
August 2020 (Week 2)

+ Fixed issue where skipping through a conversation with the player involved would cause an exception.
+ Sorted out battleship trails to render better.
+ Added some edge cases to spawning.
+ Removed some excess colliders to improve framerate.
+ Fixed some issues in the Pard-12 system and redid one of the bases a bit.
+ Added a space egg.
+ Removed and recoded physics on NPC AI volumes to make them far more efficient, gaining back some 30 or so FPS.
+ Redid the old explosive damage effect to do things a little bit better.
+ Missiles don’t curve towards station bits now and are easier to aim at larger targets.
+ Shooting a missile at someone will instantly piss them off.
+ Stations can get pissed off now via shooty or missley.
+ Pissing off an NPC now pisses off everything including nearby dockables, and anger persists for some time.
+ Offscreen indicators now render behind UI for clarity.
+ Added space skeletons.
+ Cracked a planet open, with the boys.
+ Gave Veilers first names.
+ Fixed issue where some duplicate IDs were colliding.
+ Fixed issue where long-range solars would get duplicated by the detection sphere.
+ Long-range solars that are hostile but out of conventional range no longer show up as important.
+ Re-coupled some uncoupled items, now that they’re no longer a physical object.
+ Fixed some ships that had missing colliders.
+ Added the most important kind of cheat code: Bighead Mode.
+ Gave Karbelle his proper uniform.
+ Created a giant wrecked missile vignette.
+ Improved the graphics in Croftsedge a bit and added more clearings.
+ Added a giant lost starfactory.
+ Began work on adding clearings to asteroid fields outside of the demo area.

August 2020 (Week 1)

+ Started to build proper cockpit models for ships.
+ Added some ice fossils.
+ Added some variants on crystal colors.
+ Added hair for Vauldwin.
+ Added skin texture variants for the Ijuni.
+ Added some geyser tubular… rocks.
+ Added some standing stones.
+ Made a space egg.
+ Replaced the speaker statue with a proper version.
+ Fixed issue where the radio had stopped working.
+ Asteroids in the navmap behave like other stuff on the navmap.
+ Expanded conversation list to indicate when a tradelane is being activated.
- Spawning system is still fucked even after all that time trying to unfuck it god dammit

July 2020 (Week 5)

+ Exit points now synchronized in multiplayer.
+ Multiplayer server now properly tracks locational and factional data.
+ Modified timeline event system to be able to take audioclips, prefabs, and vectors and take multiple arguments.
+ Added more cinematic controls and added a basic cinematic test.
+ Fixed some atmospheric issues in the Vauldwin systems.
+ Added and worked on models for campaign ships.
+ Added Ijuni lobster models.
+ Added some main campaign enemies and factions.
+ Added some new effects for main campaign ships.
+ Added the Uncleship.
+ Added an in-game radio.
+ Began work on inventory indicators, currently working for inventory.
+ Fixed issue where initial contacts would display a range of 0m.
+ Updated game version slightly to help with some issues.
+ Fixed rare bug when spawning NPCs that’d prevent stuff.
+ Wrote a bunch of scripts out for quest and the campaign.
+ Battleship trails no longer trail behind things.
+ Added an ancient wrecked whaling ship.
+ Cockpits can now have specific sections enabled or disabled on them.
+ Readjusted faction thresholds to allow for factions that will attack or defend themselves, but won’t affect reputation mechanics if assisting/hindering.
+ Recoded engine trails to work with the new Unity version, making them more efficient.

July 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added more requirements for dialogue and items.
+ Worked on intermediary systems for campaign controls.
+ Fixed some rendering issues on the subtitle background.
+ Added ambient battleships to relevant systems.
+ Fixed some character scaling issues.
+ Battleships now actively patrol system thanks to me adding patrol points for them.
+ Redid some models for the Veilers a bit.
+ Added proper atmospheric shaders to planets.
+ Adjusted brightness on some station materials.
+ Wrecked larger, transport-tier ships.
+ Began work on dumb pretentious Macrovari art sculptures.

July 2020 (Week 3)

+ NPCs in quest UI now talks alongside speech.
+ Fixed some broken jumphole connectors.
+ Fixed issue where system enablers weren’t hooked up.
+ Fixed issue where some quests could be prematurely completed.
+ Added backgrounds to UI elements and created new shaders for UI-specific text stuff.
+ Did a lighting and reflection pass across systems and ships.
+ Gave all player ships lights on their engines.
+ Began work on cutscene controls for the campaign and other things.
+ Battleships can now have a finalized jumpout effect.
+ Battleships can now actively patrol systems.
+ Worked on a world persistence thing for battleships, keeping them destroyed when they’re destroyed and keeping names consistent. This could also apply to stations and most anything else.
+ Improved and worked on jump-out effects for battleships, including sound.
+ Added more battleship variations.
+ Uncoupled subtitle logic from station NPCs to be universally applicable.
+ NPCs and the player can now both say lines.
+ Added some shadowing background to subtitles and dialogue.

July 2020 (Week 2)

+ Added gasminers to all systems that should have gasminers.
+ Worked on some interior models for the campaign.
+ Fixed some duplicate jumpholes in systems and added code to prevent key collision.
+ Added some initial campaign dialogue and elevator tech.
+ Redid character controller to fire one-off animation state.
+ Added new clothing variants for the Vauldwin.
+ Emotions and animations now tied to dialogue and can animate talkers.
+ Hooked up missing keybinds to input system.

July 2020 (Week 1)

+ Hooked up the LOD system to stations and ships.
+ Options menu can now control view distance and LOD.
+ Fixed issues where some placeholder ships weren’t replaced with their proper models.
+ Dialogue triggers can repeat, used mostly for salesfolk and moonshiners and such.
+ Dialogue can now control global states.
+ Fixed issue where dialogue wasn’t processing numbers correctly.
+ Acquiring meta-items will now properly indicate you’ve got them in your cargo box.
+ Can now buy moonshine from the moonshiners in New Demendrere.
+ Fixed issue where the player couldn’t pick things up anymore.
+ Lobsters have textures.
+ Removing items from the player’s inventory now pops up a message.
+ Can now use power cores to power things.

June 2020 (Week 4)

+ Finished initial modeling of campaign ships.
+ Fixed some issues on ship debris creation stuff.
+ Added a wrecked lighthouse vignette.
+ Worked on adding gasminers to systems.
+ Optimized solar fields slightly, mostly for memory management.
+ Multiplayer fields now copy over their equivalent’s data.
+ Created subsystem and large solar systems, a lighter weight modular system meant for structures and battleship fights where things have to be destroyed piecemeal.
+ Created anti-piracy battleships, and made them able to follow and jump after the player.
+ Solar systems now track fields with asteroids in them (used for some stuff with multiplayer and battleships).
+ Created a shield generator subsystem, bits that you have to shoot that can take down shields.
+ Dialogue trees can now process greetings, allowing NPCs to greet you based on progress.
+ Docking logic improved by having it check at each intermediate point if you’re able to reach the docking bay.
+ Optimized contact HUD a bit by having it use the cached distance variable instead of constantly having to call things.
+ Worked more on the LOD system, which can now finally cull objects, and actively culls equipment on ships. Initial tests give it some fairly good FPS improvements.

June 2020 (Week 3)

+ Began modeling out campaign ships.
+ Worked on tech for sacrificial altars and garbage grinders.
+ Added models for the space altars and garbage grinders.
+ Adjusted lighting and coloring in a few systems.
+ Fixed up the UV issues on some of the molten asteroid meshes.
+ Added some more archway variants and some more space ruins.

June 2020 (Week 2)

+ Optimized laneline colliders a bit.
+ Replaced battleship models in systems with newer, better models.
+ Began work on rudimentary support for larger systems of stuff, mostly meant to be used in battleships.
+ Made a wrecked lighthouse variant.
+ Worked on improving the ghost train a bit.
+ Added train wreckage for the ghost train, which it leads you towards.
+ Fixed audio on the ghost train.
+ Redid the graphics on the Veiler Warfoundries.
+ Worked on optimizing nebula particles a bit.
+ Did up the space beacon a bit, improving its textures and adding more graphicy stuff.
+ Redid shipstar’s shipwreck model. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with it.
+ Began work on a moment to moment LOD system for culling distant objects.
+ Fixed some issues with the sun malfunctioning alongside the nebula camera.
+ Added a train cemetery to New Demendrere.
+ Replaced Macrovari battleships and cruise liners with their new models.
+ Scannable items now obey range rules and some have to be up close to be scanned.
+ Properly sized up battleships.

June 2020 (Week 1)

+ Distant object optimizers can properly disable particle systems now too.
+ Nebulas can now suppress sun lights by a specified factor, instead of just recoloring them.
+ Added 21 new transport turret variants and added those variants to the spawning lists.
+ Resized AI equipment because it was way too fucking big.
+ Fixed some material errors on freighters.
+ Rearranged AI hardpoints on ships to actually show up.
+ Adjusted camera settings on various ships to fit better.
+ Fixed issue where contrails on ships were persisting far too long, leading to potential memory issues.
+ Replaced graphics on zombie transports.
+ Contact and equipment buttons no longer occlude the scroll view and in general perform much better.
+ Changed naming schemes on screenshots to sort better.
+ Completely redid spawning logic for NPCs so that they’d consistently spawn near the player and not in stupid places and implemented new effects for them.
+ Increased detection range on ships by 80%.
+ Additional space lobsterage.
+ Redid logic and code for character customization, allowing for more kinds of things such as material swaps or disabling body parts, and more internally consistent logic on character customization.
+ Started to create a bunch more items for basic character customization.
+ Synchronized body parts and players on stations in multiplayer.

May 2020 (Week 4)

+ Made the Great Dish more willing to attack you and added better effects to it.
+ Began working on synchronizing fields and dockable solars in multiplayer.
+ Added a system for tracking global variables, for various things.
+ Added globals, race and quest stages to dialogue requirements.
+ Fixed some docking issues with jumppoints.
+ Players will dock and synchronize with dockable items in multiplayer now.
+ Fixed some issue with system transference in multiplayer.
+ Multiplayer now tracks if players are inside fields.
+ Fixed some UI elements being off-center.
+ Fully implemented the code for solar locks.
+ Hooked up some missing voice lines and code for things like attacking or having an ally attack an NPC
+ Fixed issue where some dialogue windows wouldn’t open up all the way.
+ Updated logic for sun shafts, as they were failing to work during nebula transitions, and fixed up some weird bugs with it.
+ Fixed some space book issues.
+ Fixed some null references on shipdealers.
+ Fixed issue where beam weapons had stopped working.
+ Worked on some initial cockpit stuff, mostly effectwise and tweaked aspects here and there.
+ Fixed some bad camera offsets on ships.
+ Fixed up the spacetrain model a bit and added a wrecked variant.
+ Changed the logic of system enablers to be requirements based.
+ Added a chance, location, stormeye, storm, and data requirement type.
+ Docking restrictions can now have custom colors and messages.
+ Added a space whirlpool.

May 2020 (Week 3)

+ Made some space honeycomb mesh… thing. I guess.
+ Added said space honeycomb to replace the old crappy space honeycomb.
+ Creepy gyro now shoots at you.
+ Added new gyro asteroid variants.
+ Beam weapons can have lights tied to their charge state.
+ Fixed some star systems not giving the UI any color.
+ Fixed some issues with Us space lighting.
+ Fixed some awkwardness with player aiming.
+ Began work on solar locks, which prevent a player from docking on a station, lane, or gate, if they don’t have the requirements.
+ Added lampposts and rocks to Us space and redid the model on the space book.
+ Added some special stuff to the space book.
+ Fixed issue where nebula exteriors were staying visible inside themselves.
+ Did some more work on the Great Dish.
+ Fixed up line connectors to work better, given that they hadn’t been used in forever.
+ Lobsters.

May 2020 (Week 2)

+ Replaced all gun models with their finished models and redid particle effects to match projectile colors.
+ Also fixed issue where muzzle flashes weren’t sorted correctly.
+ Distant dockable solars that the player has discovered are listed in the contact menu.
+ Fixed some issues with the Contact HUD.
+ Added basically an in-game journal for the main campaign.
+ Added new minefield variants and explosive gases.
+ Added minefield clusters, which essentially serve as impassable walls for content like this, that lets me have much thicker clusters at a much lower rate.
+ Added unstable particulate.
+ Redid Bastic, the exploding system, to be better.
+ Added a haunted disappearing jumpgate to Hardturn.
+ Added an alt-firing mode for chaingun style firing.
+ Redid lightning code to be more efficient and destantiate better.
+ Made wrecked versions of jumpgates.
+ Moved back cameras on ship hardpoints for better clarity.
+ Redid the ball bearing and shipwreck model in Shipstar.

May 2020 (Week 1)

+ Game now saves some extra data about your race and last docked station.
+ Categories and tiers now display better.
+ Starting in an asteroid field now clears that properly.
+ Worked on additive versions of existing shaders.
+ Ships now display their tier version on shipdealers.
+ Game now saves achievement data properly.
+ Player can now search for systems and stations in the navmap.
+ Indicators now exist for cargo items, to better see em.
+ Formations now can’t be entered if said formations are full.
+ Forming on NPC ships lets you enter docks and lanes with them.
+ Hostile NPCs now have leading pips regardless of targeted status, and leading pip’s are a bit more optimized.
+ Wrecks can now be accurately shot at, similar to asteroids.
+ Replaced and made some better textures for targeting UI.
+ Added ambient sounds to all stations.
+ Added some ruined space cathedrals.
+ Updated support for other resolutions including ultra-wide monitor resolution.
+ Added some more vignettes.
+ Added “restoration zones”, areas that can heal the player or restore aspects of them while inside them. Useful for multiple things.
+ Added chance-based enablers when the player first enters systems, for random events and spacetime-phasing vignettes.
+ Worked a bit on adding in the new character models.
+ Replaced all non-gun equipment with its finished models.

April 2020 (Week 5)

+ Added cliffs, cacti, windmills, etc, to the Ijunus regions.
+ Redid cargoboxes on stations to be offset properly in cases where said boxes are very large.
+ Ijuni windmills no longer have camera lag.
+ Replaced Ijuni battleships with their proper models.
+ Redid some skyboxes and lighting in various systems to make them look better.
+ Fixed issue where NPCs wouldn’t detect one another because of stupidity.
+ Fixed issue where NPCs wouldn’t spawn away from lanelines properly.
+ Added exploding ice crystals to the Marrenfloh system.
+ Added wrecked variants of models for all fighters and freighters.

April 2020 (Week 4)

+ Changed some coloration and worked on texture stuff with mines.
+ Added some more exploratory things in Eternral.
+ Waypoint indicators no longer stop you from pressing buttons they’re over.
+ Fixed issues with manual docking on jumpgates being odd and optimized the distances for them.
+ When reloading saves quests now show up in your questlog.
+ Saves can now be sorted by time and dated, ascending or descending.
+ Saves now show race and station location.
+ Redid save and loading UI to look more in line with the rest of the game’s UI.
+ Game now saves stormeyes.
+ Worked on some space cacti.
+ Fixed issue where customizing freighters would cause issues.
+ Fixed edge case with quest dialogue closing when it shouldn’t.
+ Redid the options UI to look in line with the rest of the game’s UI.
+ Key rebinding UI can now have category buttons.
+ Began to add missing keybindable things.
+ Quest UI now begins with the active tab, rather than anything else.

April 2020 (Week 3)

+ Added the first bits of a campaign manager for the main storyline, and tied it to dialogue requirements.
+ Began redoing the master server browser code to fit the modern vision for multiplayer. The player can now define a list of servers they check the status of.
+ Fixed some multiplayer issues.
+ Added in battleship models, redid textures on Gatebuilder stuff including skyboxes.
+ Added some rusty variants of ships.
+ Fixed up ambient lighting settings to actually work properly.
+ Fixed specularity map texture errors with stations.
+ Worked on some new asteroid/mine types.
+ Fixed issues where player starships on buy would have some malfunctionable items.
+ Fixed issue where cargo hold sizes were bigger than they should be due to skills calculating incorrectly.
+ Fixed issue where selling commodities on stations wasn’t giving their proper cargo values.
+ Moved jumpgates back a bit from tradelanes and replaced old shitty colliders with new, better ones.
+ Rebalanced missiles a bit.
+ Fixed issue where any saves other than autosaves no longer could be created.
+ Fixed issue where you could get more items from the console than were possible to hold.
+ Shipdealing menu no longer accidentally can give you negative credits, properly prevents camera scrolling, better communicates deals and money, and prevents transfer-all button from clipping through.
+ Ships that want to spawn in front of tradelanes but don’t, will.
+ Fixed some issues when scanning ships and with NPC ship icons.
+ Redid some internal logic on station price buying, which now takes into account player’s hold value and modulates based on station price.

April 2020 (Week 2)

+ Added more dialogue requirement stuff.
+ Finished adding archways and shit to Ballden space.
+ Talking NPCs have their own icon on the contact HUD.
+ Began work on some requested features (such as navmap search and alt-fire modes).
+ Player level is now evaluated when items are acquired or lost and worth is now taken into account from the meta-inventory.
+ Tractorable items that exist, but cannot be tractored in, will no longer make the icon appear.
+ Asteroid items are better about checking themselves when they have to get remade.
+ Dialogue trees can now have requirements before a choice is shown.
+ Fixed issue where multiple levelups would display multiple messages.
+ Mission and quest waypoints now work out-of-system, similar to the current player-set waypoints.
+ Took a deep dive to redo all the shit with my waypoint logic, due to it being way too complicated for no real reason.
+ Fixed issue where connection knowledge wouldn’t be updated.
+ Fixed issue with thruster sounds playing when they’re not meant to.
+ Fixed up some laneline leaving logic to be more convenient.
+ Made NPC freighter damage hit noises WAY less noisy.

April 2020 (Week 1)

+ Noncontextual colors on the dialogue UI no longer make it unusable.
+ The game now autosaves on stations.
+ Created system simulation and began work on multiplayer synchronization of such.
+ Star systems track relevant data for multiplayer now.
+ Added giant ice crystals to one of the star systems.
+ Added a spline follower thingy.
+ The planet in Eternral now blows the fuck up over and over again.
+ Worked on improving spacetrain logic to make them move less weird.
+ Began adding the religious archways and shit that the Ballden have.
+ Prettified the garage UI.
+ Fixed an issue when buying or selling (but not trading in) ships.
+ Nerfed starting ship and weapons to encourage you to buy a better one, you cheap fucking hack.
+ Using an item that has no ammo won’t play the sound when activated.
+ Players can now cancel active missions.
+ Fixed issue where trying to change your ship’s name would fuck up the UI.
+ Prices on stations can no longer divide by zero.
+ Redid some of the main multiplayer menu a bit.
+ Ship icons now have proper hardpoint cameras set.
+ Jumpholes in the navmap have new icons.
+ Added a navigational grid to the navmap, so you can tell people where you mom lives.
+ Began working on dialogue requirements (IE don’t show dialogue choices if you don’t meet the requirement).

March 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added a command that gives the player a random loadout and start, for screenshots mostly.
+ Added rotational offsets for icons while in inventory.
+ Fixed off-centeredness and strange rotational settings when viewing icons in the inventory menu.
+ Ships that are important to a multi-stage mission, such as assassinations or rampages, now show up as important contacts.
+ Missions now select from one of the three closest spawnpoints on a man.
+ Factions now pick leading ships from a different racial pool than the normal, day-to-day ships.
+ Projectiles can now have beam-weapon style trails.
+ Began work on instancing for solar systems in multiplayer.
+ Multiplayer now syncs scanning and ship headlights.
+ Nebula clearings now have shells around them to simulate cloud clearings.
+ Fixed issue where jumping to system would leave some in-game effects on.
+ Began decoupling rigidbodies and ships from their overall ships, greatly increasing in-ship performance.
+ Fixed some rendering errors with the space train.
+ Replaced some UI sounds.
+ Fade-ins and fade-outs for the UI are much faster on stations.
+ Redid DeleteAfterPlaying to not be old and stupid.
+ Added a “transfer all” button to the shipmenu and added in some actual sounds for shit.
+ Station buttons reset upon launching to space.

March 2020 (Week 3)

+ Adjusted killzone, size, and general composition of Deadforest to match new things.
+ Added a hanging tree.
+ Added mobile blackholes to the Tierra system.
+ Allowed for blackholes and other types to randomly warp the player, rather than set warp the player.
+ Added a particle system pausing system, for frozen-time bits.
+ Began adding powerlines to Macrovari space.
+ Adjusted some coloring in nebula.
+ Fixed issues where some ship visuals weren’t hooked up properly.
+ Fixed some miscategorized equipment.
+ Redid some backgrounds and adjusted some sun portions.
+ Fixed some mislabelled lanelines and nebula sizes.
+ Lanelines now have their own icons.
+ Manual docking now has color-codes for when you’re in range of stuff.
- Odd behavior with some docking distances not being accurate when in manual docking mode.
+ Selecting something now briefly shows the services it offers, if any.
+ Optimized solar lens flares a bit.
+ Added some more optimization systems for culling linked objects.
+ Macrovari systems now have powerlines.
+ Added Scraphenge.
+ Adjusted tons of suns and coloring in systems to better fit things.
+ You can now kill or be killed by God.
+ Fixed up Vauldwin fighter models slightly.

March 2020 (Week 2)

+ Fixed issue where the player couldn’t buy freighters, and in fact couldn’t normally trade-in ships at all.
+ Fixed issue where duplicate shield IDs existed, giving the player a far more powerful shield when reloading a save.
+ Fixed issue where activatable objects didn’t work.
+ Adjusted some comm window stuff.
+ Fixed issue where the garage would accidentally duplicate ship.
+ Fixed some minor garage issues.
+ Released new demos.
+ Fixed UI issue with the cursor disappearing
+ Fixed issue where the garage would suspend sound but not turn it back on
+ Fixed issue where ships that had no thrusters would still get the camera effects of them, or could get sound effects when they weren’t thrusting.
+ Added descriptions to some quest items.
+ Killing missions now target the first-relevant killy-thingy when you need to kill things.
+ Added some tech for starfox style levels.
+ Avoidance code now works in dock-mode.
+ Added simple path-followers.
+ Added a simple “has item” function for quests and requirements.
+ Blackholes can now crush the player to death but also be survived with special equipment.
+ Wrecks on the minimap now have working icons. Wrecks also show up as colored slightly off-color to indicate they’re loot.
+ Fixed issue where the proper radius of the ship detects scanned objects correctly.
+ Fixed issue where optimization objects were ironically blocking targeting abilities.
+ The music system now tracks by number of immediate hostiles, not hostile contacts.
+ Changing dock targets doesn’t cancel your docking effects.
+ Engine trails now work from a zero-cruise position.
+ Added background shadowing to the dialogue window elements.
+ Re-imported station textures making them much higher quality.
+ Worked on new models for the space forest.

March 2020 (Week 1)

+ Players can now explode and show damage in multiplayer.
+ More things synchronize in multiplayer, including respawning and player leaving states.
+ Added signage for space billboards and textured them properly.
+ Improved placing logic for the auto-placer.
+ Fixed some issues with the grid optimizer and added some better options for the mesh combiner.
+ Began detailing the demo/Vauldric systems.
+ Cleaned up and redid some demo skyboxes.
+ Spectral mining ships will only attack the player if they’re flying a pirate ship.
+ Fixed some fields interfering with raycasts.
+ Added tech to disable or enable objects depending on whether or not they’re singleplayer or multiplayer.
+ Can no-longer double-close a comm UI.
+ Long-range indicators no longer produce errors.
+ Comms windows can open on the station properly now.
+ Updated music and graphics for the “Between Spaces” quest and Vauldwin space.
+ Added advertisements and billboards for Vauldwin space.