July 2021 (Week 4)

+ Version 0.01 released and is available here:
- Future versions will be significantly different, with terrain added, art assets switched, more units and much simpler pathfinding.
- Pathfinding is getting nuked. It's not that we couldn't get it to work, it would prevent us from adding in a ton of features.
+ Laying in the groundwork for terrain. This will be the main task for the upcoming month.
+ Frequent matchs for hunting bugs now. Not for balance though, far too early for that.
- Also not hunting bugs on Windows 7 or Windows Vista (lol).
- Additionally, not hunting bugs on 32 bit for now.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2021 (Week 3)

+ Multiplayer desyncing issues solved.
+ Multiplayer stability issues mostly solved.
+ The 9 directional tilt and downrez for all current vehicles is complete.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
+ Final bug hunting phase begins. Frequent tests for multiplayer.
- Only hunting bugs on the Windows version because I don't have a Mac. Although the game will work on Mac.
- Also not hunting bugs on Windows 7 or Windows Vista (lol).
+ The process of packaging up the game has been explored. Gonna try it next week.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2021 (Week 2)

+ Resolving multiplayer desyncing issues and increasing stability.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ done redoing the orders system which will help with the multiplayer stability as well.
+ Improving various background connectivity features in order to boost multiplayer stability.
+ Down res of vehicles is being done in conjunction with the 9 directional tilt for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional tilt for vehicles needs an entirely new workflow designed which is complete and working well.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
+ Eliminated turret firing animation for most smaller turrets (barely visible). This saves frames.
+ Restricted vehicles that have animations (like deploy, retract, building) to only be able to do them on flat terrain. This saves TONS of frames.
- This is farily logical for deployed artillery since it would be strange for them to deploy on a slope.
+ LAN multiplayer capabilities are already markedly improved
+ Final bug hunting phase begins. Daily multiplayer tests for multiplayer.
- Only hunting bugs on the Windows version because I don't have a Mac. Although the game will work on Mac.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

July 2021 (Week 1)

+ Beginning to resolve multiplayer desyncing issues and increasing stability.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Redoing the orders system which will help with the multiplayer stability as well.
+ Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new workflow designed which is complete and working well.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- It's going slowly because the urgency is low. I'm putting my time into other things in the background. The workflow and tools are working fine.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
+ Down res and 9 slant is done for all variants of the Stryker vehicle (see pic)
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2021 (Week 4)

+ Thanks to kind words last week (and lack of visual progress), I'm posting more faction secretaries today.
- These gals are in the tier two factions, so they probably wouldn't see the light of day till way way later.
+ Fuckn' retarded bug that makes it crash on windows guarenteed but only on normal plebian computers. No bug report either.
- Doesn't affect the coder's Windows patrician monolithic space station of a computer. So he can't replicate the error.
- Reconfigure the game so that we can have the game spit out a crash dump.
- Somewhere in the code, a divide by zero is occuring.
+ Stupid divide by zero bug is fixed.
+ Two other game-breaking bugs are fixed.
+ Beginning to resolve multiplayer desyncing issues and increasing stability.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new pipeline designed which is basically complete.
+ A 9 directional unit is only like 3 Mbs in terms of image size, but when loaded up in-game, takes up 140 Mbs in graphical RAM.
- This is not game-breaking at this stage but will need to be optimized in the near future.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2021 (Week 3)

+ Adding a waypoint system that allows the player to manually add intermediate path points should the pathfinding fail. (vid)
- Welp, the new pathing works fine on Mac, but it blows up on windows pretty regularly. Gotta fix that now.
- Starting to fix the multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time.
+ Down res of all buildings is completed (pic)
- Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future
+ The 9 directional slant for vehicles needs an entirely new pipeline designed which is being done now.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. July, if no major delays occur.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2021 (Week 2)

+ Implemented a system that divides the pathing tasks into different groups depending on the search time.
+ Adding a waypoint system that allows the player to manually add intermediate path points should the pathfinding fail.
- Welp, the new pathing works fine on Mac, but it blows up on windows pretty regularly. Gotta fix that now.
- Starting to fix the multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time. (vid)
+ Down res of all buildings is completed (pic)
- Down res of vehicles is being done in cunjunction with the 9 directional slant for the terrain being added in future, this needs an entirely new pipeline designed so will take time.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. Was gonna be June, but likely July now.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

June 2021 (Week 1)

+ Transcode of pathfinding logic from lua to C has been completed. Calcuation speed should be increased substantially.
+ For pathfinding, going to implement a system that divides tasks into groups depending on the search time.
+ Added function that terminates a pathing task if it takes too long.
+ Added in feature that ignores cells occupied by buildings, increasing pathing speed on maps with a lot of buildings.
- Considering bumping up the maximum map size, due to pathing improvements.
+ Added volume control on the main menu.
- Multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased. Right now, P2 is basically unplayable and is unsynced most of the time. (vid)
+ Down res has begun because of the delays with pathfinding optimization and multiplayer stabilization.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer. Was gonna be June, but likely July now.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2021 (Week 4)

- Optimization of pathfinding has more or less reached it's conclusion and it's nearly there but not enough for worst-case scenarios.
- Can now pretty reliablly create the paths needed for large groups of vehicles (vid)
+ Beginning to transcode the entire pathfinding logic from lua to C to increase path calculation speed.
+ The path-finding bottleneck has funneled the game design in a particular direction that was planned for.
+ Mutli-threading functionality is in. Now multiple paths are calculated simultaneously.
- Multiplayer desyncing issues needs to be fixed.
- Multiplayer stability needs to be increased.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles.
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height. Something similar to RA2 or Open TTD.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- First release will contain all high res assets, down res will come later.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2021 (Week 3)

+ Optimizing pathfinding to better suite multiplayer
+ Mutli-threading functionality is in. Path-finding speed is increased substantially.
- Pathfinding is now too fast, and sometimes generates paths too quickly to register, causing re-path loops.
+ Reduced complexity of turning calculations in preparation for much larger maps. 8-fold increase in pathing speed.
- New pathing optimization is creating new multiplayer de-syncing problems. Still looking into this.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles.
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height. Something similar to RA2 or Open TTD. (pictured)
+ Will likely have to down-res in future due to image-load. Currenty, we can use up to 300 Mb of G-card memory for a normal game, which is quite a lot.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding and syncing hang ups are ironed out.
- No longer deathly ill. Hooray.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2021 (Week 2)

+ Optimizing pathfinding to better suite multiplayer
+ Coder says we need to add multi-threading in now in order to increase the efficiency of the path-finding.
- The current system is position-based, with other players periodically checking for each other assets' location.
- In this mode, multiplayer games can not be properly saved, since not all players know where everything is at once, and nor where things are going.
+ We are switching over to a path-based system, where a path for an asset calculated by one player, is then sent to all players. This way, everyone knows where everything is going.
- We can also potentially use this to optimize things further by detecting and reuses parts of commonly calculated paths.
+ Added a small feature to display the height of a round relative to the ground.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles.
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height. Something similar to RA2 or Open TTD.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding hang ups are ironed out.
- Sick as all heck this weekend, just my lungs trying to remove themselves from my body via coughing.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

May 2021 (Week 1)

+ Optimizing pathfinding to better suite multiplayer
- The current system is position-based, with other players periodically checking for each other assets' location.
- In this mode, multiplayer games can not be properly saved, since not all players know where everything is at once, and nor where things are going.
+ We are switching over to a path-based system, where a path for an asset calculated by one player, is then sent to all players. This way, everyone knows where everything is going.
- We can also potentially use this to optimize things further by detecting and reuses parts of commonly calculated paths.
+ Started laying the groundwork for the display of rounds and missiles. (see gif)
+ Started laying the groundwork for variable terrain height.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding hang ups are ironed out.
- Sick as all heck this weekend, just my lungs trying to remove themselves from my body via coughing.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2021 (Week 5)

+ Doubling back into pathfinding, as it tends to get stuck randomly.
+ Shadows are as good as they're going to get for now
+ Turns out, the tool for combining normals maps, were fucked and I have to recombine all normal maps for all assets. This should be done by this weekend.
+ Fixed a ton of little bugs.
+ Added a tech structure, the weapons bunker
+ Refreshed the scaffolding for building structures.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 pre-alpha release, which has bare bones LAN multiplayer.
- This will likely happen after the path-finding hang ups are ironed out.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2021 (Week 4)

+ Multiplayer phase 1 functionality is complete.
- Now just hunting for bugs and optimization to stablizing things.
+ Fixing some sync issues with weapon bullets and with transorming units.
+ Transforming units and animations added back in since fixing transform and anim sync bugs.
+ Completed and fixed image-sequence renaming tool.
+ Fixed UI logic that caused misclicks of buttons if buttons overlapped or a new button appreared.
+ There are now two color selection options, one for your faction colors, and another for 'camo'.
+ Added some more checks in the asset editor.
+ Added feature where a supply truck and a dozer are spawned next to your construction yard at the start of the game.
+ Fixed a bug where the game crashed if you tried to load a map really quickly after booting up the game.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 alpha release.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2021 (Week 3)

+ Multiplayer phase 1 functionality is complete.
- Now just hunting for bugs and optimization to stabilizing things.
+ Fixing some sync issues with weapon bullets and with transorming units.
+ Transforming units and animations added back in since fixing transform and anim sync bugs.
+ Completed and fixed image-sequence renaming tool.
+ Fixed UI logic that caused misclicks of buttons if buttons overlapped or a new button appeared.
+ There are now two color selection options, one for your faction colors, and another for 'camo'.
+ Added some more checks in the asset editor.
+ Added feature where a supply truck and a dozer are spawned next to your construction yard at the start of the game.
+ Fixed a bug where the game crashed if you tried to load a map really quickly after booting up the game.
- Moving closer to version 0.01 alpha release.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2021 (Week 2)

+ Continue to refine multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ General bug fixes to multiplayer
+ Made a tool to help out with renaming files.
- The biggest sprite set for a single state has 768 images, so this needed to be fully automated.
+ Completed all vehicle units I had planned for version 0.01 (some are temp though)
+ Rerendered and fixed some older assets.
+ General cleanup of old unused assets.
+ Refreshed all unit icons so that their ugliness is consistent.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

April 2021 (Week 1)

+ Continue to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Using Hamachi, conducted first multiplayer game.
+ Can connect without Hamachi using just LAN.
+ Added the ability for four (although technically capable of more) human players to play.
- Previously this was capped at two for coding expediency.
+ Multiplayer menu information is now synced between players.
+ Added ping and latency in the multiplayer menu.
+ Restricted color selection to be unique for all players.
+ Added the ability for defeated players to spectate and for victorious players to just continue playing.
+ More in-game sync and de-sync bug fixing.
+ Just all-round multiplayer troubleshooting. Multiplayer battle stability and sync are still big issues.
+ Need to gradually fill out an entire factions' worth of units and buildings.
+ Added some more assets
+ Rerendered and fixed some older assets
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2021 (Week 4)

+ Continue to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Multiplayer menu and in-game syncing added
+ In-game desync checker added. Checks every time an entity stops, voluntarily or otherwise, the entities position.
+ Added periodic syncs for other stats and frequent sync-checks for items like health, life/death status, and build state.
+ Need to gradually fill out an entire factions' worth of units and buildings.
+ Just finished the 'construction yard' asset, which, just like in CnC, is your main base building. Also the supply receiver. (Pictured)
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2021 (Week 3)

+ Contune to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Client and server versions of the game has been created.
+ Multiplayer menu has been created.
+ Basic mouse and keyboard syncing has been acheived across two different computers.
- Quit a few bugs need to be ironed out now because of the changes
- Need to add a system that checks and re-syncs data between players periodically.
+ Need to gradually fill out an entire factions' worth of units and buildings.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2021 (Week 2)

+ Basic game loop is in
+ Contune to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
- Basic key-stroke syncing has been achieved.
+ Need to fill out an entire factions' worth of units.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

March 2021 (Week 1)

+ Starting to add various functions to complete a full game loop.
+ There is a game loop now. When you load a proper map with 2 spawn points, your builder units properly spawn with correct colors and team settings (vid)
- If you build some units, and head on over there to kill their builder, you win. No enemy A.I. yet (vid).
+ Contune to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Need to fill out an entire factions' worth of units.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2021 (Week 4)

+ Starting to add various functions to complete a full game loop.
+ There is a game loop now. When you load a proper map with 2 spawn points, your builder units properly spawn with correct colors and team settings (vid)
- If you build some units, and head on over there to kill their builder, you win. No enemy A.I. yet.
+ Beginning to add multiplayer infrastructure.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2021 (Week 3)

+ Added supply dock for collection of supplies
+ Starting to add various functions to complete a full game loop.
- All this essentially means the player can select a map, start on a map with a builder, build out their forces, destroy the enemy and win.
- This will likely also take multiple weeks.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

February 2021 (Week 2)

+ Continueing work on the behavior tree of units.
+ Added a Barracks building for building troops.
+ Starting to add various functions to complete a full game loop.
- All this essentially means the player can select a map, start on a map with a builder, build out their forces, destroy the enemy and win.
- This crap will likely also take multiple weeks. (hooray)
- Coder is on holiday this week
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here: