
March 2019 (Week 2)

+ Added more secret things
+ Started making a list of vignettes/content/wrecks in a given system
+ Added Us encounters to places
+ Finally made fishing ships
+ Redid some title screen scenes
+ Fixed issue where configuration loader wouldn’t load key configs correctly
+ Fixed some ships not spawning for some factions
+ Fixed issue where key commands while in menus would sometimes go through
+ Fixed error messages that occured when pausing
+ Pathfinding system redone to spawn NPCs along the actual paths and less randomly
+ Idling NPCs will make more of an attempt to not fly through stations
+ NPCs will, if they are committed to docking, no longer break off and engage fighters
+ Fixed issue with idling NPCs spawning in wrong formations
+ Added all stations to another region of space
+ And also another region of space
+ Rebalanced higher level loadouts
+ Ships low on health will occasionally cry and beg you not to kill them because they have a family
+ Added the basics of a fleeing AI and a raiding AI routine

March 2019 (Week 1)

+ Added death zones to planets, as well as effects when starting to enter said planets
+ Added system that tracks how the player dies and can judge them for it
+ Added audio pass on stations
+ Damage effects with trails and such are now able to fully play out before destroying themselves
+ All ships now able to catch fire
+ Added a subeffect category to damage effects. This allows for longer, drawn out explosions for things like larger ships
+ Refined some visual aspects of player flight to be a tiny bit smoother
+ Fixed issue where explosion effects weren’t behaving properly
+ Fixed some more pathfinding issues
+ Fixed issue where laneline and jumpgate effects wouldn’t play
+ Added manual docking, which lets the player manually dock with lanes and jumpgates
+ Fixed issue where NPCs would spawn before a system was fully set up
+ Fixed some field issues where some fields had no cooldown rate for spawning mineable chunks and where some encounter zones had their current and max densities switched
+ Added (finally) content for the Us, that charming race of sapient corpse-infesting fungi
+ Added encounter types for freighter-style ships, and allowed the game’s encounter system to process systems scaling for freighters
- Made me realize I need to redo a bunch of my avoidance code, which will set me back a few hours
+ Added more stations
+ Added some more developer commands
+ Collision pass on jumpgates
+ Fixed issue where duplicate contacts were listed
+ Added some secrets
+ Added activators
+ Worked a bit on dungeons/raids

February 2019 (Week 4)

+ Added docking rings to planets, and docking overrides for things like that.
+ Fixed shaders on planets
+ Fixed issue where ships would travel forward after docking
+ Added remaining non-racial station pieces
+ Added an intermediate pathfinding system for NPCs
+ Fixed more pathfinding issues
+ Improvements to player avoidance code, less false positives and a bit more reliable
+ Docking code improvements, mostly for docking doors.
+ Added docking exit point objects, which control exit doors, lights, cinematics, when undocking from a station
+ Added an override setting for the camera, for cinematic stuff
+ Started work on initial station passes for systems
+ Added handling code when the game detects duplicates in a trader’s sale list
+ Improved spawning and ship idling, ships no longer will path straight into like, a fucking sun, and they won’t start in one either
+ Faction ships no longer attack each other on accident
+ More larger ships are given betterer models
+ Redid movement code on anchors
+ Further added AI improvements
- Still need to have it so that AI will move away if they’re about to hit a wall
+ Ship trails on player ships are set to be less visible
+ Fixed wrong placement of guns on certain ships
+ Added new button functionality: Target closest enemy and tractor in nearby items (which also serves as an indicator for if the player has loot available to them)
+ Changed the spawning system of loot slightly to not spawn before a solar is destroyed
+ Music system improved
+ Ships now catch fire if they’re low on health
+ Fixed issue where explosions wouldn’t get rid of themselves on NPCs after playing
+ Lanelines can now be taken offline, and bandits will ambush lanelines occasionally
+ Collision and FX pass on all lanelines

February 2019 (Week 3)

+ Added avoidance zones, preset areas that NPCs will try to path around and can’t fly through
+ Added these zones to all station pieces
+ Redid and re-added NPC presets, and made it so that NPCs look harder at these AI presets
+ Added variations on docking pods
+ Nebulas can now have separate exterior colors from their interior colors
+ Readded the undersnake
+ Fixed issue where stronger and larger ships couldn’t turn
+ Fixed issue where ships with no voices would try to speak
+ Added ghost trains
+ Fixed issue where nebula were off-color or sized improperly
+ Ship camera settings can now properly set an offset, also fixed camera settings on ships that needed it
+ Fixed issue where the center of masses on ships would be off, causing various ships to control wildly different.
+ Projectiles now have impact effects and also properly despawn their effects without it looking weird
+ Added a static asteroid spawning field, usually used for small vignettes
+ Made mineable asteroids spawn away from the camera
+ Fixed issue where NPC engine trails weren’t working properly, and lets them despawn with the system
+ Added clocktowers, which can actually tell the time
+ Added vauldwin racial station pieces
+ Started work on juicing up the garage system, starting with a fade-in, fade-out effect for ships being switched out of it
+ Fixed issue where some updated equipment wouldn’t fade out with cloaking or the garage system
+ Started adding larger ship models
+ Added garage and docking ring (for planet) models
+ Redid garage system to be juicer

February 2019 (Week 2)

+ Adding docking ports for stations, and docking doors that can open and close
+ Added even more station pieces
+ Fixed issue where tooltips wouldn’t appear under some circumstances
+ Created additional mineable asteroids
+ All areas expected to be mineable can now be mined
+ Fixed issue where some fields didn’t have ambient sound
+ Fixed collision issue with some equipment
+ Stations now indicate in the UI what special services they offer, at a glance!
+ Fixed issue where nebulas would occlude things too early due to an incorrect calculation
+ Added plateau style docking ports
+ Added some additional controls to the photomode UI
+ Music switching now happens smoother and doesn't malfunction
+ Fixed issue where all NPCs would stop talking if one died too quickly
+ NPCs now have combat taunts
+ NPCs will now tell their boys to buckle up, because they’re headed to the (SYSTEM) when going through a gate or hole
+ Added some special stuff I can’t talk about
+ Added tentacle colliders
+ Added new lighthouse variations
+ Added powerlines and line-marching effect
+ Rebalanced lower level NPCs to be easier

February 2019 (Week 1)

+ NPCs can now fight defensively when evading attacks
+ All mineable asteroids now have proper models
+ Started making station models: domes, spires, connectors, all the little pieces that come together into a greater whole.
+ Added an object that can move back and forth. It’s very exciting.
+ Added more effects for shields
+ NPC audio optimized greatly
+ Fixed issue where repairing shields wouldn’t work properly
+ Fixed issue where NPCs would spawn with incorrect names
+ Heavy equipment mechanics are now redone, rather than being a separate energy bar they now build if the player does or takes damage

January 2019 (Week 5)

+ Jumpholes now lock the player in while jumping
+ Jumpholes now have larger hitboxes and can be insta-docked if close enough
+ Jumptunnels set proper reflect layers
+ When in jump, music will no longer play unless specified
+ Added a universe map
+ You can no longer thrust into wormholes
+ Ships with jobs now have a weighted preference towards any docktable targets in their immediate spawning field
+ Fixed issue where contact windows would display names before you discovered the thing
+ Added space forests
+ Added space graveyards
+ Added variations for very large, very bright suns
+ Did collision pass on asteroids to make them able to be flown through and around better
+ Did graphical pass on asteroids and scrap, drastically reducing drawcalls and improving performance by around 20 FPS in heavy asteroid fields
+ All flyable ships have descriptions now. Shiplore.
+ Fixed issue where closely related asteroid fields would be considered identical by the mapping system
+ Shields and thrusters now have proper models
+ Fixed issue where certain asteroids would spawn in areas specifically marked as non-spawnable.

January 2019 (Week 4)

+ Added assassination missions
+ Redid dialogue to properly apply filters
+ Input system redone, now allows multiple keys per input and also can freely expand on commands
+ Started replacing equipment with proper models
+ Fixed issue where police scanning ships wouldn’t get new targets
+ Added space billboards
+ Added missing ship descriptions
+ Added proper engine trails to all ships
+ Redid sounds on engines to deal with faster charging highengine ships
+ Fixed some engine graphical issues on all ships
+ Redid ship formations so that they lag slightly behind the leader
+ When choosing an endpoint, ships with jobs
+ Added new unique weapons and new unique weapon effects
+ Added additional loottable logic
+ Most once again NPC ships drop loot when killed, which scales with their difficulty
+ Fixed issue where some attempts to hit an enemy would end poorly, to say the least
+ Tweaked NPC AI
+ Fixed edge case where nebulas would cease to exist when god was mad at you
+ Nebulas now block ambient skybox reflections
+ Added headlight customization options
+ Fixed issues where selected buttons would be colored wrong
+ Set nebula clearings to not always hide large dust particles
+ Coloring pass on jumpholes, which now reflect which region of the galaxy they take you to

January 2019 (Week 3)

+ Added an ambient explosion system that causes larger battles to have flak explosions
+ Implemented models for bomber-style ships
+ Began initial work on UI graphical overdux
+ Added space fish
+ Added tentacles
+ Added more models for unique weapons
+ Made space sword
+ Implemented new jumpgates
+ Redid jumptunnel code to have gates pick from an index
+ Added additional bosses
+ Added some new enemy types
+ Redid jump-in effects to support non-friendly ships
+ Multiplayer now properly synchronizes player knowledge
- Mostly spent a lot of time working on some PR stuff

January 2019 (Week 1)

+ Added animated background stars to all systems that need them.
+ Redid weapons to have varying projectile effects for more visual variety.
+ Hooked up renderers to equipment, allowing them to disappear when cloaked.
+ Fixed issue where spawned-in ships wouldn’t have the correct equipment
+ Fixed issue with thruster audio not playing on NPC ships
+ Redid graphics on certain pirate ships to better fit their texture color scheme
+ Attached models to remaining fighters
+ Volumetric lightning now properly fades in marked nebulas
+ Redid fauna spawning pools to control when fauna is spawned and unspawned
+ Redid some graphical effects on projectiles which didn’t look right
+ Rebalanced NPC power plants so that they can actually fire their shots
+ Redid asteroids to be larger but spawn less of them, for optimization work
+ Fog system redone to properly hide things in nebulas
+ Sun pass, making them properly hide themselves in nebulas, if they were meant to be hidden in the first place
+ Nebulas are now fluffier

December 2018 (Week 4)

+ Added a vanity camera, for kewl screenshots
+ Fixed issue where clearings wouldn’t filter out asteroids
+ Redid some of the navigation UI to be much clearer
+ Fully separated out docking logic for NPCs to be separate from the player’s flight logic, fixing several bugs in the process
+ Added exceptions to NPC movement sync in multiplayer, stopping ships from moving when they should be still
+ Fixed descriptions on items on stations
+ Fixed NPC logic when it can to contraband scanning
+ NPCs now scan other NPCs for space drugs
+ NPCs can be set to not announce their scans if they’re all sneaky like that
+ Did a first pass on traderoute prices
+ Dialogue system now parses line triggers to allow race-specific dialogue
+ Dialogue system now properly spawns in linked NPC faces
+ Redid station conversation system, which allows it to work with any number of NPCs and lines

December 2018 (Week 3)

+ Added multiplayer boss entity
+ Changed beam weapons to have more control over their graphical effects and damage
- Issue where beams don’t hit ships in edge cases. I know the problem but not the solution
+ Added bosses Kaon Shapebinder and the Darkon Entity
+ Added additional faction loadouts to various ships
+ Assigned faction loadouts to more factions
+ Gave all factions bigship names
+ Fixed issues where nonexistent mines would deal damage to the player
+ Added some extra ships to factions
+ Gave all larger ships first-pass colliders
+ Fixed issues where factions wouldn't assign proper races to ships
+ Added system for clearing ships out of docking queues if they no longer existed
+ Re-balanced energy consumption on weapons
+ Generally did a lot of bugfixing after yesterday's big multiplayer test

December 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added in yet more models for ships
+ Did a lighting pass on all systems, giving a higher intensity to suns
+ Fixed issue where some fields didn’t have proper IDs
+ Created new archetypes for spawning in additional ships for factions
+ Created encounter lists for all regions and factions, finally getting rid of the last vestiges of the old system
+ Added in a zone-level system for star systems and encounter zones, which gives control over what tier of ship spawns back to the faction itself
+ Implemented a cooldown system on encounter zones that prevents new fights from breaking out for a set amount of time, as well as stops new ships from spawning in an area where many ships are already fighting
+ Changed some internal faction management tools to support edge cases
+ Added descriptions to all objects in every system
+ Added encounters to every system
+ Fixed issue where some larger ships wouldn’t move
- Need to redo how ships generate in multiplayer, and probably overall for the sake of some additional variety

December 2018 (Week 1)

+ RIP to my follow count, thanks tumblr
+ Added in more models for ships
+ Added in cloaking
+ Synchronized faction and knowledge states in multiplayer and savegames
+ Added anti-missile countermeasures items
+ Added moofy smibblers, more commonly known as space jellyfish
+ Also added control spawners to generate schools of space fauna, smibblers included
+ Redid some aspects of the new comm UI to be juicier
+ Redid the encounter spawning system to use deck-based RNG instead of normal RNG
+ Added in singleplayer party members, and the summoning of such
+ Started work on optimizing asteroid fields
+ Fixed issues where the navmap wouldn't refresh properly

November 2018 (Week 5)

+ I still hate this new format.
+ Added models for heavy weapons
+ Started the first bits of character models and added a character controller
+ Implemented proper models for lanelines and gave laneline entrances guide arrows for dumb people
+ Created new effects for heavy weapons
+ Created models for missing unique weapons
+ Gave all stations tradeable commodities
+ Jumpgates now glow when active
+ Made the camera shake more when in a wormhole tunnel
+ Redid comm window to be 3D and look more like a screen
+ Implemented the first characters and character customization
+ Implemented new effects for heavy weapons
+ Added a large scale system readout for systems the player is discovering for the first time
+ Station UI now grows and shrinks to match station’s room numbers
+ Added shipvisual component that lets player ships change materials if buffed, cloaking, etc.
+ Comm system now uses the same system quest dialogue does

November 2018 (Week 4)

+ I don't like this new format
+ Changed spawning mechanics: NPCs now can emerge from jumpgates, start mid-laneline, and will try and spawn away from their pathing targets to give a better impression of them actually being alive
+ Began adding in new models for ships and solar bodies
+ Ship textures switch on their lights when the player turns on their spotlight
+ Changed the spawning system over from individual objects to a single master system
+ Changed some aspects of the station UI: Better separated out trading categories and allowed single-category merchants to just display that category
+ Improved textures on billboard lights
+ Reimplemented kill-wave missions
+ Implemented all mission types other than assassination (still need to redo dialogue tables before I can proceed with that)
+ Game now saves discovered locations and faction reputations, plus discovered factions

October 2018 (Week 4)

Week of the 22nd
+ Added space fishing trawlers and asteroid miners
+ Added technology for space cranes
+ Added a system that prevents big ships from getting thrown about but still lets them keep their physics
+ Redid despawning mechanics for NPCs, with better control over when they despawn
+ Damage states and destruction rebalanced to prevent a player from having a faction hate them even if they didn’t kill the solar in question
+ Rebalanced multiplayer damage states to work with aforementioned system
+ Redid formation mechanics for multiplayer to handle all this new shit
+ Juiced up the navmap a bit to have more particle effects, softer lighting, and began changing over from a holographic looking state to a more realistic render
+ Fixed some more navmap issues
+ Encounter pass on all non-regional systems.
- Made me realize my encounter system needs a redo
+ Added faction archetypes: lawful, unlawful, corporate, which better determine spawning rules
+ Larger ships can now carry huge cargo containers, and will actively track and be able to tell the player what they’re carrying if asked.
+ NPCs now wait in line like good boys
+ Added stormeyes: An extra currency that only can be gotten from destroying storms. They’re used to purchase high level items.
+ Fixed issues with in-game item crafting UI
+ Re-added ship contrails and made ship engines change based on direction to imply some sort of forces acting on them
+ Added color variations to beam weapons
+ Systems and items on the navmap now only show up if you’ve detected them, creating a knowledge system in the process

October 2018 (Week 3)

- Mostly away at a conference, so not as much progress
+ Fixed some issues with player trading when it came to offering money
+ Added the ability to trade items between players
+ Redid gun rotation mechanics
+ Stations can now offer unique mission types which can offer a bit more specific context or story (IE a foundry next to a near-depleted gold field might ask you to mine or prospect it for any new veins). Mission system redone slightly to account for unique mission types.
+ Stellar highways now move in the direction of the next lane, rather than just adding a forward force, allowing ships to enter at weird angles and not go all fucko.
+ Fixed issue where highways wouldn’t apply effects when going in a certain direction
+ Reworked some NPC flight physics for larger ships that were causing problems. Outside of combat, ships use the same flight model for better results.
+ NPC ships can now follow their constructed pathways, and will request docks, and go through jumpgates and lanelines
+ Added some additional control to NPC pilot objects to track advanced movement states
+ Modeled out the remaining fighters and combat ships, including bomber variants
+ Added movement code for NPCs in highways
+ Fixed issue in pathfinding code, such as where the ship would construct a path that was redundant in areas with branching path nodes, or the ship would dock too early or too late
+ Let ships queue for non-jumpgate things, such as lanelines and stations
+ In multiplayer, player formations now process themselves together for things like lanelines
+ Added remaining NPC-only fighters, as well as models for bomber-class ships
+ Added new large ship variations: mobile service platforms, construction ships, non-train transports, and resource-gathering ships

October 2018 (Week 2)

+ Added a rift effect when a player observes another player jumping into the same system, instead of just appearing
+ Added a metadata pass to the smaller systems, adding encounter zones, clearing for fields, and possible mission start points
+ Fixed issues where some object fields in systems didn’t have exteriors
+ Fixed issue where spawning fields wouldn’t link properly in multiplayer
+ Added some more dev console commands
+ Completed descriptions on all star systems.
+ Added flight correction to NPCs, similar to what the player has.
+ Added some aim assist to NPCs, as they were missing the majority of their shots. When the player was standing still.
+ Added remaining music tracks to systems
+ Redid loottable mechanics to be cleaner and also use a generic model system, saving space and efficiency.
+ Hooked up lootbox models to cargo items
+ Added more multiplayer persistence, saving things like players' loadouts and cargoholds
+ Redid cargo item mechanics slightly, to avoid giving players duplicate or zero-count items.
+ Fixed issue where certain hardpoints were mislabelled on player ships and more cargo was being added then the player had
+ Did a brief rebalancing pass on item values, making them more affordable
+ Redid trading UI, giving it a 3D view of the item you’re buying and more space overall.

October 2018 (Week 1)

+ Further work on encounter types, adding basic encounters for all pirates, factions, militaries, and corps
+ Redid item code logic when buying items to add an extra faction reputation requirement.
+ Added a first item pass to all stations, so that equipment can be bought on all of them.
+ Fixed issue where players would fall through floors while walking around on stations
+ Added 13 new mine types
+ Added model for missile launchers
+ Added ammunition for all mines, chaff launchers, and missiles.
+ Added more control to group UI, letting party leaders manage members and for players to leave or change groups
+ Fully implemented basic player trade UI and further refined it
+ Added more dialogue commands, player can now get items, lose items, have their wallet affected, and change the faction rep of any faction.
+ Added mines and missiles synchronizing in multiplayer
+ Fixed issue where sun objects were accidentally occluding themselves
+ Added a distant laneline ship system where you can see the flares and lights of ships traveling space highways
+ Added some internal code to help better visualize areas
+ Redid spacetrain and spacesnake movement to be more snakelike, rather than trailerlike
+ Added laser couplings to the space trains
+ Redid AI code for ships to better center themselves
+ Did a pass on all systems, adding the highway system as well as volumetric lighting to systems with suns and contextual UI colors
+ Implemented the basics of a developer console

September 2018 (Week 4)

+ Added more logic controls to tradelane effects, making their transitions in and out of existence far smoother
+ Created an emote system for multiplayer because why the fuck not
+ Reworked skill logic to be more readable
+ Created space lamposts
+ Added 135 new encounter types to the possible list of spawns, still need to be added to spawning fields
+ Created a player trading system
- Kinda slow right now, on vacation

September 2018 (Week 3)

+ Did an explosion effect redo on all fighters
+ Additional refining of flyable ships: tweaking stats and adding formation points
+ Pass on systems to give items in them their proper categories
+ Created NPC variants of all flyable ships
+ Added physical world models for cargo items in the form of crates
+ Greatly extended the category of spawnable ship types, allowing for more control with encounters
+ Added racial spawning mechanics to factions, allowing factions to set races on ships
+ Reworked voice logic
+ Fixed issues with the navigation UI where menus would pop up when they shouldn’t
+ Redid logic for NPCs in multiplayer that stop them from despawning or disconnecting when players left their range
+ Redid formation code logic slightly where NPCs in formation would match throttle with their squad leader
+ Fixed issue where killing a formation leader super fast would cause his friends to be overcome with grief and instantly kill themselves
+ Redid field leaving-enter code to account for when a field is permanently destroyed
+ Cleanup pass on systems to work with new field entity code
+ Added more shortcuts to input fields
+ Added NPC persistence to multiplayer, allowing ships to leave an area, come back, and still find them present
+ Created space tankers
+ Added dynamic construction of NPC paths and NPC pathfinding based on said paths
+ Smoothed out NPC movement a bit in multiplayer
+ Added more persistence to players in multiplayer and better ways to detect logouts
+ Fixed longstanding issues with NPC death and inaccurate density counts in multiplayer
+ Added a reference table for existent objects, to help track things better in game
+ Did a rebalance on all weapons and ships
+ Added new NPC abilities, namely that they evade if they’ve taken enough fire in the span of a few seconds
+ There was way more but I'm only allowed 2k characters

September 2018 (Week 2)

+ Sound pass on all tradelanes and jumpgates
+ Fixed issues where some gates and lanlines were too small
+ Added volumetric lighting and lightshaft effects to suns
+ Increased optimization on asteroid fields: exterior is now a single mesh significantly reducing drawcalls
+ Connected all stations to all station interiors
+ Added 84 flyable fighters and an initial balancing pass to them, also let them be sold at all stations
+ Exterior and billboard pass on (almost) all asteroid and minefields.
+ Input fields can be cycled through with key shortcuts
+ Fixed issue with login system where it would confuse players for one another
+ Fixed issue where transferring ships would fail to transfer the ship’s correct stats over
+ Fixed some miscellaneous inventory UI issues
+ Fixed issue where one player docking would cause all players to dock
+ Added space anchors, like anchors in space.
+ Added new models for space lighthouses

September 2018 (Week 1)

- Not too much done last week, working mostly on heavier systems
+ Basic station pass on all systems. Player can dock with any station and walk around and get offered services, with a total of 179 stations.
+ Server browser displays accurate ping and more accurate playercount
+ Slightly optimized some meshes
+ Added in remaining asteroid types: megascrap, alien scrap, and mega alien scrap.
+ Improved navmap by allowing navmap items to reflect the scale and rotation of their in-system counterparts
+ Added new models for navmap items: suns, gates and holes, battleships, and secrets
+ Created a login and character management system for multiplayer. Players can create server-specific accounts, which have a list of characters they can choose from. No more messing with this crap at startup
+ Also added the basics of character persistence in multiplayer.