June 2022 (Week 4)

+ UI work largely complete
+ World map map selection
+ Testing for version 0.06 is ongoing. Lots of bugs found, lots of bugs fixed.
+ tilemap generation from heightmap and heightmap workflow cleanup improved.
+ roadmap extraction from Google Maps explored and matched with the heightmaps.
+ 3D tiles inserted into game
+ 3D / 2D scaling issue fixed
+ Texture-swapping for tiles works, we only need 6 standard objs for all tiles
+ Exploring how to get seamless textures to transition between multiple tiles
- For those interested in using our 3D Model Renderer in Love2D, it is available here:
+ New track released this week, first track for the Russian faction:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2022 (Week 3)

+ In-game UI, game room UI and map select UI are done, testing begins.
+ World map select screen version 1 is done. The player can select any available real-world map from this menu.
- The world map is composed of 1 pic for x1 zoom, 36 pics for x6 zoom, and 1296 pics for x36 zoom. 400 potential maps at the x36 zoom level. (see pic)
- Technically, the maxmum amount of real-world maps is 259200. Obviously, most of that is ocean and wilderness and I won't be adding them all any time soon.
+ Streamlined and semi-automated the workflow to output the heightmap and tilemap necessary to generate in-game maps.
+ Game maps linked to the world map can now have a custom 'display name' and 'details' section.
+ Work to make the tiles 3D in-game begins. Previously, they were a bunch of 2D frames of a 3D model.
- This is being done because the previous method was particularly resource-intensive and having static 3D objects in Love2D is not prohibitively complicated to do.
- For those intersted in using our 3D Model Renderer in Love2D, it is available here:
+ New track released this week, first track for the US faction:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2022 (Week 2)

+ UI work continues
+ Mockup for Game Room menu has been made.
+ Minimap is now also displayed in the Game Room.
+ You can now select a faction from a drop-down menu in the game room.
+ Made a faction browser set of menus for players to browse the units and tech tree of each faction. (see vid)
- Only US faction for now, but we'll begin added a second faction soon enough.
- In future, we might let player customize their factions with specific units if they like.
+ Added a map checker in order to make sure each map matches the game version so that no bugs from a mismatch.
+ Separated out surface level map data so that loading up the map list would take a long time if there were many maps.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2022 (Week 1)

+ UI work continues
+ Sidebar further redesigned and simplified to better utilize available space. Tabs reduced to 5.
+ More complex tabs were moved to a new ledger menu.
+ All those menus, except for the full-screen map are implemented.
+ The ledger menu will be larger and expandable in future.
+ The tech tree menu is now up and running.
+ The tech tree reads from an Excel spreadsheet so is highly customizable.
+ We've imported fontawesome icons into the game, so there are now a whole bunch of nice little icons available for UI.
+ A "not_found_translation.csv" was added to remind me text fields that I forgot to fill out. Very useful for UI debugging.
+ We can now add borders and stuff around UI elements.
+ The "Live feed" window on the bottom will likely be scrapped.
- I had wanted to display both unit portraits and kill cams down there, but both are tedious and extraneous.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2022 (Week 4)

+ UI work continues
+ Sidebar further redesigned and simplified to better utilize available space. Tabs reduced to 5. (see pic)
+ More complex tabs were moved to a new ledger menu.
+ The ledger menu will be larger and expandable in future.
+ Sidebar will auto-select a tab depending on what type of unit or units the player has selected.
+ Sidebar Select tab's unit icon size doubled, since there's more space now.
+ The game lobby menu was tweaked so that the default faction and map position values wouldn't cause a crash.
+ Added the ability for the game to desaturate images, used for icons in the menus.
+ Units and structures not yet unlocked are displayed in the build menu, but in a separate greyed out section underneath the buildable ones.
+ Replaced minimap zoom buttons with buttons to access the ledger and options menus.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2022 (Week 3)

+ UI work continues
+ Production progress indicator changed from the classic fan design to a bar design
+ Produciton progress bar can now indicate up to 8 different units or structures under construction
+ Production progress bar is context sensitive, will display only the vehicles being produced if produciton building is selected
+ Build menu Ctrl + RMB cancels entire build stack
+ Build menu Ctrl + LMB will order all units allowed given current amount of cash the player has up to 99 units
+ All tabs in current design works with current data displays and game functions.
+ Different 'driver' texts made for different types of units; 'driver' for vehicles, 'pilot' for aircraft, 'captain' for watercraft, and 'operator' for structures and misc.
+ Continued improvement to translation and tagging csvs
+ Sidebar design is being changed again, 5 of the tabs are being moved to the top of the middle part beneath the minimap, the other 5 tabs will be relocated to a pop-out full-screen window.
- This redesign is actually not as bad as it seems, since the functionality is already set and all that needs to happen is transferring that to another window.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2022 (Week 2)

+ UI work continues
+ Tagging system further improved, replaces some variables in game.
+ New translation doc is complete.
+ All UI text fields are linked to the translation doc, which then displays the text.
+ New sidebar design is now complete enough to be semi-functional in-game. (vid)
+ Making some progress in making background maps and elements for faction select and map select screens.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2022 (Week 1)

+ UI work continues.
+ Sidebar designs and variants are basically all finalized.
+ All displayable strings and tags in-game now pass through a huge csv
- This allows us to quickly add in and switch between languages in the future.
+ Tagging system is more or less set, just need the sidebar menu to test how well sorting and filtering works.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2022 (Week 4)

+ UI work continues.
+ Minimap implementation is in now.
- We're basically done re-implementing all the old features that carries over to the new design.
- For the in-game menus, eliminating less useful data and computationally intense data.
+ First phase of tagging system is complete, now we'll see how well all these rungs of data filter in the menus
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:
- 0.052 released and fixes a crash bug that appears in 0.051. Any other issues will need to wait until version 0.06 UI update.
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2022 (Week 3)

+ Mainly focused on UI implementation now.
+ Sidebar design largely finalized (see pic). Feedback is appreciated.
+ The Zeplin UI workflow is working well, all variables and icons have detailed comments ready for implementation.
+ New tagging system is being implemented, in future we may begin to hook on more and more functions onto it.
- There is a bug in version 0.051 that prevents new players from running it. This will be fixed with a new release this week or the next.
- This bug theoretically should be fixable by just installing and running the previous version 0.04, and then playing version 0.051.
+ In the meantime, also going to release some music visualizations on the YouTube channel, here:
+ Version 0.051 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2022 (Week 2)

+ Mainly focused on UI implementation now.
- Entering UI hell.
+ New sidebar design is being fleshed out, currently, only the middle tabbed portion is done in detail (pic)
- the top minimap and bottom live feed / unit portraits are mockups for now and will come later.
+ Trying out Zeplin UI workflow. UI is being done using art boards in Photoshop.
- Never have done UI for real before.
+ Added new entity tagging system to support the UI, the tags are filterable and searchable, aiding in the display of information.
+ Research into map scale is done for now, the workflow for terrain map production is done, roadmaps have yet to begin.
+ Version 0.051 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2022 (Week 1)

+ Restored multiplayer
+ Fixed particle system
+ Fixed some problems with the release packaging tool
- Re-uploaded version 0.05 right after launch because of crashes. Ooops
+ ImGui switchover nearly complete for main menu, map editor and particle editor. This is for version 0.06
+ Fixed a huge bug with having different font sizes for the same elements in ImGui.
+ Revisited map generation. Streamlined and automated part of the process. (image)
- Now its very easy to acquire a series of standard-scale map images based on longitude and latitude.
- Automated the process to process and generate heightmaps and basic tilemaps.
+ Still need to draw roads in for now, but I'd like to automate that in future as well.
+ Buildings placement is something I'd like to partially automate in future as well. The goal is to generate as much of the map from real-world data as possible.
+ Added resulting 6 maps for the island of Crete into the game. All 4 player maps, except for the far eastern tip of Crete, which is only 3 player.
+ Added night tracks, as well as faction-specific chill and battle tracks to the game for a total of 9 new tracks of music.
+ Version 0.051, with restored multipalyer, new maps, and new music, will likely come out in the next few hours.
+ Version 0.05 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2022 (Week 5)

+ Weapons graphics, particles and light added
+ Weapon munitions now operate in full 3d space
+ Aircraft, Helicopters, Airfields and Helipads added
+ Some additional QoL functions added, like allowing the camera to lock onto a unit
+ Terrain flattening for building construction added, allowing construction on moderately uneven terrain
+ More mouse cursors added
+ Filled out more of the tech tree, added a full roster of infantry types
+ Added healing and repair functions to units
- Currently, multiplayer features have yet to be restored, this will be done in the upcoming patch, 0.051
- Work for version 0.06, which is a UI overhaul, began work like 2 weeks ago.
+ Check out the full 0.05 release post here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2022 (Week 4)

+ Internally, 0.05 has been branched from 0.06. Finishing up on 0.05.
+ Nuklear GUI replaced with ImGui in 0.06. Work on converting all the main menus has begun.
+ Sidebar in-game menu has been fully redesigned to display much much more information.
- This is to address a lot of feedback from previous playthrough by various testers out there (many thanks!)
+ Mouse cursor display and functions in 0.05 has been updated.
- Basically, a bunch of logic around various functions had to be defined in order for the cursor to display the correct one.
+ The ability to force-fire on the original unit, ie committing suicide, has been removed.
+ Pitch has been split into pitch_up and pitch_down.
- Helps with some units that I want to be able to shoot more down and less up, like helicopters. Or the opposite, like Artillery.
+ Particle systems now have been attached to all missiles. (vid)
+ Various stat tweaks prior to release.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2022 (Week 3)

+ Basic particle system and editor added into the game. (vid)
- This system is 0ff-the-shelf and 2D, therefore can't be used too much, we're implementing it as a test.
- Because the particle system is 2D, we can't use this particle system for any emitter that leaves long trails.
+ Added UI line target indicators for attacking (red), collection (cyan), healing and repair (yellow).
+ Option added for ammunition that isn't infinite to be reloaded by being close to specific nodes.
- This is obviously used for aircraft and helicopters, but could be used for other units.
+ Disabled the pilots ability to exit the aircraft in mid-air.
+ Added the ability for units to translate in height during a transformation.
- This will be mainly used for submarines for them to surface and submerge.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2022 (Week 2)

+ turrets can now have a separate spritesheet for when the gun is pointing up
+ 'gun_up' nodes supported so that the bullets fire out of the right place when pointing up
+ missiles now have an initial firing pitch, so that they come out of the tubes at the right initial angle
+ line of sight implemented, each weapon can be blocked by terrain or entities
+ the line of sight for each weapon can choose to ignore specific set of entities, for instance it can be blocked by buildings but not infantry
+ weapons ranges (min max), pitch (up down) and yaw (left right) for each unit can be displayed in the debug mode (vid)
+ still troubleshooting love 11.4 upgrade, works fine on the coder's mac, but crashes on my windows machine
+ tons of weapons tweaks
+ made a bunch of new cursors and down-rezzed the original 4, first row
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2022 (Week 1)

+ Ballistic weapons can now attack shoot at targets at different heights then itself
+ Added an initial firing angle, this works for both ballistic and missile weapons
+ Munition lifespan added, different affects for different weapon types
- For mssilies, when the lifespan hits 0, the missile will drop to the ground with its momentum and explode. (vid)
+ Lots of invisible walls and limits set up to prevent huge amounts of bullets of persisting way after their usefulness.
+ UI Library used needs to switch from Nuklear to imgui because the new Love2D imgui library works better for us.
- This will probably come in the next major release
+ Pilot infantry added, they will pilot aircraft
+ Re-scaled Box2D physics system in order to raise the max speed of the bullets in-game
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2022 (Week 4)

+ Added AA, AT and Medic infantry units
+ Made icons for new infantry units and redid the old ones
- Still need to add the 'pilot' infantry, then the basic set of infantry is complete
+ Weapons now operate fully in 3D space
+ Ray weapons now spawns a 3d rectangle
- This is a surprising development, it means we can start using simple 3D objects
- Need to make a custom shading system, also need to make them cast shadows
- Might explore this in the future, could be a good fit for munitions, aircraft and vehicles
+ Missile now track targets properly
+ Fixed and fine-tuning for weapons functions and visuals
+ Bugs relating to force-fire has been fixed
+ Re-scaled Box2D physics system in order to raise the max speed of the bullets in-game
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2022 (Week 3)

+ Fixed some render issues with missiles
+ Can now add lights to missiles (vid)
+ Updated the system governing how weapons can target specific target types
+ Added weapon dispersion
+ Missile turn radius stat added, affects how agile missiles are
+ Munition lifespans added so they don't exist forwever.
+ Force-fire function has been added, now you can attack your own or neutral units if you want.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2022 (Week 2)

+ Started the weapons overhaul
+ All weapons stats re-adjusted
+ Finally added bullets to the game. They replace the ominous white spheres
- currently they are to scale at least for line width and caliber, so we definitely need to double or triple that for visibility
+ Added coaxial machine guns to most turrets, which is used exclusively for infantry
+ Added ability of heavy MGs to attack helicopters
+ Added omnidirectional missiles, shells, bullets, and other visuals for munitions
+ Added pitch and yaw limits to weapons aiming
+ Weapon visuals are now fired from the correct nodes
+ Weapons can now have multiple munition nodes, so a rocket volley can spawn rockets from each tube
+ Munitions now are just normal entities and can now have health and armor
+ Added 'line of sight' aiming, which prevents aiming when there is buildings or terrain in the way
+ Added ammo limits, so that aircraft can not reload in mid-air
+ Overhauled the pricing and a lot of stats to be extrapolated from real-world values.
+ All stats readjusted. All vehicle costs reduced by around half.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2022 (Week 1)

+ New icons for the F-15 Eagle, MQ-9 Reaper, Airfield, as well as for the basic rifleman.
+ F-15 Eagle Asset Creation vid done from last week:
+ Added a system where certain tiles, like tall_grass, will be converted into another preset tile, grass, when a building is being constructed on top of it.
- Although, with something as big as an airfield, multiple dozers will significantly increase the terrain flattening time.
+ Some path smoothing features have been added for aircraft on the airfield (see vid).
- This feature will be applied to vehicles and likely everything else very soon.
+ Issue where loitering aircraft weren't banking correctly was fixed
+ De-rendering issue for very large structures composed of many assets like the airfield has been fixed.
+ Aircraft are sellable when they are in the hangar.
- Might make vehicles sellable if they're close to the vehicle depot or something, haven't figured out that system yet.
+ Made a huge overarching spreadsheet that generates most unit stats from real-world vehicle data.
+ We're wrapping up on aircraft for now and moving into a weaponry overhaul, mainly going to add missiles. 0.05 launch after that.
+ Six new music tracks have been made. This set of faction-specific music is now done, will be in-game even before factions are added.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2022 (Week 4)

+ F-15 Eagle Asset Creation vid done:
+ Terrain editing is now much cheaper faster, building an airfield will no longer bankrupt the player.
- Although, with something as big as an airfield, multiple dozers will significantly increase the terrain flattening time.
+ Corrected scale for aircraft along with the airfield
+ Aircraft taxiing on airfield, takeoff, landing, and loitering logic is in
+ Airfield hangar and runway logic is in. All taxiway nodes are in in order to help carry the aircraft tarmac taxiing logic
+ Six new music tracks have been made. This set of faction-specific music is now done, will be in-game even before factions are added.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2022 (Week 3)

+ Dozer will now flatten uneven terrain tile by tile after placing a structure. (vid)
- Structures are limited to placing on terrain only if all terrain is +- 1 the average terrain height.
- This feature is vital for construction of larger buildings like the airfield, which is complete.
+ Terrain flattening costs both money and time, so players are incentivizes to seek flatter terrain. This will be balanced soon.
- Currently flattening the terrain for the airfield costs more money than is available from the first supply dump.
+ The terrain flattening feature is also present in the map editor
+ Asset visual scale was wrong and has been corrected for all buildings. For other assets, its not noticeable so that'll remain the same for now.
- Fixed-wing aircraft logic has begun, fixed-wing aircraft loiter in a circle rather than hover like a helicopter.
+ Five new music tracks have been made
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2022 (Week 2)

+ Dozer will now flatten uneven terrain tile by tile after placing a structure. (vid)
- Structures are limited to placing on terrain only if all terrain is +- 1 the average terrain height.
- This feature is vital for construction of larger buildings like the airfield, which is basically complete.
+ The terrain flattening feature is also present in the map editor
- Hopefully work on fixed-wing aircraft can start next week, although I doubt it.
+ Four new music tracks have been made
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: