January 2022 (Week 1)

+ Added custom cursors into the game
+ Current cursors are the default cursor, hover, drag select and sell. We'll be gradually adding more
+ Thanks to the cursors, it's now possible for the player to tell when they're in 'sell mode'
+ A MQ-9 Predator drone asset was prepared
+ Airfield building has begun
+ Various plans for airplane, takeoff, landing, taxiing and other functionalities planned out.
- Implementation of the fixed-wing aircraft will be much more complicated than helicopters, but hopefully it will go well
+ Terrain flattening for placing buildings in the map editor has been added
+ Terrain flattening for building buildings in the game has been added
- Substantial amount of additional functionality needs to be added, to ensure that its not surrounded by cliffs for instance.
+ Three new music tracks have been made
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2021 (Week 5)

+ M8 Buford light tank is now in-game
+ M8 Buford asset creation vid here:
+ New music in the asset creation vid is faction-specific music for the US faction
+ Additional areas in front of buildings now check terrain which will affect if the building is placeable
+ For instance, a dockyard will check for water in the additional area, while a vehicle depot will check for land
+ Building collaspe animation fixed
+ Shadows enhanced
+ In the map editor, placing a building will now flatten terrain underneath if the terrain area is all +- 1 for terrain height
- this feature will be horizontally shifted over in-game where dozers will have minor automatic terrain-editing abilities
- this will allow players to build on uneven terrain, which is vital for larger buildings like an airfield
+ fences will be used to mark an area where a building has been placed prior to the arrival of a dozer unit
+ Two pieces of music for the US faction have been made, we will add it to the playlist shortly
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2021 (Week 4)

+ supply trucks will now use entry and exit points when gathering and delivering supplies
- this will likely not solve traffic problem, we will have to add in rvo object avoidance to solve that problem
+ added feature to repair / heal, can be limited to certain types of units, can have a price set, etc.
+ vtol aircraft movement now supports having way points.
+ now immobile entities will check for terrain, for vehicles deploying and for building structures.
- this is added to prevent helicopters from landing into water.
+ the empty additional areas in front of production buildings will now also check terrain before being placed.
+ the empty additional areas in front of production buildings will now prevent buildings from being placed.
+ added ability for certain nodes to check the terrain
- for instance, the production point on the dockyards can check if the tile is in water
+ added the ability to sell structures, price returned is the original cost * whatever % of HP remains.
+ added sell icon as mouse pointer when the sell mode is activate
- in future, we will add custom animated mouse pointers
+ switching the modeling and UV portion of asset creation over to Blender
- going to gradually transition each step in the pipeline over to Blender
- this will take time, especially for rendering as well as anything to do with infantry since that needs animation retargeting.
+ New music is being made.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2021 (Week 3)

+ VTOL aircraft spin and crash to the ground when destroyed (vid)
+ An additional area that isn't part of the collision box but part of the build area can be added to structures.
- This will make it possible to add empty areas around production and supply buildings.
+ Vehicles will now slow down when going uphill and speed up going downhill.
+ Terrain cost now affects pivot speed.
- This will make vehicles turn fastest on tiles like roads and slowest on tiles like sand.
+ Fixed various VTOL aircraft bugs
+ Fixed some other bugs.
+ Simplified the collision system
- This means I need to re-check and center all visual to the exact center of the collision boxes. Requires some re-rendering of assets.
+ A Dock and Patrol Boat was added.
- Patrol boat just rolls on the bottom of the ocean, so that needs to be fixed in future.
- Updated all the female infantry portraits as well.
+ New music is being made.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2021 (Week 2)

+ VTOL aircraft now tilt forward depending on the ratio between desired speed and top speed.
+ VTOL aircraft now bank when turning
+ The whole tilting system was rejigged for VTOL aircraft
+ VTOL aircraft are able to recognize if they are over flat land in order to land.
+ VTOL aircraft spin and crash to the ground when destroyed
+ Attack helicopter added to Swarm AI, which will start spawning them after 6 minutes
+ AH-1 Cobra now has a functioning turret
+ UH-60 Black Hawk can now carry 10 troops
+ Units that can deploy and retract can now be set to only do so on flat land
+ Tile costs are in, and vehicles favor pathing on roads and away from rougher terrain, like sand
+ Vehicles no longer instantly pivot in place and now pivot according to a pivot speed
+ Now that aircraft are in, AA guns now have a function.
+ Male soldier portraits updated with new style
+ Female soldier portraits are in progress and should be in-game by next week.
+ Names for East Asians now have sub-categories for Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Chinese
- This is a test for sub-categories for soldier names, which will be expanded upon significantly when the faction split happens
+ Some hilarious bugs, like buildings just floating away fixed.
+ New music is being made.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2021 (Week 1)

+ Basic VTOL functions are in (see vid)
+ Tile costs added to all tiles, only affects pathing for now, but will affect vehicle top speed in future.
+ With tile cost, comes the ability to have land, water, and amphibious vehicles.
- Gonna be focused on VTOL craft and boats for a while, lots to do.
+ Went through the stream backlog and edited up some asset creation vids:
- Helipad:
- AH-1 Cobra:
- UH-60 Black Hawk:
- Turret base:
- I don't think I'll do this for literally everything, but it is fairly low-effort content I can make before my game looks good enough to put out regular in-game vids.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2021 (Week 4)

+ Optimization complete
+ Beginning to flesh out movement-related features. Adding unit classes like VTOL / helicopters, amphibious units, and boats (see below)
+ Added AH-1 Cobra, a helipad and a patrol boat (see below)
+ Added the concept of tile cost back into the game. A tile has 4 cells and can have 4 different types of tile cost on a single tile.
+ Tile cost will only affect pathing for now, but in future I would like it to affect top-speed of entities crossing the tiles.
- Would like to add a movement system where a single-click yields path of least cost, and a double-click yields most direct path.
+ Added production timer for vehicles alongside the buildings
+ Infantry name ethnicities will now drawn from multiple different lists instead of just one.
- No more Yumiko Nyugan or Qiang Fujimori. East Asian will now draw from separate Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc, name lists, both male and female.
+ New infantry portraits are being worked on and will be more varied and in-depth in future. (see pic)
- Didn't start on the portraits for the ladies but will soon since the male portraits are nearly finalized.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2021 (Week 3)

+ Optimization is a success
+ 70% reduction in VRAM usage
+ 400%+ in file size, but the compressed downloadable file itself remains about the same size.
+ A total overhaul of the entire asset production workflow
+ All asset files converted from png to dds
+ All vehicle assets directions reduced from 32 to 16, halving the frame count
+ All asset resolutions increased by 50%
- The lower resolution produced weird compression artifacts, uprezzing mitigated that substantially.
- This choice makes the game look nicer, but we actually didn't want to do it to save on filesize.
- Otherwise the same as version 0.03
+ A lot of new features are nearly ready, but weren't added into this optimization update.
+ Version 0.04 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2021 (Week 2)

+ Optimization begins
+ preliminary png to dds conversion workflow completed
- now I just need to reoutput all assets and convert from png to dds
- its about an 80% reduction in VRAM usage for a 300% increase in filesize, not ideal but a sizable improvement
+ adjusting the layers of images, made some of them optional to save space on some assets
+ numerous png and dds conversion issues, like color artifacts, the alpha layer disappearing, and other bugs fixed or workarounds found
- still haven't pulled the trigger on reducing from 32 to 16 directions. need to see how the rest of optimization pans out before I make that call
- ideally, we'll use 16 directions only on smaller vehicles like sedans, small UGVs, and tuk-tuks
+ Version 0.031, which is a small optimization patch, will release some time this week. Filesize will increase considerably, but it will run much better.
+ Added a AH-1 Cobra and a patrol boat in preparations for testing new forms of unit movement
+ Version 0.03 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

November 2021 (Week 1)

+ Multiplayer functionality is fully restored
+ Multiplayer functionality for more than 2 players added.
+ Updated "Crete Far West" map, its now a 4 player map and the resources are more balanced.
- You can also play against 3 Swarm AIs, if you want to overwhelmed.
+ Finished all icons for buildings and vehicles
- Honestly, they don't look super great, I wonder if just clean, same-angle renders with very simple backgrounds would be better.
+ Day / night cycle was tweaked and is not 20 minutes long
+ Adding a lot of quality of life improvements, like more information in the pop-up info box on the build menu and a 'type' alongside the 'name' of the entity.
+ Updated various UI elemets, like the tech tree, tool tips, vehicle names.
- VRAM and RAM usage is fairly high at the moment. You need 8Gs of RAM and 3.5 Gs of VRAM to build all units and structures in-game.
- Close Chrome if you want to play the game.
+ Graphics optimization tests are already underway, with some promising results.
- Converting from png to dds yields a 95% reduction in VRAM usage in exchange for a 200% increase in file size.
+ More graphics optimizations to follow, which is the core of the 0.04 update. Hopefully before the end of the year.
+ Various bug fixes
+ Version 0.03 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2021 (Week 4)

+ Started updating buildings
+ Added two more turrets (vid)
+ Finished HIMARS asset creation vid:
+ Check out our Day / Night cycle here:
+ Multiplayer functionality revived
+ Adding a lot of quality of life improvements
- buggy as heck
+ Fixing a lot of bugs
+ Pathfinding zig-zag bug as has been fixed
- A G-RAM usage problem looms, especially in multiplayer. Because the player with the shittiest G-card (peasant) will bring down the whole game.
- Thinking about reducing number of directions for vehicles from 32 to 16.
- A couple of large G-RAM related optimization plans are in the docket, ready to be executed for the next version after 0.03.
- We have a lot of optimization to do in future. RAM usage is also a problem, although not as immediate as G-RAM.
+ Going back to one post per week, because I'd rather be making progress.
+ Version 0.03 with multiplayer might release next week.
+ Version 0.02 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2021 (Week 3)

+ Finished all vehicle assets planned for version 0.02
+ Updated all new vehicles icons with sky to fill the transparencies
+ Updated the tech tree
+ Made Tooltips
+ Did some balancing, now there are tech tiers
+ Fixed some more bugs
+ Changed Swarm AI mode to stop spawning units once the Construction Yard was destroyed.
+ Version 0.02 released and is available here:
+ I do dev streams here regularly:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2021 (Week 2)

+ Added display names to replace the previous asset names. These names will be more readable for the player.
+ Added a 'tech tree' and 'tool tips' button in the side bar which brings up those two items
+ Added a 'production point', where a unit spawns, and 'rally point', where a unit moves to immediately after spawn, to all unit-producing structures
- This enables units to not overlap if there's already another unit at the spawn point
- This also allows the unit to path to another adjacent cell if the 'rally point' is already occupied
+ Added tilemap import functions after the heightmap import (vid)
- Imported "Crete Far West" heightmap and tilemap at 1:40 scale, so after the tile map import, the scale is more noticeable. I wanted more 1:20 or 1:10.
- Imported map is not fixed or tweaked at all. I think it'll look nicer if I just fix the roads and lessen the amount of stone tiles for mountains.
- Honestly, it could be Cretan roads are built crooked.
+ Added Supply Dock resources to the map to make it more playable
+ Made lighting and time-of-day adjustments to make the map more comfy
+ Minor balancing will commence for the sake of making Swarm mode more playable
+ Removed unbuildable structures, like 'rubble' and 'scaffolding', from the structure build menu
+ Fixed a ton of bugs
- 0.02 release imminent
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ M88 Hercules Recovery Vehicle, totally new model, huge pain to model.
+ M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, just a re-render. Will likely remodel in the future.
+ Made an asset creation video for the Patriot missile system, find it here:
+ Gonna start making these asset creation videos using the vid from the streams
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ BnB music playlist:
+ BnB YouTube channel:
+ BnB dev stream:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

October 2021 (Week 1)

+ Minimap functions restored
+ Cliffs and other impassible terrain are now darkened in the minimap for easy visualization
+ Basic factions and attack functions restored
+ Swarm mode now has settings, where you can set unit spawn frequency, type and when they begin to spawn
- Turns the game into a tower defense game, but oh well
+ Auto-move to building for builders and supply for supply collectors fixed
- Due to the way we treat sea tiles, everything, including buildings, are amphibious. The sea is basically 3 feet deep.
- It's hilarious and I'm not going to fix it until after version 0.02
- Some pathing issues still need to be addressed
- This new game mode is more or less compensation for not being able to restore multiplayer by version 0.02.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ Patriot missile system, based on the HEMTT truck chassis
+ M1 Abrams main battle tank
+ Gonna start showing off wrecks as well since its low-effort content inflation.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
+ BnB dev stream is here:
- I mostly do asset modeling, game testing, and troubleshooting.
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2021 (Week 5)

+ Pathfinding now works across large 500x500 maps with few problems.
+ Pathfinding work as concluded for the moment.
+ Vehicle movement and behavior work begins once again.
+ Supply collection behavior has now been restored.
+ Building vehicles has been restored.
+ Buildings can now only be placed on flat terrain. (vid)
- We will probably give the dozer some very limited terrain-editing ability in future.
- Due to the way we treat sea tiles, everything, including buildings, are amphibious. The sea is basically 3 feet deep.
- It's hilarious and I'm not going to fix it until after version 0.02
+ Added a new "Swarm AI" which will spawn a unit every 10 seconds and order it to attack your base.
- This new game mode is more or less compensation for not being able to restore multiplayer by version 0.02.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ HEMTT Supply truck
+ Dozer unit
- Huge F-up earlier in the week required me to re-render all the assets that's I've recently been working on.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2021 (Week 4)

+ Spent some time thinking about how to implement roads efficiently
+ Three-layer pathing added (vid). Pathing pretty quick on medium-sized maps
- Now there's a grid of 1 cell, grid of 10 cells, and grid of 100 cells, and the pathfinding utilizes all three.
- Huge maps now take quite a long time to load, since it needs to pre-load the entire map once
- After loading a map, placing structures and editing the terrain will only require re-initializing a small map chunk. So that's no big deal.
- RAM usage is now the main limiting factor for map size, Luagit can only manage 2 Gs of RAM. We need to make our own memory management system in future.
+ Due to the issues mentioned above, we're limiting map size in version 0.02 to 500x500,
- in future versions we plan on solving these problems and bumping the map size up to 2000 x 2000.
+ Basic structure building now functionally restored.
- There are still graphical issues like floating buildings and clipping into terrain.
+ Restoring minimap functionality and fixing building structures is next.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ M109A7 Paladin Artillery
- Just this one unit this week, was busy IRL
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2021 (Week 3)

+ Ironed out some issues with the map import function
- Minimap is still fucked, will fix that soon
+ Streamlined asset production workflow, made a universal texture with all required layers.
- Building placement is F'd, as we haven't implemented flat terrain detection for building placement yet. (vid)
- This increases asset production speed a lot, render prep is now just assigning a material for the whole asset.
+ Included unit icon and renders into the workflow which will be used in the UI in future.
+ The long slog for large map path finding begins.
- We will be putting in a higher level of path finding, so that the game can search through large chunks first.
+ Basic pathfinding layers are in. There are now, 10x10, 100x100, and 1000x1000 tile blocks used for pathfinding.
- Huge map pathfinding will take a while do. Hopefully done before the end of the month.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

+ trying out progress-posting schedule. Mondays for features. Thursdays for units and assets.
+ new unit production workflow near final, probably won't change for a while
+ new unit icons and renders
+ Units include:
- Stryker Ambulance variant
- Stryker APC actually the Stryker Dragoon IRL
- Stryker MGS mobile gun system variant
- Stryker Mortar variant
- Stryker SHORAD variant
- JLTV light troop transport
- JLTV ambulance variant
- Obviously, there's a lot of Strykers. That's the US's highly versatile vehicle, you can switch between variants on the battlefield.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2021 (Week 2)

+ Added heightmap import function
+ You can drag and drop a heightmap in. Limited to total area of 4 mil pixels, or 2000 by 2000
+ Basic features, like default tile type, sea tile type, sea height, etc.
+ Map size is large and comfy
- Minimap is still fucked, will fix that soon
- Due to the addition of terrain, the game can't extract the per-tile color for the minimap anymore
- Need to set the per-tile color manually, which could be useful for future features
+ Side bar UI broke but was fixed
+ Mouse and selection box needed to be fixed as it only operated on height of 0. It was offset at other heights
+ multi-level pathfinding seems to work rather well, which is a huge relief
+ Technically, the pathfinding shouldn't work on huge maps yet, but it does in a limited fashion
- The pathfinding works with any path that is within 100 x 100 tiles, anything above and it won't pathfind
- Huge map pathfinding will take a while do. Such is life.
+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

September 2021 (Week 1)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
+ New pathfinding system is done, but we decided to simplify it even further for the sake of huge maps.
+ New path following system is done (vid)
- Path following is just how the unit visually follows the path, speed, acceleration, rotation, tilt, etc.
- This system will be on-rails and locked to the A* cells as opposed to the pathing in 0.01 that was guided by a spline and was physics-based.
+ For a variety of reasons, roads will not be tiles, but rather separate system quarter-tile sized cells. The same size as the pathfinding cells. This will be relegated to a later release.
+ Release 0.02 will only have basic terrain tiles, like grass, water, sand, dirt, rock, concrete, asphalt, and various transitions. etc.,
+ Very large maps and seamless map stitching will be worked on next week
+ Heightmaps are ready for further tests once the very large map work begins
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2021 (Week 4)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
+ New pathfinding system optimized, final cell size was determined
+ Added a cell-usage system. Larger units have a core and extended hitbox
+ Cells in contact with the core hitbox are 100% occupied, cells in contact with the extended hitbox are not 100% occupied
+ Smaller units, like infantry, can occupy partially occupied cells
+ This system was a simple way for use to solve pathing object avoidance that simulates units occupying multiple cells
- At its core, a unit occupies multiple cells, but while pathing, it is only a single cell
- The larger the difference between width and length, the greater chance there is that clipping will occur
- Once again, there's a lot of path finding problems to fix, but it's going more smoothly than the previous path-finding system, it's already faster.
- Next week is mainly about adding unit movement to the new pathing system.
+ For a variety of reasons, roads will not be tiles, but rather separate system quarter-tile sized cells. The same size as the pathfinding cells. This will be relegated to a later release.
+ Release0.02 will only have basic terrain tiles, like grass, water, sand, dirt, rock, concrete, asphalt, and various transitions. etc.,
+ Heightmap importing will be worked on later, we've got a nice map just sitting around now, ready for further tests
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2021 (Week 3)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
+ Laying in the groundwork for terrain. This will be the main task for the upcoming month
- Pathfinding is getting nuked. It's not that we couldn't get it to work, it's that it would prevent us from adding in a ton of features
+ New multi-layered pathfinging is in in its most simple form
- However, due to the 2D visuals of the game, it will be impossible to order units to tiles obscured by other tiles, like directly under bridges or in tunnels, they can only pass through.
+ 9-tilt for vehicles are in (vid, the vehicle is being manually controlled)
+ Got the nodes to rotate correctly now
- Cliff detection will actually be one of the more annoying features to implement.
+ Mutli-layered hitboxes are needed. Gonna try doing this without going into true 3D territory. Will be similar to Box2D with a z-axis.
+ New terrain block workflow can now support animated tiles.
- Its actually quite intuitive. We can either have additional directionality, like with road markings, or animated tiles, like with oceans or tall grass blowing in the wind.
+ Made a set of seamless sea tiles with a sandy shoreline baked into the tileset.
- Its seamless, but if you look closely you can see it's four mirrored mini-tiles. It's also not looped yet. All stuff to work on in future. Good enough temp tiles though.
+ Heightmap importing will be worked on later, we've got a nice map just sitting around now, ready for further tests.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2021 (Week 2)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
- Pathfinding is getting nuked. It's not that we couldn't get it to work, it's that it would prevent us from adding in a ton of features
+ Laying in the groundwork for terrain. This will be the main task for the upcoming month
+ Reduced the terrain tiles sprite sheet from 96 frames to 76 frames per tile
+ Mouse selection made into pseudo-3D. Need to make the selection box pseudo-3D as well, this has yet to be done
+ Multi-layed terrain tiles, used for bridges and tunnels, are in. This is the core feature of the terrarin update and will be the most challenging to implement. (pic)
- Mutli-layered terrain editing is very clunky at the moment, you need to delete the top layer to edit the bottom layer. It's functional though.
+ Basic mutli-layered pathfinding is in.
- However, due to the 2D visuals of the game, it will be impossible to order units to tiles obscurred by other tiles, like directly under bridges or in tunnels, they can only pass through. (pic)
+ Started investigating how to export and format large amounts of real world height map data for the game
+ Heightmap output and automation tests complete, working pretty well
+ Will start doing heightmap import tests soon once terrain features are more stable
+ All visuals for a helicopter unit was completed, but we're not going to touch that for now
+ New character concept artist is on board
- Old character concpt artist has departed
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

August 2021 (Week 1)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
- Pathfinding is getting nuked. It's not that we couldn't get it to work, it's that it would prevent us from adding in a ton of features
+ Laying in the groundwork for terrain. This will be the main task for the upcoming month
+ Switched from a flat tile to a block type tile for the terrain
+ In-game coordinate system was made into 3D
+ Mouse interactions are now 3D as well
- Need to make the selection box 3D as well, this has yet to be done
+ Vehicle models now have a height offset option
+ Tile production deformation, rendering and spritesheet pipeline is complete. One set is 96 frames (pic, not all frames)
+ Started laying the groundwork for bridges and tunnels. This was important to get out of the way, so that we have a solid foundation for the rest of the terrain
- Some tile editing rulsets have been put in place. A player can only edit the top-most tile. In order to edit the ones below, the ones on top need to be deleted
- This will hopefully be replaced with something better in the future
+ Optimization for tile dispaly, new tiles are for now treated as regular objects, which is much more resource intensive than the old flat tiles
+ All visuals for a helicopter unit was completed, but we're not going to touch that for now
+ New character concept artist is on board
- Old character concpt artist has departed
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2021 (Week 5)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding
- Pathfinding is getting nuked. It's not that we couldn't get it to work, it's that it would prevent us from adding in a ton of features
+ Laying in the groundwork for terrain. This will be the main task for the upcoming month
+ Switched from a flat tile to a block type tile for the terrain
- The block tile means that we don't need to add separate cliff assets
+ Added height adjustment tools. One raises or lowers a mountain, the other raises or lowers a column. This is enough for now, more tools in future
+ Fixed a bug where the scale in z was slightly different for the graphics and coordinate system
- This cause minor misalignment for short objects, and huge misalignment for tall objects. Now things are pixel perfect
+ Begun to expand workflow to include air units. Air units, similar to their vehicle counterparts, need to pitch, yaw and roll
- In fact, it's so similar, that they have the exact same frame count and are designed to also have 9 tilt angles
+ Fixed a bug between Spine and Love2D that affected our rendering. Needed to do this to optimize the rending of the tile blocks
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: