
September 2019 (Week 2)

+ Added a way to waypoint to things out of your system.
+ Fixed issue where connected systems were duplicated.
+ Mineable asteroids no longer spawn outside of system master transforms.
+ Fixed issue where objective UI wouldn’t properly display player’s level and name.
+ Clearings in fields no longer deflect projectiles.
+ Added bombers and descriptions for such.
+ Added a secondary bar for secondary ultimate attacks.
+ Ship classes now set.
+ Fixed issue where the quest marker wouldn’t update upon re-teleporting back into a system.
+ Fixed issue where you could thrust inside wormholes.
+ Added more station exteriors.
+ Began work on replacing station models with finished ones.
+ Finished basic greyboxes for all freighters.

September 2019 (Week 1)

+ Engine trails are now longer, testing out visual effects there.
+ Systems now keep track of other systems connecting to them natively.
+ Added more station exteriors, finishing up the Pard systems.
+ Created new alternate flight system.
+ Fixed issue with NPCs spawning too close to stations.
+ Fixed issue where certain freighters were so large they would hit each other while flying
+ Fixed issue where waypoints, though updated, wouldn’t reflect those changes in the UI.
+ Fixed issue where the new camera system would behave oddly when switching camera modes.
+ Increased laneline docking distances and changed their descriptions to actually be fully detailed.
+ Also added proper flavor text for jumpgates and jumppoints.
+ Started work on a tutorial system (like a separate level for the tutorial).
+ Talking NPCs now can have their audio affect aspects of them (for speeches and stuff).
+ Added more models for freighters.

August 2019 (Week 5)

+ Quests can now be turned on or off in terms of tracking via the quest UI.
+ Created intermediate system for challenges that better tracks their progress.
+ Opening UI windows on a station will properly hide other pieces of the UI.
+ Implemented Veiler battleships.
+ New shipdealing and shiptransfer UIs.
+ Added new flare texture options.
+ Replaced windmills, beacons, and lampposts with new models.
+ Nebulas no longer show up inside other nebulas, accidentally.
+ Added an option for suns to get bigger in nebulae, not smaller.
+ Suns can also be set to be occluded by colliders.
+ Added an option in your inventory to see the best prices of an item.
+ Began adding models for freighters.
+ Money values now have commas in them.
+ Leveling curve redone to be more reasonable, max level requires around fifty million in total character worth.
+ You can now clear waypoints, though mission and quest waypoints cannot be cleared.

August 2019 (Week 4)

+ New faction UI now displays more detailed information on each faction, as well as recent actions undertaken against or for that faction.
+ Negative reactions are no longer affected by rep gain bonuses, and factions can no longer gain reputation for helping out themselves.
+ Station interiors are now tracked and learned by the player, can be used to track prices and such.
+ New models for beacons and lampposts.
+ Information UI now shows icon of item and is changed for text slightly, having split into two sections and also shows any cargo that you can sell for a profit.
+ New character UI system, functionally the same for the most part, but now juicy and displays the exact stat effects of your character when mousing over.
+ Redid achievement tracker to have a new structure to better track the player’s progress, now tracks what the player has killed and any tasks they’ve completed.
+ Began work on redoing the quest UI. Quests now display their logs in order of objectives (and highlights the current objective in green).
+ Challenges restored but still need a total overhaul. At the very least, they can now give payouts when you complete them.

August 2019 (Week 3)

+ Cruise engines and ship trails now reflect paint state
+ Changed audio distances for ship hull hits and audio stylings
+ Changed some aspects of offscreen indicators to fix issues with them
+ Waypoint connectors no longer show up when you’re not in the right system
+ New lamp. Very suitable.
+ Working on redoing the player’s inventory UI to match the new trading UI.
+ Fixed issue where scanning another ship would let the player eject cargo from it
+ Unequipping and equipping items is now a specific non-button-tied command
+ Redid crafting menu to again, match the other menus, now has filters, shows your current jobs, and displays the crafting requirements for each thing.
+ Also began redoing reputation/character UI, as well as adding a recent actions tab.

August 2019 (Week 2)

+ Customization UI now has tabs and additional camera effects
+ Trading UI now shows trading hangar
+ Ships now show previews of items they will equip
+ Kind of a big system
+ Item icons now 3D
+ Ship icons now display equipment
+ Added a lift for crates, for ship items without icons
+ Updated ship icons for all flyable ships
+ Ship customization now saved in specific customization nodes
+ Ship engines can now be customized
+ Added functionality for stripping engines and paint vs restoring them
+ Added color randomization for ship customization
+ Fixed issues with the color wheel, of which there were a few
+ More battleship models for the masses
+ Fixed issue where offscreen indicator bars would still appear

August 2019 (Week 1)

+ Waypoints in the navmap now connect properly to the player
+ Began work on redoing the trading UI
+ New functionality such as being able to filter lists by equipment type
+ Also displays stat differences when comparing items
+ Equip and unequip buttons now command buttons below
+ Trading buttons won’t show price fluctuations on equipment pieces that don’t have them
+ Items the player cannot equip are greyed out
+ Player can no longer move around while in open station menus
+ Player can now search for items
+ Created new models for ship customization rooms
+ Created some new battleship models
+ Began work on customization UI and trading preview window
+ Player can now color their ship and their ship’s headlights at any shipdealer

July 2019 (Week 4)

+ Changed some elements of the loading UI to fix some issues as well as make it look a little bit nicer
+ First time players will now have their default options set correctly
+ Fixed issue where keys couldn’t be rebinded on the title screen and the restore defaults button wasn’t working on the title screen.
+ Added restore default options to the rest of the options menu
+ Opening menus of the same subtype on stations will cause the other open ones to close
+ Also applied this to exiting out of UIs
+ Moving to a new room on a station will cause any open windows to close
+ Dialogue buttons on comm UIs can’t be selected early
+ Greatly reduced tooltip times
+ Docking on stations and undocking will cause less issues
+ Dialogue with NPCs now has a dedicated camera mode
+ Added ship debris, which is… mostly what it is says it is.
+ Added more thruster effects
+ Fixed up offscreen indicators to run a bit better and update faster
+ Setting a waypoint will cause the map to properly refresh
+ When a laneline gets disrupted the waypoint system will properly update to reflect this and direct the player better

July 2019 (Week 1)

+ Modeled and implemented pets
+ Optimized some audio to reduce memory usage
+ Godmode now properly sets itself at all times
+ Certain powerful attacks on the player now have cooldowns before they can do full damage, to prevent weird shit
+ Added fadeable UI options and fixed contextual UI hiding not hiding when first turned on

June 2019 (Week 4)

+ Got a steam store page up!
+ Fixed some dialogue issues
+ Once again, more docking code redoes, trying to prevent the player from getting stuck in a loop
+ Fixed issue where loading didn’t always, well, load
+ Skill system separated out from ship pilots and placed inside the player’s overall metadata, cleaning up a lot of headachey shit.
+ Fixed issue where killing ships while on a kill-wave mission that weren’t related to the waves spawned would complete the mission.
+ Game saves configuration settings more often now
+ Skills and deposited ships now are properly saved by the game when saving the game.
+ Greatly increased laneline acceleration speeds
+ Targeting crosshairs now go all spinny spinny when over the leading pip of a target
- Probably not gonna get much work done this next week, mostly managing the campaign and fending off the endless spam from Kickstarter “promoters”.

June 2019 (Week 3)

+ Filmed a bunch of trailers, did a bunch of PR work, reaching out to press, you know how it is.
+ Fixed issue with mouse sensitivity
+ Canceling or redocking properly clears docks
+ Lanelines will no longer flip out after multiple disruptions
+ Fixed some issues when undocking from planets
+ Contact HUD now clears itself when on a station
+ X and Y mouse sensitivities now separate fields in the options menu
+ Courier missions now more selective about where they give out missions
+ Distant stations can now be selected and process physics LODs differently
+ Started work on Linux and Mac builds
+ Motherfucking Kickstarter and demo

June 2019 (Week 2)

+ Gave demo out to testers, so far response has been positive and some youtubers have approached wanting in
+ Fixed exceptions where physics values were reported as NAN, causing some issues
+ Tons of QOL fixes based on tester feedback
+ Solars can specifically set the distances at which entities begin to dock at them, and lanelines, jumppoints, and jumpgates have had their distances reduced
+ Docking dock… code, redone. Ships will no longer go spinning out if you dock at a close distance at a weird angle
+ Looking at trying to get some better loading stuff in
+ Added additional UI fixes to the main station menus
+ Stations now have the launchpad colliders marked as leave nodes, allowing a player who doesn’t work through the menu to launch to space
+ Fixed a rare freeze that resulted from a while loop that had no limit
+ Added space eyes
+ Added a look around function, mostly used for those space eyes but it has other uses too
+ Added lots more space secrets, in space.
+ Fixed issue where tradable items had a rare condition that caused them to be bought for over 10 billion dollars per cargo unit.
+ Added some restrictions to pseudo-freeflight when over relevant menus
+ Reset some collision properties
+ Fixed some issues when entering vanity mode
+ Fixed some saving issues with quests
+ Kickstarter almost ready to go, trailer’s just got a few more scenes to film

June 2019 (Week 1)

+ Assassination missions now target neutral factions, and properly display data of who you need to track down.
+ Game now keeps track of your waypoints and restores them on death or transferring to a new station/system
+ Leveling up multiple times in a row no longer spams your message HUD with level up messages.
+ Added the ability to lock players out of systems, mostly to keep people from leaving the demo area
+ Completed quests cannot be tracked via the quest marker system
+ Added more quests and more dialogue to existing quests.
+ Dialogue editing system has more controls and can copy/paste text
+ Quest UI cleaned up: Scrollbar’s faster and works better, dialogue displays the NPC name above the dialogue, etc
+ Quest tracker no longer displays in menus
+ Quests can now be saved
+ Added destruction to certain bosses
+ Fixed issue where the incoming missile UI didn’t stop flashing even when no missiles were left
+ Stormeyes now give the player a message indicating that they were added
+ Can’t retarget a thing you were already targeting
+ Added some additional quest controls
+ Fixed issue where maps wouldn’t load if waypoints couldn’t be handled
+ Fixed a great deal of issues when processing quest events, to start supporting more complicated kinds of quests
+ Player can no longer use other weapon types in highengine mode
+ Fixed missile graphical issues
+ Prediscovered solars now display proper names in the contact HUD
+ Allowed comm windows to be viewed on stations
+ Added ambient creatures: destroyable fauna that’s semi-static and can be looted
+ Added metaphysical ambient barnacle creatures
+ Redid ejection button to look nicer
+ Added item activation abilities for certain objects, quests and otherwise
+ Added translation probes: little balls that let you read ancient alien languages
+ Demo almost ready!

May 2019 (Week 5)

+ Fixed some docking issues at certain station archetypes
+ Added additional developer console controls
+ Can swap between ships via the console
+ Changed some textures to read better
+ Fixed issue where asteroid fields were actually checking double their size
+ Fixed issue where keycodes weren’t matching up
+ Hooked up some graphical options
+ Changed some material sorting on asteroid fields
+ Did a bunch of kickstarter work
+ Fixed some graphical issues on ships
+ Failing to dock with a station no longer prevents the player from docking with other things
+ Redid missiles some more
+ Audio on stations now falls under ambient, rather than music
+ Renamed Station NPCs in the demo areas
+ Station UI now displays the names of NPCs and the services they offer
+ Shipdealers now show previews of the ship they’re selling
+ All races have appropriate dialogue lines for services
+ Game fades in when starting
+ Quest markers now get a best path, similar to the other waypoint systems
+ Dockable solars now have better processing for when to remove waypoints
+ Added a generic quest dialogue trigger, based on various aspects of the player
+ Added an initial starting quest, which gives the player some direction
+ Your active quest now displays your current objective in the UI
+ Mineable asteroids have a less annoying particle effect
+ Added hidden jumpholes to all demo systems, which connect the various locations
+ NPC dialogue processing on stations better
+ Gave a miniboss a way to fight back
- Decided to forgo having news stories and NPCs having conversations on stations for the demo. It’s a lot more work

May 2019 (Week 4)

+ Added collision processing handlers for distant objects, which turns off collision on far-away objects
+ Suns no longer fade when facing away from them
+ Restored UI hiding
+ Added LODs to distant objects
+ Scanning for distant objects now won’t set duplicates if multiple solar children are detected
+ Added scanned item info. Special scanned objects, when their data is sold, give out info on that object. Scanning an object will now inform the player when they’ve scanned said data.
+ NPCs now correctly talk about the thing they’re targeting
+ Added intermediate docking for when the player docks with a station, orbiting them around it
+ Added intermediate pathfinding for NPCs, allowing them to travel around stations
+ Dying in game will now clear any data loaded onto your ship (but not committed to the archives)
+ Finished writing all tutorials
+ Ships will now wait in line at stations, docking code has been changed to now direct ships to the nearest open dock ports and deny access if none are available
+ Fixed issue where pausing on a station wouldn’t free the mouse
+ Player saves now track loaded scanning data
+ Chapterhouses at select stations now let you sell and view info on sold data
+ Player can now save, console and load into stations
+ Fixed issue where NPCs docking at stations would sometimes warp the player
+ Added FOV sliders for individual cameras
+ Player can swap out windows
+ Added 3D icons for ships, when previewing ships
+ Added some more stations

May 2019 (Week 3)

+ Ambient stars and background ambients can be enable/disabled
+ Volumetric lighting and godrays improved and can be enabled/disabled
+ Improved pause menu options
+ Redid shipdealer UI to work better
+ Trading in your ship works fully and properly now
+ Created solar obstacles: special kinds of solar childs that only get processed in pathfinding
+ Options settings now work properly
+ UI can be recolored freely
+ Can load games from the title screen
+ Consoling or loading games now will set asteroid fields properly
+ Fixed issues when using the console to teleport to other systems
+ Fixed some issues with setting sound effect volumes
+ Added Sparkplatform, a new boss for the demo
+ Fixed some description boxes that didn’t auto-resize
+ Fixed a bunch of issues with missiles, allowing them to work now
+ When the player is targeted by missiles, the missile alert system now goes off
+ Pirate and criminal factions now flee properly
+ Began a redo of multiplayer heavy effects, getting rid of the separate entities for them, and making things much more efficient
+ Doing damage to non-ship entities now fills up the player’s heavy attack bar
+ Added enriched energy fields: basically areas where the player’s gun range is much greater, to help them fight bigger bosses

May 2019 (Week 2)

+ More kickstarter work done
+ Buy/sell windows in traders are now separate and switched between
+ Increased the overall size and readability of dialogue buttons
+ NPCs will no longer spawn inside planets
+ Fixed issue with NPCs going through tradelanes incorrectly
+ Fixed issue where tradelanes would temporarily render players invincible
+ Improved some talking UI aspects
+ Escape button now closes all station UI aspects
+ Contact HUD buttons given better visual feedback
+ Added extra color options for things
+ Added strafing up/down
+ Mission waypoint system separate from the normal one and waypoints behave a bit differently for some docking cases
+ Garage system now uses a list rather than navigational arrows for display
+ Message system now able to support multiple messages at once, and colors itself based on specific message types.
+ Toned down some lighting settings for readability purposes
+ Redid tutorial UI to be more an in-game manual.
+ Added some more unique content to places
+ Fixed some rotational objects to work with the camera system
+ Single-room stations now change their submenus based on where you’ve quick-traveled to.
+ Fixed some issues with the camera on stations

May 2019 (Week 1)

- Out of town so not a lot I could really get done
+ Improved cargo ejection mechanics
+ Fixed some grammatical errors in mission logs.
+ Fixed waypoint pathing issues on smaller routes
+ Started going all in on kickstarter, working on aspects there
+ Did some work on redoing pathfinding when docking

April 2019 (Week 4)

+ Mostly added station models and stuff
+ Station interiors in the demo region redone to be more nice
+ Fixed some factions that were offering missions against enemy factions they didn’t ever encounter
+ Redid first person controller to suck less
+ Null faction entities can have the shit blown out of them
+ Fixed some issues with deaddrop missions
+ Fixed some undocking issues
+ UI targeting bars now fill properly
+ Eliminated some superfluous features from stations that weren’t being used but were making my life more difficult
+ Fixed more UI and pathfinding issues
+ Fixed issues relating to minefields
+ Changed lighting in a few systems and added more ways to make money from scanning
+ Rebalanced ship prices
+ Stations now display prices of items in their infoboxes
+ Mission waypoints now receive a best path instead of a straight waypoint
+ Losing items will stop events from happening
+ Added some new heavy weapons
+ Created some basic prefabs for wrecks
+ Added lighthouses and wrecks to the demo areas
+ Added more voicelines for NPCs
+ Mission enemies are marked as important, and important NPCs will never run like cowards
+ Added some quests and redid quest behaviors slightly (since they hadn’t been worked on in months)

April 2019 (Week 3)

+ Set prices of individual commodities, finally.
+ Stations now have their trading prices semi-finalized
+ There is now a cooldown between tradelane attacks
+ Made hit effect sounds far quieter
+ Fixed issue where ships spawning towards gates would spawn behind it, rather than in front of it
+ Waypoint code redone to no longer rely on multiple flags, but just a straight value
+ Waypoints also appear in navmaps properly, and have indicators
+ Multiple set waypoints link to one another, and waypoints can now be viewed in the contact window
+ Added “Set best path” button
+ Fields and objects can be set to be initially visited
+ Graphics redone on some more interface stuff
+ Navmap menu fixed by separating out inputs that were needlessly tied together
+ Added some statues, ghost ships, and graves for vignettes
+ Created lampposts as a prefab
+ Added basic emission controller
+ Added some more readability to the UI and fixed some issues with button coloring
+ Stations can override skyboxes, ambient lighting, and simulate nebula interiors
+ Changed prices on equipment pieces that were previously low
+ Players can now rotate objects in the trade interface
+ Added another battleship
+ Lightflares now render over things
+ Fixed up station NPCs a bit
+ Station NPCs can now face you, and merchants will get mad if you stare but don’t buy anything
+ Added a subtitle option for NPCs whose dialogue you’re too close to see
+ Added a basic layout for a nicer battleship interior
+ Added avoidance zones around planets
+ More pathfinding redoes, again. Forever. Help me.

April 2019 (Week 2)

+ Refined events further, can now determine when they spawn (current ticks are for when a player enters a system or enters a zone)
+ Gave some NPC-only weapons to certain NPC-only bois
+ Fixed issue where AI presets wouldn’t set themselves properly when rechecked
+ Added space gears
+ Began working on the new UI
+ Fixed some rare tractoring issues
+ Idle ships now make more of an effort to spawn away from possible stations
+ Fixed some existing UI issues
+ Changed some common sounds around to be more bearable
+ Battleships can now be docked at
+ Pathfinding changed a little bit to move ships out of the way of potential obstacles
+ Large ships now have impact sounds and can be properly shot at
+ Large ships now have the option to moor, rather than dock, at stations
+ Fixed some issues with mission generation
+ Improvements to docking and undocking, including NPC commentary
+ NPCs during random missions now properly spawn with equipment

April 2019 (Week 1)

+ Fields in multiplayer now actively track npcs rather than receiving changes
+ More work done on fleeing AI, which will try and get away from the battle if things are going bad
+ Created universal encounter rules. Right now these are just restrictions on how many types of a single encounter template can spawn in a field
+ Fully implemented raiding AI for pirates and stuff
+ Removed a rather useless effect that was causing framedrops
+ Started adding content for the live demo at the end of the month
+ Jumping into a system sets its graphical effects sooner
+ Redid some graphics on jumpgates and lanelines to glow more how I wanted them to
+ Added space windmills
+ Added some initial battleship models
+ Working on an event system for rare cases
+ Added an “important” flag for solars, which makes them automatically show up in contacts regardless of their status. Mostly used for quests.

March 2019 (Week 4)

+ Implemented the last few proper models for big ships
+ Implemented last few racial pieces
+ Fixed some model issues on new station piece models
+ Added additional stations for edgeworlds
+ Fixed issues with character models and updated physics stuff
+ Implemented character customization. In singleplayer there’s no way to access it currently (and not much reason to do so).
+ Fixed issue where loading screen tech was causing weird multiplayer issues
+ Implemented more piecemeal style saving/loading in multiplayer

+ Tons and tons of PR work, new websites and everything.
+ NPC sync finally finally looking better. Jitter is way less of a thing.
+ Added some more border stations
+ Added NPC only weapons for some NPC-specific ships and filled factions out with these
+ Fixed issue where some jumpholes were tagged improperly
+ Did some more stuff to that one haunted system
+ Fixed longstanding issue with repairing ships
+ Ships on fire that put those fires out will no longer still be on fire even when they shouldn’t be
+ Fixed issue where players in multiplayer couldn’t respawn
+ Fixed issue where ships would spawn in multiplayer before their owning systems were set up
+ Added random object disappearerers. Basically a small system that can give items only a small chance of appearing in a star system. Mostly used for haunted stuff.
+ Added new race models for the Ballden
+ Added models for hardpoints, so that ship equipment isn’t just sitting on nothing
+ Fixed some issues with first-person character controllers
+ Fixed issue where sound settings wouldn’t be applied when first starting up the game
+ Fixed some music issues
+ Added a selfie mode, and vanity cameras won’t freeze time in multiplayer
+ Players now have nametags when on stations, races now control camera height
+ Fixed issue where players couldn’t die more than once
+ Fixed longstanding camera filter issues
+ Began phasing out some redundant multiplayer entities and functionality

March 2019 (Week 3)

+ Mostly working on non-game aspects of the game, the business side of things yknow.
+ Work done on a new website
+ Added more station racial pieces
+ Added relay satellites as well as the ships that will attack you and harvest your organs to replace the pieces in the satellites if you break the satellites. Don’t do that.
+ Added ship turrets for capital and transport ships