer, rather than the basic shit I was doing because people's dicks really get hard over overly animated quest accept screens.

August 2018 (Week 1)

+ Added all remaining fighters for players to fly
+ Sound passes on jumpgates, cargo collection, thrusters, wormhole tunnels, and blackholes
+ Added screenshake under certain conditions: taking heavy hull hits, large explosions, using thrusters
+ Fixed longstanding issues with the music and sound system, allowing them to properly override or change volumes
+ Game now saves options across session
+ Redid UI to be glowy and partially animated, still a WIP
+ Added support to UI for different resolutions
- Resolutions having a weird issue where setting it seems to scale off the previous resolution (IE setting it to 1920x1080 when you started it at 1600x900 sets it to 1600x900, setting it to 1600x900 sets it to 1280 x 720)
+ Added running news stories and UI to stations
+ Synchronized docking states across player sessions: players can now see each other docking with things like jumpgates and such
+ Synchronized headlights across player sessions: other players wanted to be able to shine lights on one another
+ Added improved formation mechanics: NPC ships have taken flying lessons and stay in formation much smoother, and players in formation will jump with each other if close enough
+ Space trains now honk at you

July 2018 (Week 4)

+ Naming pass on all star systems, as well as an asteroid and nebula sound/generation pass.
+ Fixed more and more multiplayer issues, finally smoothed out other ships, thanks Deepmind!
- Still needs a low pass filter applied to fix some edge cases of jitter
+ Fixed issues in multiplayer where NPCs wouldn't switch targets properly
+ Added in NPC idles, they can chatter amongst each other while just flying around
+ Redid rendering code for both asteroids and distant suns, asteroids now sync properly in multiplayer, no longer have transparency issues, and suns can be viewed in distant nebulas
+ Added smuggling mechanics. Police now scan you for contraband, but contraband can be hidden in smuggling compartments that serve as a buffer against scans.
+ Navmap now displays any connections between star systems the player knows about
+ Gutted and redid the save system, still a WIP
+ Added code to better handle player disconnects, especially in regards to party mechanics
+ Multiplayer synchronization for some misc. projectile stuff
+ Fixed case where players couldn't see each other after respawning
- Has broken some aspects of particle effects, will be fixed next milestone
+ Added new boss abilities: able to override music and do bonus collision damage, or spawn special effects while fighting them
+ Blackhole effects added: they now suck players in if they're close and if they reach the event horizon it can warp them to... somewhere. Probably going to make this require a special item to survive unstable jumps.

July 2018 (Week 3)

+ Fixed a variety of multiplayer bugs and redid most of the code involving respawning, spawning NPCs, and controlling and monitoring NPCs
+ Added more dialogue options for NPCs, who can now chat between each other, announce if they're scanning you for contraband, or comment on the fact that their friend just died horribly
+ Redid NPC targeting and hostility code, NPCs can target each other and switch targets, so you can come across things like pirates shooting up a space train or police fighting off pirates and similar
- Currently needs some optimizations since fights can get too big too fast
+ Fully implemented the space train
+ Replaced lightshafts with a version that doesn't require 9000000 workarounds to render
+ Added a self destruct feature to player ships, for when life is just too much
+ Hooked up some loose mechanics: RPG stats now properly affect in-game aspects, windows redone to read easier, all shield generators make sounds, and all shields and guns have proper energy types hooked up and able to affect the damage of one another
+ Redid all space highways to be bigger to fit larger ships, as well as have proper sounds for merging in and out of them
+ Redid multiplayer grouping mechanics to better track player groups and let players have more control over the parties they join, as well as the first steps of the frienddrive UI (which lets you quickwarp to your buddies for easy broventures).

July 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added scrapyards
+ Redid asteroid rendering code to be a heck of a lot faster
+ Fixed a bunch of little bugs
+ Added racial descriptions
+ Linked together all the options menu choices so that they actually, you know, work
+ Synchronized ships and loadouts, so players can swap ships and see what they look like
+ Redid navmap controls, can properly target and select objects inside fields
- So many fucking multiplayer issues, like when a player logs in sometimes the server randomly decides that they are the ONLY player allowed to exist and welds all the current players together into a horrifying mishmash, or when it randomly attaches a remora-like ship to another player that they can't see but slowly sucks away their energy

July 2018 (Week 1)

+ Added new fighter variations models, one for each playable race.
+ Added all flavor text for misc. items
+ Added descriptions for every ship
+ Added an option for the UI to hide itself when elements aren't in use
+ Fixed an issue involving cameras
+ Redid docking autopilot code, letting players properly dock at any distance

June 2018 (Week 4)

+ Made the asteroid shader a bit more efficient
+ Added more asteroid types: donut, mushrooms, trees, crystals, mushrooms
+ Added minefield

June 2018 (Week 3)

+ Made tons of new asteroid models
+ Started the process of making actual ship models
+ Redid engine effects (that is, the particle effects for ship engines), greatly optimizing them as well
+ Redid asteroid shader code to use specular, normal, and emission maps
+ Redid asteroid generation code to fix some edge-case errors as well allow them to produce a greater variety of asteroids and rotational settings for such

June 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added field clearings, breaks in an asteroid field or nebula where view distance can change, among other settings.
+ Completely redid asteroid-generation code, both to use billboards for more distant asteroids rather than the old system, and so that it no longer malfunctions when entering or leaving an asteroid field at a weird angle.
- Still need to start on asteroid models that aren't high-poly placeholders.
+ Separated cargo to have natural cargoboxes (found when you mine) or standard cargoboxes.
+ Redid mining mechanics so that mining nodes are easier to find, also fixed an issue where some weapons wouldn't break those nodes.
+ Added the ability for dynamically spawned entities to clear out any nearby asteroids. Could be used for a system for larger dynamic wrecks but probably not going to do that since it's not a planned launch feature.
+ Wrote some lore
- NPCs ramming themselves into planets and stations more often then I'd like.

June 2018 (Week 1)

+ Added docking exit points to stations
+ Added patrol paths for NPCs
+ Fixed some code where docking would send the player to a different autopilot setting
+ Implemented 9 new random mission types: general kills, assassinations, big kills, courier, explorative, deaddrop, resupply, smuggler trackdown, and piracy.
+ Added all tradeable commodities, 55 in all.
+ Added code so that faction ships can scan you for contraband (if law enforcement) or valuables (if pirates) and demand you turn over that cargo

May 2018 (Week 5)

+ Began process of redoing UI
+ Added in contextual color-changing option for UI
+ Fixed issue where summoning gates would endlessly spam trains until the game crashed
+ Redid sun shader so it would render behind objects
+ Fixed a myriad of multiplayer issues and issues related to fast travel systems after a major online testing session
- Still has a bug where asteroids will randomly appear and attempt to murder the player for no apparent reason

May 2018 (Week 4)

+ Implemented and synchronized fieldmakers, superchargers, and summoning items
+ Greatly optimized shooting code in multiplayer
+ Fixed several issues with nebulas
+ Added code for loadout selection in multiplayer
+ Created conditions that let suns shine through nebulas if you want

May 2018 (Week 3)

+ Encounter zones synchronize in multiplayer
+ Lighthouses
+ Replaced all in-game sounds, suck my dick microsoft.

May 2018 (Week 2)

+ Made damage and health code for multiplayer serverside, allowing for players to properly fight each other and other NPCs
- Still needs code for processing non-combat damage
+ Separated out heavy equipment and added variations on abilities, such as field projectors and wormhole makers
+ Fixed a few issues where draw distances and fog were set to wrong values

April 2018 (Week 1)

+ Fixed a bug caused by new laneline meshes
+ Added new meshes for guns, jumpgates, space billboards, and more.
+ Fixed some miscellaneous bugs
+ Created jumpgate objects
+ Added 40 new backgrounds as part of the content pass, still more to come

March 2018 (Week 5)

+ Implemented NPC sync, formation mechanics, and group/party mechanics
+ Fixed skipping on NPCs in multiplayer
+ Implemented station sync, players can run around with each other on space

March 2018 (Week 4)

+ Storm effects fully implemented with bolts and spacewind
+ Storms can now be destroyed by taking out their rift lynchpins which stops the effects
+ Fixed issue where storms only moved when the map was open
+ Changed asteroid field exterior model to better version so people will stop asking what the giant cage is

March 2018 (Week 3)

+ Implemented all UI sounds and all actions that do UI sounds
+ Created additional tech to allow sound variation on equipment
+ Fixed issue where asteroid generation grid would randomly stop working
+ Recreated original storm generation code, which are now 3D objects, added new storm effects
+ Added visible storming when a storm hits a system, ambient lightning bolts in systems and in the atmosphere of planets

February 2018 (Week 4)

+ Implemented the basics of multiplayer
+ Implemented sync'd stats and in-game chat
+ Allowed ships to freely trade equipment between each other
- Movement synchronization still laggy, needs a lot of tweaking to account for high speeds

February 2018 (Week 1)

+ Fixed a longstanding issue where equipped items had their stats reported incorrectly.
+ Created new UI elements for quests
+ Created and implemented a dialogue system
+ Hooked up the basics of quest systems and spawning quest-specific items, quests can be completed and undertaken